Make haproxy-anchor cleanup more cautious

There was a bug related to missing haproxy config files:

Those files are initially generated with static pods and
after that it periodically updated by haproxy-anchor.
Most plausible reason why it could be missed is haproxy-anchor cleaned
it up while terminating. To solve the issue there were restored manually.

This patch tries to make such a situation clearer by two things:
1) it leaves a message in a cleanup file that haproxy-anchor was
terminated and the cleaup happened.
2) instead of removing files it moves them to backup dir from that
they could be restored easily.

Change-Id: Ia1449d188c15b71dd756e96b1ea2d4a672011a17
This commit is contained in:
Andrey Volkov 2018-09-24 08:56:51 -07:00
parent 13d6831aa5
commit 44a0c200f2
1 changed files with 9 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -108,10 +108,17 @@ install_config() {
} }
cleanup() { cleanup() {
cleanup_message_file=$(dirname "$HAPROXY_CONF")/cleanup
backup_dir=$(dirname "$HAPROXY_CONF")/backup
mkdir -p $backup_dir
echo "Starting haproxy-anchor cleanup, files are backed up:" > $cleanup_message_file
{{- range .Values.conf.anchor.files_to_copy }} {{- range .Values.conf.anchor.files_to_copy }}
rm -f /host{{ .dest }} echo /host{{ .dest }} >> $cleanup_message_file
mv /host{{ .dest }} $backup_dir
{{- end }} {{- end }}
rm -f "$HAPROXY_CONF" "$NEXT_HAPROXY_CONF" echo "$HAPROXY_CONF" >> $cleanup_message_file
echo "$NEXT_HAPROXY_CONF" >> $cleanup_message_file
} }
while true; do while true; do