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.. _api-conventions:
API Conventions
A collection of conventions that components of the UnderCloud Platform (UCP)
utilize for their REST APIs
Resource path naming
- Resource paths nodes follow an all lower case naming scheme, and
pluralize the resource names. Nodes that refer to keys, ids or names that
are externally controlled, the external naming will be honored.
- The version of the API resource path will be prefixed before the first
node of the path for that resource using v#.# format.
- By default and unless otherwise noted, the API will be namespaced by /api
before the version. For the purposes of documentation, this will not be
specified in each of the resource paths below. In more complex APIs, UCP
components may use values other than /api to be more specific to point to a
particular service.
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | defer to external naming
| | plural
| lower case
version here
Status responses
Status responses, and more specifically error responses (HTTP response body
accompanying 4xx and 5xx series responses where possible) are a customized
version of the `Kubernetes standard for error representation`_. UCP utilizes
the details field in a more formalized way to represent multiple messages
related to a status response, as follows:
"kind": "Status",
"apiVersion": "v{{#.#}}",
"metadata": {},
"status": "{{Success | Failure}}",
"message": "{{message phrase}}",
"reason": "{{reason name}}",
"details": {
"errorCount": {{n}},
"messageList": [
{ "message" : "{{message contents}}",
"error": true|false,
"kind": "SimpleMessage" }
"code": {{http status code}}
such that:
* The metadata field is optionally present, as an empty object. Clients should
be ready to receive this field, but services are not required to produce it.
* The message phrase is a terse but descriptive message indicating what has
* The reason name is the short name indicating the cause of the status. It
should be a camel cased phrase-as-a-word, to mimic the Kubernetes status
* The details field is optional.
* If used, the details follow the shown format, with an errorCount and
messageList field present.
- The repeating entity inside the messageList can be decorated with as
many other fields as are useful, but at least have a message field and
error field.
- A kind field is optional, but if used will indicate the presence of
other fields. By default, the kind field is assumed to be
"SimpleMessage", which requires only the aforementioned message and
error fields.
- The errorCount field is an integer representing the count of messageList
entities that have ``error: true``
* When using this document as the body of a HTTP response, ``code`` is
populated with a valid `HTTP status code`_
Required Headers
The auth token to identify the invoking user. Required unless the resource is
explictly unauthenticated.
Optional Headers
A context id that will be carried on all logs for this client-provided
marker. This marker may only be a 36-character canonical representation of an
UUID (8-4-4-4-12)
Validation API
All UCP components that participate in validation of the design supplied to a
site implement a common resource to perform document validations. Document
validations are synchronous.
Because of the different sources of documents that should be supported, a
flexible input descriptor is used to indicate from where a UCP component will
retrieve the documents to be validated.
POST /v1.0/validatedesign
Invokes a UCP component to perform validations against the documents specified
by the input structure. Synchronous.
Input structure
rel : "design",
href: "deckhand+https://{{deckhand_url}}/revisions/{{revision_id}}/rendered-documents",
type: "application/x-yaml"
Output structure
The output structure reuses the Kubernetes Status kind to represent the result
of validations. The Status kind will be returned for both successful and failed
validation to maintain a consistent of interface. If there are additional
diagnostics that associate to a particular validation, the entries in the
messageList should be of kind "ValidationMessage" (preferred), or
"SimpleMessage" (assumed default base message kind).
Failure message example using a ValidationMessage kind for the messageList::
"kind": "Status",
"apiVersion": "v1.0",
"metadata": {},
"status": "Failure",
"message": "{{UCP Component Name}} validations failed",
"reason": "Validation",
"details": {
"errorCount": {{n}},
"messageList": [
{ "message" : "{{validation failure message}}",
"error": true,
"name": "{{identifying name of the validation}}",
"documents": [
{ "schema": "{{schema and name of the document being validated}}",
"name": "{{name of the document being validated}}"
"level": "Error",
"diagnostic": "{{information about what lead to the message}}",
"kind": "ValidationMessage" },
"code": 400
Success message example::
"kind": "Status",
"apiVersion": "v1.0",
"metadata": {},
"status": "Success",
"message": "{{UCP Component Name}} validations succeeded",
"reason": "Validation",
"details": {
"errorCount": 0,
"messageList": []
"code": 200
ValidationMessage Message Type
The ValidationMessage message type is used to provide more information about
validation results than a SimpleMessage provides. These are the fields of a
- documents (optional): If applicable to configuration documents, specifies
the design documents by schema and name that were involved in the specific
validation. If the documents element is not provided, or is an empty list,
the assumption is that the validation is not traced to a document, and may
be a validaiton of environmental or process needs.
- schema (required): The schema of the document.
E.g. drydock/NetworkLink/v1
- name (required): The name of the document.
E.g. pxe-rack1
- error (required): true if the message indcates an error, false if the
message indicates a non-error.
- kind (required): ValidationMessage
- level (required): The severity of the validation result. This should align
with the error field value. Valid values are "Error", "Warning", and
- message (required): The more complete message indicating the result of the
E.g.: MTU 8972 for pxe-rack1 is invalid for standard (non-jumbo) frames
- name (required): The name of the validation being performed. This is a short
name that identifies the validation among a full set of validations. It is
preferred to use non-action words to identify the validation.
E.g. "MTU in bounds" is preferred instead of "Check MTU in bounds"
- diagnostic (optional): Provides further contextual information that may help
with determining the source of the validation or provide further details.
Health Check API
Each UCP component shall expose an endpoint that allows other components
to access and validate its health status. Clients of the health check should
wait up to 30 seconds for a health check response from each component.
GET /v1.0/health
Invokes a UCP component to return its health status. This endpoint is intended
to be unauthenticated, and must not return any information beyond the noted
204 or 503 status response. The component invoked is expected to return a
response in less than 30 seconds.
Health Check Output
The current design will be for the UCP component to return an empty response
to show that it is alive and healthy. This means that the UCP component that
is performing the query will receive HTTP response code 204.
HTTP response code 503 with a generic response status or an empty message body
will be returned if the UCP component determines it is in a non-healthy state,
or is unable to reach another component it is dependent upon.
GET /v1.0/health/extended
UCP components may provide an extended health check. This request invokes a
UCP component to return its detailed health status. Authentication is required
to invoke this API call.
Extended Health Check Output
The output structure reuses the Kubernetes Status kind to represent the health
check results. The Status kind will be returned for both successful and failed
health checks to ensure consistencies. The message field will contain summary
information related to the results of the health check. Detailed information
of the health check will be provided as well.
Failure message example::
"kind": "Status",
"apiVersion": "v1.0",
"metadata": {},
"status": "Failure",
"message": "{{UCP Component Name}} failed to respond",
"reason": "HealthCheck",
"details": {
"errorCount": {{n}},
"messageList": [
{ "message" : "{{Detailed Health Check failure information}}",
"error": true,
"kind": "SimpleMessage" },
"code": 503
Success message example::
"kind": "Status",
"apiVersion": "v1.0",
"metadata": {},
"status": "Success",
"message": "",
"reason": "HealthCheck",
"details": {
"errorCount": 0,
"messageList": []
"code": 200
Versions API
Each UCP component shall expose an endpoint that allows other components to
discover its different API versions. This endpoint is not prefixed by /api
or a version.
GET /versions
Invokes a UCP component to return its list of API versions. This endpoint is
intended to be unauthenticated, and must not return any information beyond the
output noted below.
Versions output
Each UCP component shall return a list of its different API versions. The
response body shall be keyed with the name of each API version, with
accompanying information pertaining to the version's `path` and `status`. The
`status` field shall be an enum which accepts the values `stable` and `beta`,
where `stable` implies a stable API and `beta` implies an under-development
Success message example::
"v1.0": {
"path": "/api/v1.0",
"status": "stable"
"v1.1": {
"path": "/api/v1.1",
"status": "beta"
"code": 200
.. _Kubernetes standard for error representation:
.. _HTTP status code: