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Armada Exceptions

Exception Error Description
KnownReleasesException Occurs when no known releases are found.

Tiller Exceptions

Exception Error Description
ChartCleanupException An error occurred removing a chart.
ListChartsException An error occurred listing helm charts.
PostUpdateJobDeleteException An error occurred deleting a job after an update.
PostUpdateJobCreateException An error occurred creating a job after an update.
PreUpdateJobDeleteException An error occurred deleting a job before an update.
PreUpdateJobCreateException An error occurred creating a job before an update.
ReleaseUninstallException A release failed to uninstall.
ReleaseInstallException A release failed to install.
ReleaseUpdateException A release failed to update.
TillerServicesUnavailableException Occurs when Tiller services are unavailable.

Chartbuilder Exceptions

Exception Error Description
DepedencyException A dependency failed to install.
HelmChartBuildException An error occurred building the chart.
IgnoredFilesLoadException An error occurred loading the ignored files.
MetadataLoadException An error occurred loading the metadata for a chart.
UnknownChartSourceException The chart source is unknown or invalid.

Source Exceptions ===============

Exception Error Description
GitLocationException Repository location is not valid.
SourceCleanupException The source dir of a chart no longer exists.
TarballDownloadException Occurs when the tarball cannot be downloaded from the provided URL.
TarballExtractException Occurs when extracting a tarball fails.
InvalidPathException Occurs when a nonexistant path is accessed.
ChartSourceException Occurs when an unknown chart source type is encountered.

Lint Exceptions

Exception Error Description
InvalidManifestException Armada manifest invalid.
InvalidChartNameException Chart name invalid.

Chart definition invalid.

InvalidReleaseException Release invalid.

Armada object not declared.