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Armada - Apply


Usage: armada apply [OPTIONS] FILENAME

  This command install and updates charts defined in armada manifest

  The apply argument must be relative path to Armada Manifest. Executing
  apply commnad once will install all charts defined in manifest. Re-
  executing apply commnad will execute upgrade.

  To see how to create an Armada manifest:

  To obtain install/upgrade charts:

      $ armada apply examples/simple.yaml

  To obtain override manifest:

      $ armada apply examples/simple.yaml --set manifest:simple-armada:relase_name="wordpress"


      $ armada apply examples/simple.yaml --values examples/simple-ovr-values.yaml

  --api                   Contacts service endpoint
  --disable-update-post   run charts without install
  --disable-update-pre    run charts without install
  --dry-run               run charts without install
  --enable-chart-cleanup  Clean up Unmanaged Charts
  --set TEXT
  --tiller-host TEXT      Tiller host ip
  --tiller-port INTEGER   Tiller host port
  --timeout INTEGER       specifies time to wait for charts
  -f, --values TEXT
  --wait                  wait until all charts deployed
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


The apply command will consume an armada manifest which contains group of charts that it will deploy into the tiller service in your kubernetes cluster. Executing the armada apply again on existing armada deployement will start an update of the armada deployed charts.

amada apply armada-manifest.yaml [--debug-logging]

If you remove armada/Charts/v1 from the armada/ChartGroups/v1 in the armada manifest and exectute an armada apply with the --enable-chart-cleanup flag. Armada will remove undefiend releases with the armada manifest's release_prefix keyword.