# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import mock from unittest.mock import patch import yaml import pytest from .fake_response import FakeResponse from shipyard_airflow.control.base import ShipyardRequestContext from shipyard_airflow.control.configdocs import configdocs_helper from shipyard_airflow.control.configdocs.configdocs_helper import ( BufferMode, ConfigdocsHelper) from shipyard_airflow.control.configdocs.deckhand_client import ( DeckhandClient, DeckhandResponseError, NoRevisionsExistError) from shipyard_airflow.errors import ApiError, AppError CTX = ShipyardRequestContext() REV_BUFFER_DICT = { 'committed': { 'id': 3, 'url': 'url3', 'createdAt': '2017-07-14T21:23Z', 'buckets': ['mop', 'slop'], 'tags': ['committed'], 'validationPolicies': {} }, 'buffer': { 'id': 5, 'url': 'url5', 'createdAt': '2017-07-16T21:23Z', 'buckets': ['mop', 'chum'], 'tags': ['deckhand_sez_hi'], 'validationPolicies': {} }, 'latest': { 'id': 5, 'url': 'url5', 'createdAt': '2017-07-16T21:23Z', 'buckets': ['mop', 'chum'], 'tags': ['deckhand_sez_hi'], 'validationPolicies': {} }, 'revision_count': 5 } DIFF_BUFFER_DICT = {'mop': 'unmodified', 'chum': 'created', 'slop': 'deleted'} REV_BUFF_EMPTY_DICT = { 'committed': { 'id': 3, 'url': 'url3', 'createdAt': '2017-07-14T21:23Z', 'buckets': ['mop'], 'tags': ['committed'], 'validationPolicies': {} }, 'buffer': None, 'latest': { 'id': 3, 'url': 'url3', 'createdAt': '2017-07-14T21:23Z', 'buckets': ['mop'], 'tags': ['committed'], 'validationPolicies': {} }, 'revision_count': 3 } DIFF_BUFF_EMPTY_DICT = {'mop': 'unmodified'} REV_NO_COMMIT_DICT = { 'committed': None, 'buffer': { 'id': 3, 'url': 'url3', 'createdAt': '2017-07-14T21:23Z', 'buckets': ['mop'], 'tags': [], 'validationPolicies': {} }, 'latest': { 'id': 3, 'url': 'url3', 'createdAt': '2017-07-14T21:23Z', 'buckets': ['mop'], 'tags': [], 'validationPolicies': {} }, 'revision_count': 3 } DIFF_NO_COMMIT_DICT = {'mop': 'created'} REV_EMPTY_DICT = { 'committed': None, 'buffer': None, 'latest': None, 'revision_count': 0 } DIFF_EMPTY_DICT = {} REV_COMMIT_AND_BUFFER_DICT = { 'committed': { 'id': 1, 'url': 'url3', 'createdAt': '2017-07-14T21:23Z', 'buckets': ['mop'], 'tags': ['committed'], 'validationPolicies': {} }, 'buffer': { 'id': 3, 'url': 'url3', 'createdAt': '2017-07-14T21:23Z', 'buckets': ['mop'], 'tags': [], 'validationPolicies': {} }, 'latest': { 'id': 3, 'url': 'url3', 'createdAt': '2017-07-14T21:23Z', 'buckets': ['mop'], 'tags': [], 'validationPolicies': {} }, 'revision_count': 3 } DIFF_COMMIT_AND_BUFFER_DICT = {'mop': 'modified'} def test_construct_configdocs_helper(): """ Creates a configdoc helper, tests that the context is passed to the sub-helper """ helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) assert helper.ctx == CTX def test_get_buffer_mode(): """ ensures that strings passed to get_buffer_mode are properly handled """ # None cases assert ConfigdocsHelper.get_buffer_mode('') == BufferMode.REJECTONCONTENTS assert ConfigdocsHelper.get_buffer_mode( None) == BufferMode.REJECTONCONTENTS # valid cases assert ConfigdocsHelper.get_buffer_mode( 'rejectoncontents') == BufferMode.REJECTONCONTENTS assert ConfigdocsHelper.get_buffer_mode('append') == BufferMode.APPEND assert ConfigdocsHelper.get_buffer_mode('replace') == BufferMode.REPLACE # case insensitive assert ConfigdocsHelper.get_buffer_mode( 'ReJEcTOnConTenTs') == BufferMode.REJECTONCONTENTS # bad value assert ConfigdocsHelper.get_buffer_mode('hippopotomus') is None def test_is_buffer_emtpy(): """ Test the method to check if the configdocs buffer is empty """ helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_BUFFER_DICT assert not helper.is_buffer_empty() helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_BUFF_EMPTY_DICT assert helper.is_buffer_empty() helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_NO_COMMIT_DICT assert not helper.is_buffer_empty() helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_EMPTY_DICT assert helper.is_buffer_empty() def test_is_collection_in_buffer(): """ Test that collections are found in the buffer """ helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_BUFFER_DICT helper.deckhand.get_diff = ( lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: DIFF_BUFFER_DICT) # mop is not in buffer; chum and slop are in buffer. # unmodified means it is not in buffer assert not helper.is_collection_in_buffer('mop') # created means it is in buffer assert helper.is_collection_in_buffer('slop') # deleted means it is in buffer assert helper.is_collection_in_buffer('chum') def _raise_dre(): raise DeckhandResponseError( status_code=9000, response_message='This is bogus') helper._get_revision_dict = _raise_dre with pytest.raises(DeckhandResponseError): helper.is_collection_in_buffer('does not matter') def test_is_buffer_valid_for_bucket(): """ def is_buffer_valid_for_bucket(self, collection_id, buffermode) """ def set_revision_dict(helper, revision_dict, diff_dict): helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: revision_dict helper.deckhand.get_diff = lambda: diff_dict helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_BUFFER_DICT helper.deckhand.get_diff = ( lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: DIFF_BUFFER_DICT) helper.deckhand.rollback = lambda target_revision_id: ( set_revision_dict(helper, REV_BUFF_EMPTY_DICT, DIFF_BUFF_EMPTY_DICT) ) # patch the deckhand client method to set to empty if reset_to_empty # is invoked. helper.deckhand.reset_to_empty = lambda: ( set_revision_dict(helper, REV_EMPTY_DICT, DIFF_EMPTY_DICT) ) # can add 'mop' on append, it was unmodified in buffer # can add 'water' on append, it was not anywhere before # can't add 'slop' on append, it was deleted (modified in buffer) # can't add 'chum' on append, it is already in buffer # can't add anything on rejectoncontents # can add anything on replace assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('mop', BufferMode.APPEND) assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('water', BufferMode.APPEND) assert not helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('slop', BufferMode.APPEND) assert not helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('chum', BufferMode.APPEND) assert not helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('new', BufferMode.REJECTONCONTENTS) # because of the patched methods above, replace mode will set the # buffer/diff to values as if it were rolled back. assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('mop', BufferMode.REPLACE) # should be able to replace mode even if no buffer contents. assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('mop', BufferMode.REPLACE) # in rolled back state as per last two commands, should be ok # to use rejectoncontents to add. assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('mop', BufferMode.REJECTONCONTENTS) # set up as if there is no committed revision yet helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_NO_COMMIT_DICT helper.deckhand.get_diff = ( lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: DIFF_NO_COMMIT_DICT) assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('slop', BufferMode.APPEND) assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('chum', BufferMode.APPEND) # buffer is not empty, reject on contents. assert not helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('new', BufferMode.REJECTONCONTENTS) # This should rollback to "nothing" using reset to empty. assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('mop', BufferMode.REPLACE) assert helper.is_buffer_empty() # set up as if there is nothing in deckhand. helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_EMPTY_DICT helper.deckhand.get_diff = ( lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: DIFF_EMPTY_DICT) # should be able to add in any mode. assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('slop', BufferMode.APPEND) assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('chum', BufferMode.APPEND) assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('new', BufferMode.REJECTONCONTENTS) assert helper.is_buffer_valid_for_bucket('mop', BufferMode.REPLACE) def test_get_configdocs_status(): helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_BUFFER_DICT helper.deckhand.get_diff = ( lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: DIFF_BUFFER_DICT) result = helper.get_configdocs_status() expected = [{ "collection_name": 'chum', "base_version": 'committed', "base_revision": 3, "new_version": 'buffer', "new_revision": 5, "new_status": 'created', "base_status": 'not present' }, { "collection_name": 'mop', "base_version": 'committed', "base_revision": 3, "new_version": 'buffer', "new_revision": 5, "new_status": 'unmodified', "base_status": 'present' }, { "collection_name": 'slop', "base_version": 'committed', "base_revision": 3, "new_version": 'buffer', "new_revision": 5, "new_status": 'deleted', "base_status": 'present' }] assert expected == sorted(result, key=lambda x: x['collection_name']) def test__get_revision_dict_no_commit(): """ Tests the processing of revision dict response from deckhand with a buffer version, but no committed revision """ helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper.deckhand.get_revision_list = lambda: yaml.load(""" --- - id: 1 url: https://deckhand/api/v1.0/revisions/1 createdAt: 2017-07-14T21:23Z buckets: [mop] tags: [a, b, c] validationPolicies: site-deploy-validation: status: failed - id: 2 url: https://deckhand/api/v1.0/revisions/2 createdAt: 2017-07-16T01:15Z buckets: [flop, mop] tags: [b] validationPolicies: site-deploy-validation: status: succeeded ... """) rev_dict = helper._get_revision_dict() committed = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.COMMITTED) buffer = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.BUFFER) latest = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.LATEST) count = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.REVISION_COUNT) assert committed is None assert buffer.get('id') == 2 assert latest.get('id') == 2 assert count == 2 def test__get_revision_dict_empty(): """ Tests the processing of revision dict response from deckhand where the response is an empty list """ helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper.deckhand.get_revision_list = lambda: [] rev_dict = helper._get_revision_dict() committed = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.COMMITTED) buffer = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.BUFFER) latest = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.LATEST) count = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.REVISION_COUNT) assert committed is None assert buffer is None assert latest is None assert count == 0 def test__get_revision_dict_commit_no_buff(): """ Tests the processing of revision dict response from deckhand with a committed and no buffer revision """ helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper.deckhand.get_revision_list = lambda: yaml.load(""" --- - id: 1 url: https://deckhand/api/v1.0/revisions/1 createdAt: 2017-07-14T21:23Z buckets: [mop] tags: [a, b, c] validationPolicies: site-deploy-validation: status: failed - id: 2 url: https://deckhand/api/v1.0/revisions/2 createdAt: 2017-07-16T01:15Z buckets: [flop, mop] tags: [b, committed] validationPolicies: site-deploy-validation: status: succeeded ... """) rev_dict = helper._get_revision_dict() committed = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.COMMITTED) buffer = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.BUFFER) latest = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.LATEST) count = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.REVISION_COUNT) assert committed.get('id') == 2 assert buffer is None assert latest.get('id') == 2 assert count == 2 def test__get_revision_dict_commit_and_buff(): """ Tests the processing of revision dict response from deckhand with a committed and a buffer revision """ helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper.deckhand.get_revision_list = lambda: yaml.load(""" --- - id: 1 url: https://deckhand/api/v1.0/revisions/1 createdAt: 2017-07-14T21:23Z buckets: [mop] tags: [a, b, committed] validationPolicies: site-deploy-validation: status: failed - id: 2 url: https://deckhand/api/v1.0/revisions/2 createdAt: 2017-07-16T01:15Z buckets: [flop, mop] tags: [b] validationPolicies: site-deploy-validation: status: succeeded ... """) rev_dict = helper._get_revision_dict() committed = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.COMMITTED) buffer = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.BUFFER) latest = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.LATEST) count = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.REVISION_COUNT) assert committed.get('id') == 1 assert buffer.get('id') == 2 assert latest.get('id') == 2 assert count == 2 def test__get_revision_dict_errs(): """ tests getting a revision dictionary method when the deckhand client has raised an exception """ def _raise_dre(): raise DeckhandResponseError( status_code=9000, response_message='This is bogus') def _raise_nree(): raise NoRevisionsExistError() helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper.deckhand.get_revision_list = _raise_dre with pytest.raises(AppError): helper._get_revision_dict() helper.deckhand.get_revision_list = _raise_nree rev_dict = helper._get_revision_dict() committed = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.COMMITTED) buffer = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.BUFFER) latest = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.LATEST) count = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.REVISION_COUNT) assert committed is None assert buffer is None assert latest is None assert count == 0 def test_get_collection_docs(): """ Returns the representation of the yaml docs from deckhand """ helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper.deckhand.get_docs_from_revision = ( lambda revision_id, bucket_id: "{'yaml': 'yaml'}") helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_EMPTY_DICT helper.deckhand.get_diff = ( lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: DIFF_EMPTY_DICT) with pytest.raises(ApiError): helper.get_collection_docs(configdocs_helper.BUFFER, 'mop') with pytest.raises(ApiError): helper.get_collection_docs(configdocs_helper.COMMITTED, 'mop') helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_COMMIT_AND_BUFFER_DICT helper.deckhand.get_diff = ( lambda old_revision_id, new_revision_id: DIFF_COMMIT_AND_BUFFER_DICT) yaml_str = helper.get_collection_docs(configdocs_helper.BUFFER, 'mop') assert len(yaml_str) == 16 yaml_str = helper.get_collection_docs(configdocs_helper.COMMITTED, 'mop') assert len(yaml_str) == 16 val_ep = '{}/validatedesign' val_endpoints = [ { 'name': 'Drydock', 'url': val_ep.format('drydock') }, { 'name': 'Armada', 'url': val_ep.format('armada') }, ] def _fake_get_validations_for_component(url, design_reference, response, exception, context_marker, **kwargs): """ Responds with a status response """ response['response'] = json.loads((""" { "kind": "Status", "apiVersion": "v1.0", "metadata": {}, "status": "Failure", "message": "%s", "reason": "appropriate reason phrase", "details": { "errorCount": 2, "messageList": [ { "message" : "broke it 1", "error": true}, { "message" : "speeling error", "error": true}, { "message" : "good things", "error": false} ] }, "code": 400 } """) % url) dh_render_val_list = [{"error": True, "message": "broken!"}] @mock.patch.object(DeckhandClient, 'get_render_errors', return_value=dh_render_val_list) def test_get_validations_for_revision_dh_render(get_endpoint): """ Tests the functionality of the get_validations_for_revision method """ helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) hold_ve = helper.__class__._get_validation_endpoints helper._get_deckhand_validation_errors = lambda revision_id: [] val_status = helper.get_validations_for_revision(3) err_count = val_status['details']['errorCount'] err_list_count = len(val_status['details']['messageList']) assert err_count == err_list_count assert val_status['details']['errorCount'] == 1 assert val_status['details']['messageList'][0]['message'] == 'broken!' @mock.patch.object(DeckhandClient, 'get_render_errors', return_value=[]) @mock.patch.object(DeckhandClient, 'get_path', return_value='path{}') @mock.patch.object(ConfigdocsHelper, '_get_validation_endpoints', return_value=val_endpoints) @mock.patch.object(ConfigdocsHelper, '_get_validations_for_component', new=_fake_get_validations_for_component) def test_get_validations_for_revision(p1, p2, p3): """ Tests the functionality of the get_validations_for_revision method """ helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper._get_deckhand_validation_errors = lambda revision_id: [] val_status = helper.get_validations_for_revision(3) err_count = val_status['details']['errorCount'] err_list_count = len(val_status['details']['messageList']) assert err_list_count == 6 assert val_status['details']['errorCount'] == 4 def test_generate_validation_message(): """Test for static method to generate a ValidationMessage Test for a basic message without a kind set. """ message = { 'message': 'message', 'error': False } expected = { 'message': 'message', 'error': False, 'kind': 'ValidationMessage', 'level': 'Info', 'documents': [], 'diagnostic': None, 'name': None, 'source': None } generated = ConfigdocsHelper._generate_validation_message(message) assert generated == expected def test_generate_validation_message_args(): """Test for static method to generate a ValidationMessage Test for a SimpleMessage message with some arg defaults """ message = { 'message': 'message', 'error': True, 'kind': 'SimpleMessage' } kwargs = { 'name': 'namename', 'source': 'testing', 'message': 'not this', 'error': False, 'documents': [] } expected = { 'message': 'message', 'error': True, 'kind': 'ValidationMessage', 'level': 'Error', 'source': 'testing', 'name': 'namename', 'documents': [], 'diagnostic': None } generated = ConfigdocsHelper._generate_validation_message(message, **kwargs) assert generated == expected def test_generate_validation_message_args_full(): """Test for static method to generate a ValidationMessage Test for something that is already a validation message. """ message = { 'message': 'message', 'error': False, 'kind': 'ValidationMessage', 'level': 'Warning', 'source': 'testing', 'name': 'namename', 'documents': [] } kwargs = { 'message': 'not this', 'error': True } expected = { 'message': 'message', 'error': False, 'kind': 'ValidationMessage', 'level': 'Warning', 'source': 'testing', 'name': 'namename', 'documents': [], 'diagnostic': None } generated = ConfigdocsHelper._generate_validation_message(message, **kwargs) assert generated == expected def test_generate_dh_val_message(): """Test for static method to generate a ValidationMessage Test for something that is already a validation message. """ message = { 'validation_schema': 'vs', 'schema_path': 'sp', 'name': 'dn', 'schema': 's', 'path': 'p', 'error_section': 'es', 'message': 'm' } expected = { 'message': 'm', 'error': True, 'kind': 'ValidationMessage', 'level': 'Error', 'source': 'Deckhand', 'name': 'dn', 'documents': [{'name': 'dn', 'schema': 's'}], 'diagnostic': 'Section: es at p (schema vs at sp)', } generated = ConfigdocsHelper._generate_dh_val_msg( message, dh_result_name='x' ) assert generated == expected FK_VAL_BASE_RESP = FakeResponse( status_code=200, text=""" --- count: 2 next: null prev: null results: - name: deckhand-schema-validation url: https://deckhand/a/url/too/long/for/pep8 status: success - name: promenade-site-validation url: https://deckhand/a/url/too/long/for/pep8 status: failure ... """) FK_VAL_SUBSET_RESP = FakeResponse( status_code=200, text=""" --- count: 1 next: null prev: null results: - id: 0 url: https://deckhand/a/url/too/long/for/pep8 status: failure ... """) FK_VAL_ENTRY_RESP = FakeResponse( status_code=200, text=""" --- name: promenade-site-validation url: https://deckhand/a/url/too/long/for/pep8 status: failure createdAt: 2017-07-16T02:03Z expiresAfter: null expiresAt: null errors: - documents: - schema: promenade/Node/v1 name: node-document-name - schema: promenade/Masters/v1 name: kubernetes-masters message: Node has master role, but not included in cluster masters list. ... """) def test__get_deckhand_validation_errors(): """ Tets the functionality of processing a response from deckhand """ helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper.deckhand._get_base_validation_resp = ( lambda revision_id: FK_VAL_BASE_RESP) helper.deckhand._get_subset_validation_response = ( lambda reivsion_id, subset_name: FK_VAL_SUBSET_RESP) helper.deckhand._get_entry_validation_response = ( lambda reivsion_id, subset_name, entry_id: FK_VAL_ENTRY_RESP) assert len(helper._get_deckhand_validation_errors(5)) == 2 FK_VAL_ENTRY_RESP_EMPTY = FakeResponse( status_code=200, text=""" --- name: promenade-site-validation url: https://deckhand/a/url/too/long/for/pep8 status: failure createdAt: 2017-07-16T02:03Z expiresAfter: null expiresAt: null errors: [] ... """) def test__get_deckhand_validations_empty_errors(): """ Tets the functionality of processing a response from deckhand """ helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper.deckhand._get_base_validation_resp = ( lambda revision_id: FK_VAL_BASE_RESP) helper.deckhand._get_subset_validation_response = ( lambda reivsion_id, subset_name: FK_VAL_SUBSET_RESP) helper.deckhand._get_entry_validation_response = ( lambda reivsion_id, subset_name, entry_id: FK_VAL_ENTRY_RESP_EMPTY) assert len(helper._get_deckhand_validation_errors(5)) == 0 FK_VAL_BASE_RESP_EMPTY = FakeResponse( status_code=200, text=""" --- count: 0 next: null prev: null results: [] ... """) def test__get_deckhand_validation_errors_empty_results(): """ Tets the functionality of processing a response from deckhand """ helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper.deckhand._get_base_validation_resp = ( lambda revision_id: FK_VAL_BASE_RESP_EMPTY) assert len(helper._get_deckhand_validation_errors(5)) == 0 def test_tag_buffer(): """ Tests that the tag buffer method attempts to tag the right version """ with patch.object(ConfigdocsHelper, 'tag_revision') as mock_method: helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_BUFFER_DICT helper.tag_buffer('artful') mock_method.assert_called_once_with(5, 'artful') def test_add_collection(): """ Tests the adding of a collection to deckhand - primarily error handling """ with patch.object(DeckhandClient, 'put_bucket') as mock_method: helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper._get_revision_dict = lambda: REV_BUFFER_DICT assert helper.add_collection('mop', 'yaml:yaml') == 5 mock_method.assert_called_once_with('mop', 'yaml:yaml') def test_get_revision_dict_last_site_action_and_successful_site_action(): """ Tests the processing of revision dict response from deckhand for last_site_action and successful_site_action revision """ helper = ConfigdocsHelper(CTX) helper.deckhand.get_revision_list = lambda: yaml.load(""" --- - id: 1 url: https://deckhand/api/v1.0/revisions/1 createdAt: 2018-04-30T21:23Z buckets: [mop] tags: [committed, site-action-success] validationPolicies: site-deploy-validation: status: succeeded - id: 2 url: https://deckhand/api/v1.0/revisions/2 createdAt: 2018-04-30T23:35Z buckets: [flop, mop] tags: [committed, site-action-failure] validationPolicies: site-deploy-validation: status: succeeded ... """) rev_dict = helper._get_revision_dict() successful_site_action = rev_dict.get( configdocs_helper.SUCCESSFUL_SITE_ACTION) last_site_action = rev_dict.get(configdocs_helper.LAST_SITE_ACTION) assert successful_site_action.get('id') == 1 assert last_site_action.get('id') == 2