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# aic-kube MaaS Orchestration #
## Inventory/Design Schema ##
Would be nice to see this get out of Git-managed flat-files and into
an API accessible datastore that allows more fine-grained queries
and supports inheritance/composition natively
### Requirements ###
1. Use profile inheritance to minimize data repitition
2. Future-proof to support configuration items (CIs) we consider static today
3. Support composition to allow federated source of truth
### Components ###
#### bootstrap_seed.yaml ####
Probably needs renamed, but I see this as being the Formation data
that specifies explicit values - hostnames, IP address assignments,
VLAN IDs, etc...
#### bootstrap_hwdefinition.yaml ####
Looks to be mainly focused on initial OOB control and getting a server
into PXE mode. Should be able to leave as-is and adopt existing
Apollo logic for IPMI.
#### bootstrap_profiles.yaml ####
Currently doesn't exist, but I think it makes sense to separate the
data that describes the design (like general profiles) from the data
that ties the design to explicit assignments (i.e. Formation data)
### Questions/Issues ###
* Need DNS specs in YAML - where to include it, possibly per network
making it effective when that network is chosen as "primary"
* Can set comma-delimited list of DNS servers per subnet
* Consider YAML pointers and anchors to diminish how much inheritance
has to be calculated in code
* Does not appear to support key subtraction
* No way to merge hashes based on a 'primary' key
* Scott thinks best to keep with managing inheritance in code. Can minimize
magic via comments in YAML
* Best way of specifying hardware paths (eth0 may not be consistent across boots)
* PCI bus address
* For NIC lshw should tie a PCI address to a MAC (serial number) and logical
name (eth0)
* MaaS API is keyed to logical name
* SCSI bus address
* How to specify custom hardware drivers
* OOB config - /etc/maas/drivers.yaml specify the suite of drivers available
to MaaS outside what is built into the streams. MaaS will automatically
consume a driver when it detects hardware that needs it. This config is not
API accessible.
* Expound on storage, at least specifying primary boot drive
## Orchestrator Service Fabric ##
Consider Go over Python considering performance differences, concurrency support
and ease of deploying static binaries.
### Requirements ###
1. Make interfaces at both ends pluggable
2. Support metadata API for node introspection
3. Support future addition of network and storage orchestration
### Services ###
#### Design Consumer ####
Pluggable service to ingest a inventory/design specification, convert it to a standard
internal representaion, and persist it to the Design State API. Initial implementation
is the consumer of AIC YAML schema.
#### Design State API ####
API for querying and updating the current design specification and persisted orchestration status.
CRUD support of CIs that are not bootstrap-related, but can be used by other automation.
#### Control API ####
User-approachable API for initiating orchestration actions or accessing other internal
#### Infrastructure Orchestrator ####
Handle validation of complete design, ordering and managing downstream API calls for hardware
#### Server Driver ####
Pluggable provisioner for server bootstrapping. Initial implementation is MaaS client.
#### Network Driver ####
Pluggable provisioner for network provisioning. Initial implementation is Noop.
#### Introspection API ####
API for bootstrapping nodes to load self data. Possibly pluggable as this is basically an
authenticated bridge to the Design State API
### Questions ###
1. Should this drive the MaaS configuration or only drive node deployment?
2. What do we need commissioning scripts for?
* Firmware updates
* Hardware RAID configs
* Hardware manifest validation (as designed/as built)
## Resources ##
* [MaaS Node Deployment](https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/01/23/maas-setup-deploying-openstack-on-maas-1-9-with-juju/)
* [MaaS Network Provisioning](https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/01/31/nodes-networking-deploying-openstack-on-maas-1-9-with-juju/)
* [Custom Curtin Scripts](http://caribou.kamikamamak.com/2015/06/26/custom-partitioning-with-maas-and-curtin-2/)
* [curtin_userdata for bootstrapping K8](https://gist.github.com/aric49/4d424929346e7fbb3ddbd87c7a49ba67)
* [YAML anchors and pointers](http://blog.daemonl.com/2016/02/yaml.html)
* [YAML Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML)
* [MaaS 3rd Party Drivers](http://people.canonical.com/~jlane/third-party-drivers.html)
* [MaaS API Spec](https://maas.ubuntu.com/docs2.0/api.html)
* [VMware Go IPMI](https://github.com/vmware/goipmi)