Commit Graph

4 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Sergiy Markin 154a099b28 Shipyard upgrade for focal
- upgraded Airflow to 1.10.15  -
- disabled xenial, bionic and opensuse images build  gates
- added focal image build  gate
- added focal zuul build node
- adjusted Makefile for focal
- added bindep.txt to utilize bindep zuul base role for zuul build node
- added focal Dockerfile
- implemented freeze requirements.txt approach like in other Airship
- removed specific requirements.txt for airflow in favor of using
  requirements-frozen.txt from shipyard_airflow project when building
  airflow docker image
- fixed docker image publishing to Quay
- replaces deprecated LOG.warn with new LOG.warning call
- replaced deprecated body attribute in responce wiht responce.text
- update of falcon module deprecated .API call - replaced wiht
  falcon.App call
- deprecated routing.create_http_method_map method replaced with
- re-formatted code tabulations based on yapf recommendations
- replaced deprecated protocol attribute in Pytest create_environ() with
  http_version attribute
- replaced deprecated app attribute in Pytest create_environ() with
  root_path attribute
- fixed airflow CLI commands to match 1.10.15 version
- updated zuul gates to work on focal nodes and added focal specific
  node setup items by adding appriate ansible tasks and roles
- uplifted Helm to 3.9.4
- uplifted stable HTK commit id
- updated to with with tox v4
- uplifted dependences references to other Airship projects
- common python dependences were syncronized with other Airship
  projects(Promenade, Deckhand, Armada, Drydock)
- fixed airskiff deployment gate
- fixed genconfig* profiles in shipyard-airflow tox.ini responsible for
  maintanance of policy.yaml.sample and shipyard.conf.sample

Change-Id: I0c85187dc9bacf0849382563dd5ff7e9b2814c59
2023-04-28 20:40:50 +00:00
lijunjie ecdb9ad345 Fix the misspelling of "except"
Change-Id: I85a40e078d2f5ec017d2aebedf79568de4163e44
2019-01-04 17:55:53 +08:00
lvxianguo bae15294c5 trivial: modify spelling error of response
Change-Id: Ie3d2ad641457852c15654fc6dd730f9d305e75fc
2018-11-01 17:15:49 +08:00
Bryan Strassner 769d0ded47 Refactor shipyard to UCP target layout
Refactor Shipyard to be better able to leverage common
packages and conform with the target UCP standard layout.

This change supports the same tox entrypoints at
the root level, but the preferred approach is to use make
targets defined in the Makefile such as 'make tests' and
'make lint'

The previous tox.ini has moved and been
tailored to the specifics of each subproject at

Autotmatic generation of the policy and configuration
files has been removed from the sphinx build for now
but these files will be automatically generated locally
into the docs source by using a 'make docs' command.
This may need to be revisited later to re-enable the
automatic generation of these files such that readthedocs
would still support the project layout.

Change-Id: Ifdc1cd4cf35fb3c5923414c677b781a60a9bae42
2018-04-24 16:47:13 -05:00