Commit Graph

12 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Ian H Pittwood 3a6e3d7cce Add pre-command decrypt option
Adds an option on all site commands to decrypt site files before
executing the command's actions. This option will be enabled by default.
If the command clones repository contents to a temporary directory, only
that temporary data will be decrypted.

Change-Id: Ic10c7196592c6d0e1c69a85b265259357ac28169
2019-12-19 14:52:27 -06:00
HUGHES, ALEXANDER (ah8742) d888b3e138 Add support for globally encrypted secrets
This patchset adds support for globally encrypted secrets.
Documents with a "site" layer will be encrypted/decrypted with the
standard PEGLEG_PASSPHRASE and PEGLEG_SALT environment variables.

If any secrets exist for the site with a schema of "global_passphrase"
or "global_salt" their values will be captured and used to decrypt
any secrets that do not belong to "site" layer.  If the global keys
do not exist, Pegleg will default to using site keys.

Expected usage:
1. Set site passphrase/salt environment variables
2. Select a global passphrase and salt
3. Use Pegleg's "wrap" command to wrap and encrypt the global keys
4. Encrypt or wrap documents with "global" layer
5. Provide Pegleg path to decrypt

In the case of (4) and (5) Pegleg will determine the correct keys
to use automatically

Change-Id: I5de6d63573619b346fe011628ae21e053e0711f6
2019-07-02 13:54:04 -05:00
HUGHES, ALEXANDER (ah8742) a8620cfd8d Implement default umask for 640 file permissions
Some secrets are being created with undesirable permissions. Upon
inspection it was noticed that in general Pegleg is creating files,
then changing permissions after the fact. This leads to a small
window where the permissions on a file are overly permissive.

This patchset:
1. Sets default umask of 0o027 (640 permissions for files)
2. Explicitly adds the open flag ('r', 'w' etc.) to all open() calls.
3. Replaces sys.stdout.write calls with click.echo() calls to be more
   in line with the rest of the project.
4. Re-orders methods that write so that data is always first, and the
   path is always second.
5. Updates unit tests.
6. Adds unit tests for testing directory and file permissions.
7. Minor style changes.

Change-Id: I0c154aa311ea371940fd24b0aabf58fffaf1d231
2019-06-29 17:56:55 +00:00
Hughes, Alexander (ah8742) ea99c79844 Move credentials logic into
Currently there isn't a uniform or easily expandable way to manage
how Pegleg gets credentials or enforces any complexity on them. This
patchset attempts to address this by:

1. Moving all logic for credentials into
2. Using PeglegSecretManagement as the source of interfacing with as this code is the entry point for any encryption or
   decryption work
3. Remove unnecessary code related to this change
4. Update unit tests

In future patchsets the goal is to use these changes to add in a global
passphrase and salt variable into so that encrypt/decrypt type
commands can be executed one time against a site and intelligently
handle retrieval of global credentials for use with global secrets, site
credentials in the form of environment variables will remain used for
site secrets and will not be overridden by any global operations.

Change-Id: I0b6acd3ef5eab6b1f8931f46544bc53443f5c2c0
2019-06-20 11:31:18 +00:00
Alexander Hughes fce12add18 Set salt when generating genesis bundle
This patch:
1. Sets the salt in config when running genesis bundle
2. Updates the genesis bundle CLI method
3. Adds exception types for credentials
4. Updates unit tests to be compliant with new exceptions

Change-Id: I8869f897e2c25b98c30eaa6be52356aae4ac63b6
2019-03-14 15:45:53 -05:00
Ahmad Mahmoudi c4f25b4d4f CLI: Add command to generate genesis bundle
Added a pegleg cli command to build bundle for
a site deployment.
Pegleg imports promenade engine, and uses promenade to build
and encrypt the deployment bundle.

Change-Id: I1a489459b2c56b7b53018c32aab5e6550c69e1d2
2019-03-07 03:00:30 -06:00
pallav b79d5b7a98 CLI capability to generate and encrypt passphrases
1. Adds the passphrases generation capability in Pegleg CLI,
so that pegleg can generation random passwords based on a
specification declared in pegleg/PassphrasesCatalog documents
2. Pegleg also wraps the generated passphrase documents in
pegleg managed documents, and encrypts the data.
3. Adds unit test cases for passphrase generation.
4. Updates pegleg CLI document.

Change-Id: I21d7668788cc24a8e0cc9cb0fb11df97600d0090
2019-01-29 16:24:31 -06:00
Felipe Monteiro 2a8d2638b3 pki: Port Promenade's PKI catalog into Pegleg
This patch set implements the PKICatalog [0] requirements
as well as PeglegManagedDocument [1] generation requirements
outlined in the spec [2].

Included in this patch set:

* New CLI entry point called "pegleg site secrets generate-pki"
* PeglegManagedDocument generation logic in
* Refactored PKICatalog logic in engine.cache.pki_catalog derived
  from the Promenade PKI implementation [3], responsible for
  generating certificates, CAs, and keypairs
* Refactored PKIGenerator logic in engine.cache.pki_generator
  derived from Promenade Generator implementation [4],
  responsible for reading in pegleg/PKICatalog/v1 documents (as
  well as promenade/PKICatalog/v1 documents for backwards
  compatibility) and generating required secrets and storing
  them into the paths specified under [0]
* Unit tests for all of the above [5]
* Example pki-catalog.yaml document under pegleg/site_yamls
* Validation schema for pki-catalog.yaml (TODO: implement
  validation logic here: [6])
* Updates to CLI documentation and inclusion of PKICatalog
  and PeglegManagedDocument documentation
* Documentation updates with PKI information [7]

TODO (in follow-up patch sets):

* Expand on overview documentation to include new Pegleg
* Allow the original repository (not the copied one) to
  be the destination where the secrets are written to
* Finish up cert expiry/revocation logic


Change-Id: I3010d04cac6d22c656d144f0dafeaa5e19a13068
2019-01-15 13:29:21 -06:00
Felipe Monteiro 3b419c3bc4 docs: Add docstring information for pegleg.config
Pegleg's config module is used for basically keeping track
of CLI context information within global memory namespace.
None of the functions therein are properly documented which
can lead to confusion. This patch set adds clarifying
documentation for all the functions.

Change-Id: I93545331ffc3a83b593f654ee90fb6af3d067402
2018-10-23 10:46:45 -04:00
Rick Bartra e3d37db45e Allow the repository clone path to be specified in the CLI
As it currently stands, Pegleg clones site repositories into the /tmp
directory. Even if the site repository already exists in the /tmp
directory it is still cloned there which results in wasted disk space.

This commit allows users to pass in a `clone_path` (-p) option to Pegleg
CLI commands that specify where to clone a site repository. If the clone
path matches the path of an existing repository, then a error message is
logged stating so. If the repository already exists in the clone path, the
user can either specify to use that local repo by passing it as the site
repository or they proceed by passing in a different clone path.

This commit also updates the logic that deletes the copy of the repo that
is created in the temporary folder to also delete the parent folder that
contains the copied repo. This scenario happens when using a local
repository as the site repository.

Addionally, this commit adds a cleanup fixture that removes files and
directories created in the temporary folder by the unit tests.

Change-Id: I1b2943493b8f201f337ea60006c009973dd941b3
2018-10-20 15:21:07 -04:00
Felipe Monteiro ab3228f2ed CLI: Add support for listing repository types
Similar to listing sites for a repository, this adds functionality
for listing available types.

Change-Id: I9e6399b56f0986003b61f1db0839ed21c6237cec
2018-10-04 19:30:13 +01:00
Felipe Monteiro 893ea9f4bb Standardize Pegleg directory structure
This patch set standardizes the Pegleg directory
structure because of the following reasons:

1) src/bin/pegleg is not necessary and only makes
building (e.g. documentation building) and running
of tox targets unnecessarily difficult.
2) src/bin/pegleg is a Java-like standard that
bears no relevance to Python.

Change-Id: I37d39d3d6186b92f8fbfe234221c9e44da48cf10
2018-09-23 10:33:40 -04:00