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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
.. index::
single: Airship
single: multi-linux-distros
single: containers
Airship Multiple Linux Distribution Support
Various Airship services were developed originally around Ubuntu. This spec
will add the ability in Airship to plug in Linux Distro's, refactor the
existing Ubuntu support as the default Linux distro plugin, and add openSUSE
and other Linux distro's as new plugins.
The work to author and implement this spec is tracked in Storyboard
`2003699 <https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2003699>`_ and uses Gerrit
topics ``airship_suse``, ``airship_rhel`` and similar.
Problem description
Airship was originally developed focusing on the Ubuntu environment:
- While having a well defined driver interface, the baremetal provisioner
currently only supports Canonical's MAAS.
- Promenade bootstraps only on a Ubuntu deployer.
- Assumption of Debian packages in various services.
- Builds and references only Ubuntu based container images.
Airship is missing a large user base if only supports Ubuntu.
Impacted components
Most Airship components will be impacted by this spec:
#. Promenade: add the ability to bootstrap on any Linux distro and add new
plugins for openSUSE, CentOS, etc.
#. Pegleg: enhanced to build image on non Debian distros and add openSUSE,
CentOS and other Linux distros to CI gate.
#. Deckhand: enhanced to build image on non Debian distros and add openSUSE,
CentOS and other Linux distros to CI gate.
#. Armada: enhanced to build image on non Debian distro and add openSUSE,
CentOS and other Linux distros to CI gate.
#. Shipyard: enhanced to build image on non Debian distro and add openSUSE,
CentOS and other Linux distros CI gate.
#. Drydock: enhanced to provision bare metal on non Ubuntu Linux distros using
Ironic driver (expect to have a separate spec).
#. Airship-in-a-Bottle: add the ability to deploy Airship-in-a-Bottle on
openSUSE, CentOS, etc.
Proposed change
Container Builds
- As for now, Ubuntu-based containers remain to be default to be built
- CI system for the Ubuntu-based containers must not be affected by
implementation of this spec (Zuul jobs, Makefile, etc.)
- Distributive-dependant ``Dockerfile`` naming convention is to add a
distributive flavour suffix, optionally specifying version after underscore:
``Dockerfile.<distributive flavour>[_<version>]``; e.g.
- Public non-Ubuntu container images are to be published along with Ubuntu-based
images on `quay.io`_ under
`airshipit/ <https://quay.io/organization/airshipit>`_ organization
- Repository naming convention remains exactly same for airship component.
``airshipit/<airship component>``;
e.g. ``airshipit/armada``
- Updated image tagging naming convention is to add a dash separator suffix
after tags based on Git commit ID of the code ``:<git commit id>``, and
additional ``:master`` (branch-based) and ``:latest`` (latest master) tags,
following with a distributive flavour, optionally specifying distribution
version after underscore [#f1]_:
``<airship component>:<branch or commit-id>-<distributive flavour>[_<distro major version>]``;
e.g. ``armada:master-opensuse_15``
- As for now, Makefiles, Shell scripts, Shell script templates in Helm charts,
Ansible jobs, Zuul and Jenkins jobs continue to work without changes for
Ubuntu-based containers, and support non-Ubuntu containers by provision of
additional variables or command line arguments
- Add non Ubuntu Linux distros CI gate, including openSUSE, CentOS, etc.
- tools/gate/playbooks/docker-image-build.yaml: support Docker rpm install on
non Debian Linux.
- add gate test case for openSUSE, CentOS.
- Container image(s)
- images/deckhand/Dockerfile: add rpm package support for non Debian Linux
- Verify Deckhand Python source code and scripts are Linux distro agnostic
- Update document for rpm package installation, e.g., getting started guide
- Add Non Debian Linux support in gate playbooks
- tools/gate/playbooks/docker-image-build.yaml
- tools/gate/playbooks/roles/install-postgresql/tasks/install-postgresql.yaml
- tools/gate/playbooks/roles/run-integration-tests/tasks/integration-tests.yaml
- tools/gate/roles/install-postgresql/tasks/install-postgresql.yaml
- tools/gate/roles/run-integration-tests/tasks/integration-tests.yaml
- tools/run_pifpaf.sh
- add gate test case for openSUSE, CentOS, etc.
- Container image(s)
- images/shipyard/Dockerfile: add rpm package for openSUSE, CentOS, etc.
- images/airflow/Dockerfile: add rpm package for openSUSE, CentOS, etc.
- Verify Shipyard Python source code and scripts are Linux distro agnostic.
- Update documentation where references Ubuntu and MAAS as the sole option.
- README.rst
- docs/source/client-user-guide.rst
- docs/source/deployment-guide.rst
- Add non Debian Linux support in gate playbooks
- tools/gate/playbooks/roles/build-images/tasks/airship-shipyard.yaml
- tools/gate/roles/build-images/tasks/airship-shipyard.yaml
- tools/gate/scripts/000-environment-setup.sh
- add test cases in zuul for openSUSE, CentOS, etc.
- Container image(s)
- Dockerfile: add rpm package for non Debian Linux (Docker file location is
inconsistent with other projects).
- Verify Python source code and scripts are Linux distro agnostic.
- Update documentation where references Ubuntu and MAAS as the sole option,
e.g., getting-started.rst.
- Add non Debian Linux support in gate playbooks
- Add rpm package support when ansible_os_family is SUSE or Red Hat
- tools/gate/playbooks/docker-image-build.yaml
- Add test cases in zuul for openSUSE, CentOS, etc.
- Container image(s)
- Dockerfile: add rpm package for SUSE (Docker file location is inconsistent
with other projects)
- Verify Python source code and scripts are Linux distro agnostic, e.g.,
- Genesis process assumes Debian-based OS. Changes are required to maintain
this functionality for other distros as well as logic to pick the right
template, e.g., promenade/templates/roles/common/etc/apt/sources.list.d.
- tests/unit/api/test_update_labels.py: label is hard coded to "ubuntubox".
which seems to be just cosmetics
- tests/unit/api/test_validatedesign.py: deb for Docker and socat
- Update documentation where references Ubuntu and MAAS as the sole option and
add list of docker images for other Linux OS than Ubuntu
- getting-started.rst
- developer-onboarding.rst
- examples: HostSystem.yaml, armada-resources.yaml
- Add non Debian Linux support in gate playbooks
- tools/gate/config-templates/site-config.yaml: add rpm install for Docker
and socat based on os family
- tools/setup_gate.sh: add rpm install for Docker based on os family
- tools/zuul/playbooks/docker-image-build.yaml
- tools/cleanup.sh:
- add test cases in zuul for openSUSE, CentOS, etc.
- Update documentation to add authoring and deployment instructions for
OpenSUSE, CentOS, etc. Differences are around deb vs rpm packaging, container
images, repos.
- doc/source/authoring_and_deployment.rst
- global/profiles/kubernetes-host.yaml
- global/schemas/drydock/Region/v1.yaml
- global/schemas/promenade/HostSystem/v1.yaml
- global/software/config/versions.yaml
- tools/gate/Jenkinsfile
- global/profiles/kubernetes-host.yaml
- site/airship-seaworthy/networks/common-addresses.yaml (points to ubuntu
ntp server)
- site/airship-seaworthy/profiles/region.yaml (comments references "ubuntu"
- site/airship-seaworthy/secrets/passphrases/ubuntu_crypt_password.yaml (name
hardcoded with "ubuntu" reference)
- site/airship-seaworthy/software/charts/ucp/divingbell/divingbell.yaml (user
name is hardcoded "ubuntu")
- tools/updater.py
- Add CI gate for openSUSE, CentOS, etc.
- tools/gate/Jenkinsfile
Security impact
Do not expect any material change in security controls and/or policies.
SUSE plans to adopt the Airship AppArmor profile in the Treasuremap project.
Performance impact
Do not expect performance impact.
None. Extending Linux distro support is critical for Airship to expand its user
base and for its developer community to grow.
We propose three milestones to develop the feature in an iterative approach.
Milestone 1: Multi Linux distro support in the bring your own K8s and Ceph use
case. The work in this milestone is to bring Armada, Shipyard, Deckhand and
Pegleg to Linux distro agnostic, and support Ubuntu and openSUSE as the two
available options, and CentOS if there are developers familiar with CentOS
join the effort.
Milestone 2: Add the ability in bootstrapping to plug in the KubeAdm and Ceph
release/packages built for the underlying Linux distros on the existing
Physical hosts. The work is focused on Promenade component.
Milestone 3: Add the ability in Drydock to provision baremetal on Linux distros
in addition to Ubuntu.
SUSE is committed to implement this spec, add the openSUSE plugins and gate
tests, and welcomes the community to join the effort.
OpenStack Helm
1. Add the openSUSE base OS option in the OSH tool images, including
cepf-config-helper, libvirt, OpenVSwitch, tempest, vbmc.
2. Add the ability to specify OS choice in loci.sh and support Ubuntu,
openSUSE, CentOS etc.
1. Add openSUSE base OS option in all OpenStack service images in LOCI.
1. Bring your own K8s and Ceph storage. Link TBD
2. Add Ironic driver in Drydock. Link TBD
Any external references (other than the direct links above)
.. rubric:: Footnotes
.. [#f1] Based on recommendation from `quay.io`_
technical support.
.. _quay.io: https://quay.io/