Promenade documentation via build_sphinx.

This PS adds tooling and automation to automatically generate
Promenade's documentation into feature-rich HTML pages that can
be hosted.

To run the documentation job, simply execute:

    tox -e docs

Change-Id: I5a925c82544c14c34c1796da5804cf12b45ae575
This commit is contained in:
Felipe Monteiro 2017-10-05 19:51:33 +01:00
parent 4712f60eb4
commit b3de5e990a
10 changed files with 485 additions and 244 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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# Sphinx documentation

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# Promenade Configuration
Promenade is configured using a set Kubernetes-like YAML documents. Many of
these documents can be automatically derived from a few core configuration
documents or generated automatically (e.g. certificates). All of these
documents can be specified in detail allowing for fine-grained control over
cluster deployment.
Generally, these documents have the following form:
apiVersion: promenade/v1
kind: Kind
compliant: metadata
detailed: data
`apiVersion` identifies the document as Promenade configuration. Currently
only `promenade/v1` is supported.
`kind` describe the detailed type of document. Valid kinds are:
- `Certificate` - An x509 certificate.
- `CertificateAuthority` - An x509 certificate authority certificate.
- `CertificateAuthorityKey` - The private key for a certificate authority.
- `CertificateKey` - The private key for a certificate.
- `Cluster` - Cluster configuration containing node host names, IPs & roles.
- `Etcd` - Specific configuration for an etcd cluster.
- `Masters` - Host names and IPs of master nodes.
- `Network` - Configuration details for Kubernetes networking components.
- `Node` - Specific configuration for a single host.
- `PrivateKey` - A private key, e.g. the `controller-manager`'s token signing key.
- `PublicKey` - A public key, e.g. the key for verifying service account tokens.
- `Versions` - Specifies versions of packages and images to be deployed.
`metadata` are used to select specific documents of a given `kind`. For
example, the various services must each select their specific `Certificate`s.
`metadata` are also used by Drydock to select the configuration files that are
needed for a particular node.
`spec` contains specific data for each kind of configuration document.
Additionally, documents for [Armada]( are
allowed and will be applied after CNI and DNS are deployed.
## Generating Configuration from Minimal Input
To construct a complete set of cluster configuration, the minimal input are
`Cluster`, `Network` and `Versions` documents. To see complete examples of
these, please see the [example](example/vagrant-input-config.yaml).
The `Cluster` configuration must contain an entry for each host for which
configuration should be generated. Each host must contain an `ip`, and
optionally `roles` and `additional_labels`. Valid `roles` are currently
`genesis` and `master`. `additional_labels` are Kubernetes labels which will
be added to the node.
Here's an example `Cluster` document:
apiVersion: promenade/v1
kind: Cluster
name: example
target: none
- master
- genesis
The `Network` document must contain:
- `cluster_domain` - The domain for the cluster, e.g. `cluster.local`.
- `cluster_dns` - The IP of the cluster DNS,e .g. ``.
- `kube_service_ip` - The IP of the `kubernetes` service, e.g. ``.
- `pod_ip_cidr` - The CIDR from which pod IPs will be assigned, e.g. ``.
- `service_ip_cidr` - The CIDR from which service IPs will be assigned, e.g. ``.
- `etcd_service_ip` - The IP address of the `etcd` service, e.g. ``.
- `dns_servers` - A list of upstream DNS server IPs.
Optionally, proxy settings can be specified here as well. These should all
generally be set together: `http_proxy`, `https_proxy`, `no_proxy`. `no_proxy`
must include all master IP addresses, and the `kubernetes` service name.
Here's an example `Network` document:
apiVersion: promenade/v1
kind: Network
cluster: example
name: example
target: all
cluster_domain: cluster.local
The `Versions` document must define the Promenade image to be used and the
Docker package version. Currently, only the versions specified for these two
items are respected.
Here's an example `Versions` document:
apiVersion: promenade/v1
kind: Versions
cluster: example
name: example
target: all
Given these documents (see the [example](example/vagrant-input-config.yaml)),
Promenade can derive the remaining configuration and generate certificates and
keys using the following command:
mkdir -p configs
docker run --rm -t \
-v $(pwd):/target \ \
promenade -v generate \
-c /target/example/vagrant-input-config.yaml \
-o /target/configs
This will generate the following files in the `configs` directory:
- `` - A script which will bring up a node to create or join a cluster.
- `admin-bundle.yaml` - A collection of generated certificates, private keys
and core configuration.
- `complete-bundle.yaml` - A set of generated documents suitable for upload
into Drydock for future delivery to nodes to be provisioned to join the
Additionally, a YAML file for each host described in the `Cluster` document
will be placed here. These files each contain every document needed for that
particular node to create or join the cluster.

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@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
# Getting Started
## Development
### Deployment using Vagrant
Deployment using Vagrant uses KVM instead of Virtualbox due to better
performance of disk and networking, which both have significant impact on the
stability of the etcd clusters.
Make sure you have [Vagrant]( installed, then
run `./tools/`, which will do the following:
* Install Vagrant libvirt plugin and its dependencies
* Install NFS dependencies for Vagrant volume sharing
* Install [packer]( and build a KVM image for Ubuntu 16.04
Generate the per-host configuration, certificates and keys to be used:
mkdir configs
docker run --rm -t -v $(pwd):/target promenade -v generate -c /target/example/vagrant-input-config.yaml -o /target/configs
Start the VMs:
vagrant up
Start the genesis node:
vagrant ssh n0 -c 'sudo bash /vagrant/configs/ /vagrant/configs/n0.yaml'
Join the master nodes:
vagrant ssh n1 -c 'sudo bash /vagrant/configs/ /vagrant/configs/n1.yaml'
vagrant ssh n2 -c 'sudo bash /vagrant/configs/ /vagrant/configs/n2.yaml'
Join the worker node:
vagrant ssh n3 -c 'sudo bash /vagrant/configs/ /vagrant/configs/n3.yaml'
### Building the image
docker build -t promenade:local .
For development, you may wish to save it and have the `` script load it:
docker save -o promenade.tar promenade:local
Then on a node:
PROMENADE_LOAD_IMAGE=/vagrant/promenade.tar bash /vagrant/ /vagrant/path/to/node-config.yaml
These commands are combined in a convenience script at `tools/`.
To build the image from behind a proxy, you can:
export http_proxy=...
export no_proxy=...
docker build --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy --build-arg https_proxy=$http_proxy --build-arg no_proxy=$no_proxy -t promenade:local .
## Using Promenade Behind a Proxy
To use Promenade from behind a proxy, use the proxy settings described in the
[configuration docs](

docs/source/ Normal file
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# sphinx-quickstart on Sat Sep 16 03:40:50 2017.
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# General information about the project.
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# dir menu entry, description, category)
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(master_doc, 'Promenade', u'Promenade Documentation',
author, 'Promenade',
'Tool for bootstrapping a resilient Kubernetes cluster and managing its life-cycle.',

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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
Promenade Configuration
Promenade is configured using a set Kubernetes-like YAML documents. Many of
these documents can be automatically derived from a few core configuration
documents or generated automatically (e.g. certificates). All of these
documents can be specified in detail allowing for fine-grained control over
cluster deployment.
Generally, these documents have the following form:
.. code-block:: yaml
apiVersion: promenade/v1
kind: Kind
compliant: metadata
detailed: data
``apiVersion`` identifies the document as Promenade configuration. Currently
only ``promenade/v1`` is supported.
``kind`` describe the detailed type of document. Valid kinds are:
- ``Certificate`` - An x509 certificate.
- ``CertificateAuthority`` - An x509 certificate authority certificate.
- ``CertificateAuthorityKey`` - The private key for a certificate authority.
- ``CertificateKey`` - The private key for a certificate.
- ``Cluster`` - Cluster configuration containing node host names, IPs & roles.
- ``Etcd`` - Specific configuration for an etcd cluster.
- ``Masters`` - Host names and IPs of master nodes.
- ``Network`` - Configuration details for Kubernetes networking components.
- ``Node`` - Specific configuration for a single host.
- ``PrivateKey`` - A private key, e.g. the ``controller-manager``'s token signing key.
- ``PublicKey`` - A public key, e.g. the key for verifying service account tokens.
- ``Versions`` - Specifies versions of packages and images to be deployed.
``metadata`` are used to select specific documents of a given ``kind``. For
example, the various services must each select their specific ``Certificate``s.
``metadata`` are also used by Drydock to select the configuration files that are
needed for a particular node.
``spec`` contains specific data for each kind of configuration document.
Additionally, documents for [Armada]( are
allowed and will be applied after CNI and DNS are deployed.
Generating Configuration from Minimal Input
To construct a complete set of cluster configuration, the minimal input are
``Cluster``, ``Network`` and ``Versions`` documents. To see complete examples of
these, please see the [example](example/vagrant-input-config.yaml).
The ``Cluster`` configuration must contain an entry for each host for which
configuration should be generated. Each host must contain an ``ip``, and
optionally ``roles`` and ``additional_labels``. Valid ``roles`` are currently
``genesis`` and ``master``. ``additional_labels`` are Kubernetes labels which will
be added to the node.
Here's an example ``Cluster`` document:
.. code-block:: yaml
apiVersion: promenade/v1
kind: Cluster
name: example
target: none
- master
- genesis
The ``Network`` document must contain:
- ````cluster_domain```` - The domain for the cluster, e.g. ``cluster.local``.
- ````cluster_dns```` - The IP of the cluster DNS,e .g. ````.
- ``kube_service_ip`` - The IP of the ``kubernetes`` service, e.g. ````.
- ``pod_ip_cidr`` - The CIDR from which pod IPs will be assigned, e.g. ````.
- ``service_ip_cidr`` - The CIDR from which service IPs will be assigned, e.g. ````.
- ``etcd_service_ip`` - The IP address of the ``etcd`` service, e.g. ````.
- ``dns_servers`` - A list of upstream DNS server IPs.
Optionally, proxy settings can be specified here as well. These should all
generally be set together: ``http_proxy``, ``https_proxy``, ``no_proxy``. ``no_proxy``
must include all master IP addresses, and the ``kubernetes`` service name.
Here's an example ``Network`` document:
.. code-block:: yaml
apiVersion: promenade/v1
kind: Network
cluster: example
name: example
target: all
cluster_domain: cluster.local
The ``Versions`` document must define the Promenade image to be used and the
Docker package version. Currently, only the versions specified for these two
items are respected.
Here's an example ``Versions`` document:
.. code-block:: yaml
apiVersion: promenade/v1
kind: Versions
cluster: example
name: example
target: all
Given these documents (see the [example](example/vagrant-input-config.yaml)),
Promenade can derive the remaining configuration and generate certificates and
keys using the following command:
.. code-block:: bash
mkdir -p configs
docker run --rm -t \
-v $(pwd):/target \ \
promenade -v generate \
-c /target/example/vagrant-input-config.yaml \
-o /target/configs
This will generate the following files in the ``configs`` directory:
- ```` - A script which will bring up a node to create or join a cluster.
- ``admin-bundle.yaml`` - A collection of generated certificates, private keys
and core configuration.
- ``complete-bundle.yaml`` - A set of generated documents suitable for upload
into Drydock for future delivery to nodes to be provisioned to join the
Additionally, a YAML file for each host described in the ``Cluster`` document
will be placed here. These files each contain every document needed for that
particular node to create or join the cluster.

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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
Getting Started
Deployment using Vagrant
Deployment using Vagrant uses KVM instead of Virtualbox due to better
performance of disk and networking, which both have significant impact on the
stability of the etcd clusters.
Make sure you have [Vagrant]( installed, then
run `./tools/`, which will do the following:
* Install Vagrant libvirt plugin and its dependencies
* Install NFS dependencies for Vagrant volume sharing
* Install [packer]( and build a KVM image for Ubuntu 16.04
Generate the per-host configuration, certificates and keys to be used:
.. code-block:: bash
mkdir configs
docker run --rm -t -v $(pwd):/target promenade -v generate -c /target/example/vagrant-input-config.yaml -o /target/configs
Start the VMs:
.. code-block:: bash
vagrant up
Start the genesis node:
.. code-block:: bash
vagrant ssh n0 -c 'sudo bash /vagrant/configs/ /vagrant/configs/n0.yaml'
Join the master nodes:
.. code-block:: bash
vagrant ssh n1 -c 'sudo bash /vagrant/configs/ /vagrant/configs/n1.yaml'
vagrant ssh n2 -c 'sudo bash /vagrant/configs/ /vagrant/configs/n2.yaml'
Join the worker node:
.. code-block:: bash
vagrant ssh n3 -c 'sudo bash /vagrant/configs/ /vagrant/configs/n3.yaml'
Building the image
.. code-block:: bash
docker build -t promenade:local .
For development, you may wish to save it and have the `` script load it:
.. code-block:: bash
docker save -o promenade.tar promenade:local
Then on a node:
.. code-block:: bash
PROMENADE_LOAD_IMAGE=/vagrant/promenade.tar bash /vagrant/ /vagrant/path/to/node-config.yaml
These commands are combined in a convenience script at `tools/`.
To build the image from behind a proxy, you can:
.. code-block:: bash
export http_proxy=...
export no_proxy=...
docker build --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy --build-arg https_proxy=$http_proxy --build-arg no_proxy=$no_proxy -t promenade:local .
Using Promenade Behind a Proxy
To use Promenade from behind a proxy, use the proxy settings described in the
[configuration docs](

docs/source/index.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property.
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
Welcome to Promenade's documentation!
Promenade is a tool for bootstrapping a resilient Kubernetes cluster and
managing its life-cycle.
User's Guide
Promenade Configuration Guide
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2

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@ -27,3 +27,12 @@ package-data =
[entry_points] [entry_points]
console_scripts = console_scripts =
promenade = promenade.cli:promenade promenade = promenade.cli:promenade
source-dir = docs/source
build-dir = docs/build
all_files = 1
warning-is-error = 1
upload-dir = docs/build/html

test-requirements.txt Normal file
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# Documentation

tox.ini Normal file
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envlist = py35
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
pytest \
commands =
rm -rf docs/build
python build_sphinx {posargs}