# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """ Module providing the oslo_config based configuration for Shipyard """ import logging import keystoneauth1.loading as ks_loading from oslo_config import cfg from shipyard_airflow.conf.opts import ConfigSection CONF = cfg.CONF SECTIONS = [ ConfigSection( name='base', title='Base Configuration', options=[ cfg.StrOpt( 'web_server', default='http://localhost:8080/', help='The web server for Airflow' ), cfg.IntOpt( 'airflow_api_connect_timeout', default=5, help='Seconds to wait to connect to the airflow api' ), cfg.IntOpt( 'airflow_api_read_timeout', default=60, help='Seconds to wait for a response from the airflow api' ), cfg.StrOpt( 'postgresql_db', default=( 'postgresql+psycopg2://shipyard:changeme' '@postgresql.ucp:5432/shipyard' ), help='The database for shipyard' ), cfg.StrOpt( 'postgresql_airflow_db', default=( 'postgresql+psycopg2://shipyard:changeme' '@postgresql.ucp:5432/airflow' ), help='The database for airflow' ), cfg.IntOpt( 'pool_size', default=15, help='The SQLalchemy database connection pool size.' ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'pool_pre_ping', default=True, help='Should DB connections be validated prior to use.' ), cfg.IntOpt( 'pool_timeout', default=30, help=('How long a request for a connection should wait before ' 'one becomes available.') ), cfg.IntOpt( 'pool_overflow', default=10, help=('How many connections above pool_size are allowed to be ' 'open during high usage.') ), cfg.IntOpt( 'connection_recycle', default=-1, help=('Time, in seconds, when a connection should be closed ' 'and re-established. -1 for no recycling.') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'alembic_ini_path', default='/home/shipyard/shipyard', help='The directory containing the alembic.ini file' ), cfg.BoolOpt( 'profiler', default=False, help=('Enable profiling of API requests. Do NOT ' 'use in production.') ), ] ), ConfigSection( name='logging', title='Logging Options', options=[ cfg.IntOpt( 'log_level', default=logging.DEBUG, help=('The default logging level for the root logger. ' 'ERROR=40, WARNING=30, INFO=20, DEBUG=10') ), cfg.DictOpt( 'named_log_levels', default={"keystoneauth": logging.INFO, "keystonemiddleware": logging.INFO}, help=('The logging levels for named loggers. ' 'Use standard representations for logging levels: ' 'ERROR. WARN, INFO, DEBUG. Configuration file format: ' 'named_log_levels = keystoneauth:INFO,othlgr:WARN' ) ), ] ), ConfigSection( name='shipyard', title='Shipyard Connection Info', options=[ cfg.StrOpt( 'service_type', default='shipyard', help=( 'The service type for the service playing the role ' 'of Shipyard. The specified type is used to perform ' 'the service lookup in the Keystone service catalog.' ) ), ] ), ConfigSection( name='deckhand', title='Deckhand Connection Info', options=[ cfg.StrOpt( 'service_type', default='deckhand', help=( 'The service type for the service playing the role ' 'of Deckhand. The specified type is used to perform ' 'the service lookup in the Keystone service catalog.' ) ), ] ), ConfigSection( name='armada', title='Armada Connection Info', options=[ cfg.StrOpt( 'service_type', default='armada', help=( 'The service type for the service playing the role ' 'of Armada. The specified type is used to perform ' 'the service lookup in the Keystone service catalog.' ) ), ] ), ConfigSection( name='drydock', title='Drydock Connection Info', options=[ cfg.StrOpt( 'service_type', default='physicalprovisioner', help=( 'The service type for the service playing the role ' 'of Drydock. The specified type is used to perform ' 'the service lookup in the Keystone service catalog.' ) ), ] ), ConfigSection( name='promenade', title='Promenade Connection Info', options=[ cfg.StrOpt( 'service_type', default='kubernetesprovisioner', help=( 'The service type for the service playing the role ' 'of Promenade. The specified type is used to perform ' 'the service lookup in the Keystone service catalog.' ) ), ] ), ConfigSection( name='requests_config', title='Requests Configuration', options=[ cfg.IntOpt( 'airflow_log_connect_timeout', default=5, help='Airflow logs retrieval connect timeout (in seconds)' ), cfg.IntOpt( 'airflow_log_read_timeout', default=300, help='Airflow logs retrieval timeout (in seconds)' ), cfg.IntOpt( 'validation_connect_timeout', default=5, help=('Airship component validation connect timeout ' '(in seconds)') ), cfg.IntOpt( 'validation_read_timeout', default=300, help='Airship component validation timeout (in seconds)' ), cfg.IntOpt( 'notes_connect_timeout', default=5, help=('Maximum time to wait to connect to a note source URL ' '(in seconds)') ), cfg.IntOpt( 'notes_read_timeout', default=10, help='Read timeout for a note source URL (in seconds)' ), cfg.IntOpt( 'deckhand_client_connect_timeout', default=5, help='Deckhand client connect timeout (in seconds)' ), cfg.IntOpt( 'deckhand_client_read_timeout', default=300, help=( 'Deckhand client timeout (in seconds) for GET, ' 'PUT, POST and DELETE request' ) ), cfg.IntOpt( 'drydock_client_connect_timeout', default=20, help=('Connect timeout used for connecting to Drydock using ' 'the Drydock client (in seconds)') ), cfg.IntOpt( 'drydock_client_read_timeout', default=300, help=('Read timeout used for responses from Drydock using ' 'the Drydock client (in seconds)') ), ] ), ConfigSection( name='airflow', title='Airflow connection info', options=[ cfg.StrOpt( 'worker_endpoint_scheme', default='http', help='Airflow worker url scheme' ), cfg.IntOpt( 'worker_port', default=8793, help='Airflow worker port' ), ] ), ConfigSection( name='k8s_logs', title='Parameters for K8s Pods Logs', options=[ cfg.StrOpt( 'ucp_namespace', default='ucp', help='Namespace of Airship Pods' ), ] ), ConfigSection( name='deployment_status_configmap', title='Parameters for Deployment Status ConfigMap', options=[ cfg.StrOpt( 'name', default='deployment-status', help='Name of the Deployment Status ConfigMap' ), cfg.StrOpt( 'namespace', default='ucp', help='Namespace of the Deployment Status ConfigMap' ), ] ), ConfigSection( name='document_info', title=('Information about some of the documents Shipyard needs to ' 'handle'), options=[ cfg.StrOpt( 'deployment_version_name', default='deployment-version', help=('The name of the deployment version document that ' 'Shipyard validates') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'deployment_version_schema', default='pegleg/DeploymentData/v1', help=('The schema of the deployment version document that ' 'Shipyard validates') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'deployment_configuration_name', default='deployment-configuration', help=('The name of the deployment-configuration document that ' 'Shipyard expects and validates') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'deployment_configuration_schema', default='shipyard/DeploymentConfiguration/v1', help=('The schema of the deployment-configuration document ' 'that Shipyard expects and validates') ), cfg.StrOpt( 'deployment_strategy_schema', default='shipyard/DeploymentStrategy/v1', help=('The schema of the deployment strategy document that ' 'Shipyard expects and validates. Note that the name of ' 'this document is not configurable, because it is ' 'controlled by a field in the deployment configuration ' 'document.') ), ] ), ConfigSection( name='validations', title='Validation Configurations', options=[ cfg.StrOpt( 'deployment_version_create', default='Skip', help=('Control the severity of the deployment-version ' 'validation during create configdocs.'), ignore_case=True, choices=[('Skip', 'Skip the validation altogether'), ('Info', 'Print an Info level message if the ' 'validation fails'), ('Warning', 'Print a Warning level message if the ' 'validation fails'), ('Error', 'Return an error when the validation fails ' 'and prevent the configdocs create from ' 'proceeding')] ), cfg.StrOpt( 'deployment_version_commit', default='Skip', help=('Control the severity of the deployment-version ' 'validation validation during commit configdocs.'), ignore_case=True, choices=[('Skip', 'Skip the validation altogether'), ('Info', 'Print an Info level message if the ' 'validation fails'), ('Warning', 'Print a Warning level message if the ' 'validation fails'), ('Error', 'Return an error when the validation fails ' 'and prevent the commit from proceeding')] ), ] ), ] def register_opts(conf): """ Registers all the sections in this module. """ for section in SECTIONS: conf.register_group( cfg.OptGroup(name=section.name, title=section.title, help=section.help)) conf.register_opts(section.options, group=section.name) ks_loading.register_auth_conf_options(conf, group='keystone_authtoken') def list_opts(): """ List the options identified by this configuration """ all_opts = { section.name: section.options for section in SECTIONS } all_opts['keystone_authtoken'] = ks_loading.get_session_conf_options() return all_opts def parse_args(args=None, usage=None, default_config_files=None): """ Triggers the parsing of the arguments/configs """ CONF(args=args, project='shipyard', usage=usage, default_config_files=default_config_files) register_opts(CONF)