# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Get command import click from shipyard_client.cli.get.actions import GetActions from shipyard_client.cli.get.actions import GetConfigdocs from shipyard_client.cli.get.actions import GetConfigdocsStatus from shipyard_client.cli.get.actions import GetRenderedConfigdocs from shipyard_client.cli.get.actions import GetWorkflows from shipyard_client.cli.input_checks import check_reformat_versions @click.group() @click.pass_context def get(ctx): """ Get the actions, confidocs, or renderedconfigdocs. \n For more information on get commands please enter the get command followed by '--help' \n Example: shipyard get actions --help """ DESC_ACTIONS = """ COMMAND: actions \n DESCRIPTION: Lists the actions that have been invoked. \n FORMAT: shipyard get actions \n EXAMPLE: shipyard get actions """ SHORT_DESC_ACTIONS = "Lists the actions that have been invoked." @get.command(name='actions', help=DESC_ACTIONS, short_help=SHORT_DESC_ACTIONS) @click.pass_context def get_actions(ctx): click.echo(GetActions(ctx).invoke_and_return_resp()) DESC_CONFIGDOCS = """ COMMAND: configdocs DESCRIPTION: Retrieve documents loaded into Shipyard, either committed, last site action, successful site action or from the Shipyard Buffer. Allows comparison between 2 revisions using valid revision tags. FORMAT: shipyard get configdocs [--collection=] [--committed | --buffer | --last-site-action | --successful-site-action] EXAMPLE: shipyard get configdocs --colllection=design """ SHORT_DESC_CONFIGDOCS = ("Retrieve documents loaded into Shipyard, either " "committed, last site action, successful site action " "or from the Shipyard Buffer. Allows comparison " "between 2 revisions using valid revision tags") @get.command( name='configdocs', help=DESC_CONFIGDOCS, short_help=SHORT_DESC_CONFIGDOCS) @click.option( '--collection', help='A collection of document YAMLs') @click.option( '--committed', '-c', flag_value='committed', help='Retrieve the documents that have last been committed for this ' 'collection') @click.option( '--buffer', '-b', flag_value='buffer', help='Retrieve the documents that have been loaded into Shipyard since ' 'the prior commit. If no documents have been loaded into the buffer for ' 'this collection, this will return an empty response (default)') @click.option( '--last-site-action', '-l', flag_value='last_site_action', help='Holds the revision information for the most recent site action') @click.option( '--successful-site-action', '-s', flag_value='successful_site_action', help='Holds the revision information for the most recent successfully ' 'executed site action.') @click.pass_context def get_configdocs(ctx, collection, buffer, committed, last_site_action, successful_site_action): if collection: # Get version _version = get_version(ctx, buffer, committed, last_site_action, successful_site_action) click.echo( GetConfigdocs(ctx, collection, _version).invoke_and_return_resp()) else: compare_versions = check_reformat_versions(ctx, buffer, committed, last_site_action, successful_site_action) click.echo( GetConfigdocsStatus(ctx, compare_versions).invoke_and_return_resp()) DESC_RENDEREDCONFIGDOCS = """ COMMAND: renderedconfigdocs DESCRIPTION: Retrieve the rendered version of documents loaded into Shipyard. Rendered documents are the "final" version of the documents after applying Deckhand layering and substitution. FORMAT: shipyard get renderedconfigdocs [--committed | --buffer | --last-site-action | --successful-site-action] EXAMPLE: shipyard get renderedconfigdocs """ SHORT_DESC_RENDEREDCONFIGDOCS = ( "Retrieve the rendered version of documents " "loaded into Shipyard. Rendered documents are " "the 'final' version of the documents after " "applying Deckhand layering and substitution.") @get.command( name='renderedconfigdocs', help=DESC_RENDEREDCONFIGDOCS, short_help=SHORT_DESC_RENDEREDCONFIGDOCS) @click.option( '--committed', '-c', flag_value='committed', help='Retrieve the documents that have last been committed.') @click.option( '--buffer', '-b', flag_value='buffer', help='Retrieve the documents that have been loaded into Shipyard since the' ' prior commit. (default)') @click.option( '--last-site-action', '-l', flag_value='last_site_action', help='Holds the revision information for the most recent site action') @click.option( '--successful-site-action', '-s', flag_value='successful_site_action', help='Holds the revision information for the most recent successfully ' 'executed site action.') @click.pass_context def get_renderedconfigdocs(ctx, buffer, committed, last_site_action, successful_site_action): # Get version _version = get_version(ctx, buffer, committed, last_site_action, successful_site_action) click.echo(GetRenderedConfigdocs(ctx, _version).invoke_and_return_resp()) DESC_WORKFLOWS = """ COMMAND: workflows \n DESCRIPTION: Lists the workflows from airflow. \n FORMAT: shipyard get workflows [since]\n EXAMPLE: \n shipyard get workflows \n shipyard get workflows --since=2017-11-09T15:02:18Z """ SHORT_DESC_WORKFLOWS = "Lists the workflows from airflow." @get.command( name='workflows', help=DESC_WORKFLOWS, short_help=SHORT_DESC_WORKFLOWS) @click.option( '--since', help=('A boundary in the past within which to retrieve results.' 'Default is 30 days in the past.')) @click.pass_context def get_workflows(ctx, since): click.echo(GetWorkflows(ctx, since).invoke_and_return_resp()) def get_version(ctx, buffer, committed, last_site_action, successful_site_action): # Check number of optional site parameters # User can only query with 1 of these options optional_site_parameters = [] if buffer: optional_site_parameters.append('buffer') if committed: optional_site_parameters.append('committed') if last_site_action: optional_site_parameters.append('last_site_action') if successful_site_action: optional_site_parameters.append('successful_site_action') if len(optional_site_parameters) > 1: ctx.fail( 'You may only choose one of the following options:\n' '--buffer for the documents in the Shipyard buffer\n' '--committed for the last committed revision of the documents\n' '--last-site-action for the documents associated with the last ' 'successful or failed site action\n' '--successful-site-action for the documents associated with the ' 'last successful site action\n' 'Site actions include deploy_site and update_site.') elif len(optional_site_parameters) == 1: return optional_site_parameters[0] else: return 'buffer'