# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import functools import logging import os import sys import click from pegleg import config from pegleg import engine from pegleg.engine import bundle from pegleg.engine import catalog from pegleg.engine.util.pegleg_secret_management import PeglegSecretManagement from pegleg.engine.util.shipyard_helper import ShipyardHelper LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)s:%(funcName)s [%(lineno)3d] %(message)s' # noqa CONTEXT_SETTINGS = { 'help_option_names': ['-h', '--help'], } def _process_repositories_callback(ctx, param, value): """Convenient callback for ``@click.argument(site_name)``. Automatically processes repository information for the specified site. This entails cloning all requires repositories and checking out specified references for each repository. """ engine.repository.process_repositories(value) return value MAIN_REPOSITORY_OPTION = click.option( '-r', '--site-repository', 'site_repository', required=True, help=('Path or URL to the primary repository (containing ' 'site_definition.yaml) repo.')) EXTRA_REPOSITORY_OPTION = click.option( '-e', '--extra-repository', 'extra_repositories', multiple=True, help='Path or URL of additional repositories. These should be named per ' 'the site-definition file, e.g. -e global=/opt/global -e ' 'secrets=/opt/secrets. By default, the revision specified in the ' 'site-definition for the site will be leveraged but can be ' 'overridden using -e global=/opt/global@revision.') REPOSITORY_KEY_OPTION = click.option( '-k', '--repo-key', 'repo_key', help='The SSH public key to use when cloning remote authenticated ' 'repositories.') REPOSITORY_USERNAME_OPTION = click.option( '-u', '--repo-username', 'repo_username', help=('The SSH username to use when cloning remote authenticated ' 'repositories specified in the site-definition file. Any ' 'occurrences of REPO_USERNAME will be replaced with this ' 'value.')) REPOSITORY_CLONE_PATH_OPTION = click.option( '-p', '--clone-path', 'clone_path', help='The path where the repo will be cloned. By default the repo will be ' 'cloned to the /tmp path. If this option is ' 'included and the repo already ' 'exists, then the repo will not be cloned again and the ' 'user must specify a new clone path or pass in the local copy ' 'of the repository as the site repository. Suppose the repo ' 'name is airship-treasuremap and the clone path is ' '/tmp/mypath then the following directory is ' 'created /tmp/mypath/airship-treasuremap ' 'which will contain the contents of the repo') ALLOW_MISSING_SUBSTITUTIONS_OPTION = click.option( '-f', '--fail-on-missing-sub-src', required=False, type=click.BOOL, default=True, help=("Raise Deckhand exception on missing substition sources. " "Defaults to True.")) EXCLUDE_LINT_OPTION = click.option( '-x', '--exclude', 'exclude_lint', multiple=True, help='Excludes specified linting checks. Warnings will still be issued. ' '-w takes priority over -x.') WARN_LINT_OPTION = click.option( '-w', '--warn', 'warn_lint', multiple=True, help='Warn if linting check fails. -w takes priority over -x.') SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT = click.argument( 'site_name', callback=_process_repositories_callback) @click.group(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.option( '-v', '--verbose', is_flag=bool, default=False, help='Enable debug logging') def main(*, verbose): """Main CLI meta-group, which includes the following groups: * site: site-level actions * repo: repository-level actions """ if verbose: log_level = logging.DEBUG else: log_level = logging.ERROR logging.basicConfig(format=LOG_FORMAT, level=log_level) @main.group(help='Commands related to repositories') @MAIN_REPOSITORY_OPTION @REPOSITORY_CLONE_PATH_OPTION # TODO(felipemonteiro): Support EXTRA_REPOSITORY_OPTION as well to be # able to lint multiple repos together. @REPOSITORY_USERNAME_OPTION @REPOSITORY_KEY_OPTION def repo(*, site_repository, clone_path, repo_key, repo_username): """Group for repo-level actions, which include: * lint: lint all sites across the repository """ config.set_site_repo(site_repository) config.set_clone_path(clone_path) config.set_repo_key(repo_key) config.set_repo_username(repo_username) def _lint_helper(*, fail_on_missing_sub_src, exclude_lint, warn_lint, site_name=None): """Helper for executing lint on specific site or all sites in repo.""" if site_name: func = functools.partial(engine.lint.site, site_name=site_name) else: func = engine.lint.full warns = func( fail_on_missing_sub_src=fail_on_missing_sub_src, exclude_lint=exclude_lint, warn_lint=warn_lint) if warns: click.echo("Linting passed, but produced some warnings.") for w in warns: click.echo(w) @repo.command('lint', help='Lint all sites in a repository') @ALLOW_MISSING_SUBSTITUTIONS_OPTION @EXCLUDE_LINT_OPTION @WARN_LINT_OPTION def lint_repo(*, fail_on_missing_sub_src, exclude_lint, warn_lint): """Lint all sites using checks defined in :mod:`pegleg.engine.errorcodes`. """ engine.repository.process_site_repository(update_config=True) _lint_helper( fail_on_missing_sub_src=fail_on_missing_sub_src, exclude_lint=exclude_lint, warn_lint=warn_lint) @main.group(help='Commands related to sites') @MAIN_REPOSITORY_OPTION @REPOSITORY_CLONE_PATH_OPTION @EXTRA_REPOSITORY_OPTION @REPOSITORY_USERNAME_OPTION @REPOSITORY_KEY_OPTION def site(*, site_repository, clone_path, extra_repositories, repo_key, repo_username): """Group for site-level actions, which include: * list: list available sites in a manifests repo * lint: lint a site along with all its dependencies * render: render a site using Deckhand * show: show a site's files """ config.set_site_repo(site_repository) config.set_clone_path(clone_path) config.set_extra_repo_overrides(extra_repositories or []) config.set_repo_key(repo_key) config.set_repo_username(repo_username) @site.command(help='Output complete config for one site') @click.option( '-s', '--save-location', 'save_location', help='Directory to output the complete site definition. Created ' 'automatically if it does not already exist.') @click.option( '--validate', 'validate', is_flag=True, # TODO(felipemonteiro): Potentially set this to True in the future. This # is currently set to False to skip validation by default for backwards # compatibility concerns. default=False, help='Perform validations on documents prior to collection.') @click.option( '-x', '--exclude', 'exclude_lint', multiple=True, help='Excludes specified linting checks. Warnings will still be issued. ' '-w takes priority over -x.') @click.option( '-w', '--warn', 'warn_lint', multiple=True, help='Warn if linting check fails. -w takes priority over -x.') @SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT def collect(*, save_location, validate, exclude_lint, warn_lint, site_name): """Collects documents into a single site-definition.yaml file, which defines the entire site definition and contains all documents required for ingestion by Airship. If ``save_location`` isn't specified, then the output is directed to stdout. Collect can lint documents prior to collection if the ``--validate`` flag is optionally included. """ if validate: # Lint the primary repo prior to document collection. _lint_helper( site_name=site_name, fail_on_missing_sub_src=True, exclude_lint=exclude_lint, warn_lint=warn_lint) engine.site.collect(site_name, save_location) @site.command('list', help='List known sites') @click.option( '-o', '--output', 'output_stream', type=click.File(mode='w'), default=sys.stdout, help='Where to output. Defaults to sys.stdout.') def list_sites(*, output_stream): engine.repository.process_site_repository(update_config=True) engine.site.list_(output_stream) @site.command(help='Show details for one site') @click.option( '-o', '--output', 'output_stream', type=click.File(mode='w'), default=sys.stdout, help='Where to output. Defaults to sys.stdout.') @SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT def show(*, output_stream, site_name): engine.site.show(site_name, output_stream) @site.command('render', help='Render a site through the deckhand engine') @click.option( '-o', '--output', 'output_stream', type=click.File(mode='w'), default=sys.stdout, help='Where to output. Defaults to sys.stdout.') @SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT def render(*, output_stream, site_name): engine.site.render(site_name, output_stream) @site.command('lint', help='Lint a given site in a repository') @ALLOW_MISSING_SUBSTITUTIONS_OPTION @EXCLUDE_LINT_OPTION @WARN_LINT_OPTION @SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT def lint_site(*, fail_on_missing_sub_src, exclude_lint, warn_lint, site_name): """Lint a given site using checks defined in :mod:`pegleg.engine.errorcodes`. """ _lint_helper( site_name=site_name, fail_on_missing_sub_src=fail_on_missing_sub_src, exclude_lint=exclude_lint, warn_lint=warn_lint) @site.command('upload', help='Upload documents to Shipyard') # Keystone authentication parameters @click.option('--os-project-domain-name', envvar='OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME', required=False, default='default') @click.option('--os-user-domain-name', envvar='OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME', required=False, default='default') @click.option('--os-project-name', envvar='OS_PROJECT_NAME', required=False) @click.option('--os-username', envvar='OS_USERNAME', required=False) @click.option('--os-password', envvar='OS_PASSWORD', required=False) @click.option( '--os-auth-url', envvar='OS_AUTH_URL', required=False) # Option passed to Shipyard client context @click.option( '--context-marker', help='Specifies a UUID (8-4-4-4-12 format) that will be used to correlate ' 'logs, transactions, etc. in downstream activities triggered by this ' 'interaction ', required=False, type=click.UUID) @SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT @click.pass_context def upload(ctx, *, os_project_domain_name, os_user_domain_name, os_project_name, os_username, os_password, os_auth_url, context_marker, site_name): if not ctx.obj: ctx.obj = {} # Build API parameters required by Shipyard API Client. auth_vars = { 'project_domain_name': os_project_domain_name, 'user_domain_name': os_user_domain_name, 'project_name': os_project_name, 'username': os_username, 'password': os_password, 'auth_url': os_auth_url } ctx.obj['API_PARAMETERS'] = { 'auth_vars': auth_vars } ctx.obj['context_marker'] = str(context_marker) ctx.obj['site_name'] = site_name click.echo(ShipyardHelper(ctx).upload_documents()) @site.group( name='secrets', help='Commands to manage site secrets documents') def secrets(): pass @secrets.command( 'generate-pki', help='Generate certificates and keys according to all PKICatalog ' 'documents in the site. Regenerating certificates can be ' 'accomplished by re-running this command.') @click.option( '-a', '--author', 'author', help='Identifying name of the author generating new certificates. Used' 'for tracking provenance information in the PeglegManagedDocuments. ' 'An attempt is made to automatically determine this value, ' 'but should be provided.') @click.argument('site_name') def generate_pki(site_name, author): """Generate certificates, certificate authorities and keypairs for a given site. """ engine.repository.process_repositories(site_name, overwrite_existing=True) pkigenerator = catalog.pki_generator.PKIGenerator(site_name, author=author) output_paths = pkigenerator.generate() click.echo("Generated PKI files written to:\n%s" % '\n'.join(output_paths)) @site.command( 'genesis_bundle', help='Construct the genesis deployment bundle.') @click.option( '-b', '--build-dir', 'build_dir', type=click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True, resolve_path=True), required=True, help='Destination directory to store the genesis bundle.') @click.option( '--include-validators', 'validators', is_flag=True, default=False, help='A flag to request generate genesis validation scripts in addition ' 'to genesis.sh script.') @SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT def genesis_bundle(*, build_dir, validators, site_name): passphrase = os.environ.get("PEGLEG_PASSPHRASE") salt = os.environ.get("PEGLEG_SALT") encryption_key = passphrase if passphrase: passphrase = passphrase.encode() if salt: salt = salt.encode() config.set_passphrase(passphrase) config.set_salt(salt) PeglegSecretManagement.check_environment() bundle.build_genesis(build_dir, encryption_key, validators, logging.DEBUG == LOG.getEffectiveLevel(), site_name) @main.group(help='Commands related to types') @MAIN_REPOSITORY_OPTION @REPOSITORY_CLONE_PATH_OPTION @EXTRA_REPOSITORY_OPTION @REPOSITORY_USERNAME_OPTION @REPOSITORY_KEY_OPTION def type(*, site_repository, clone_path, extra_repositories, repo_key, repo_username): """Group for repo-level actions, which include: * list: list all types across the repository """ config.set_site_repo(site_repository) config.set_clone_path(clone_path) config.set_extra_repo_overrides(extra_repositories or []) config.set_repo_key(repo_key) config.set_repo_username(repo_username) @type.command('list', help='List known types') @click.option( '-o', '--output', 'output_stream', type=click.File(mode='w'), default=sys.stdout, help='Where to output. Defaults to sys.stdout.') def list_types(*, output_stream): """List type names for a given repository.""" engine.repository.process_site_repository(update_config=True) engine.type.list_types(output_stream) @secrets.group( name='generate', help='Command group to generate site secrets documents.') def generate(): pass @generate.command( 'passphrases', help='Command to generate site passphrases') @click.argument('site_name') @click.option( '-s', '--save-location', 'save_location', required=True, help='Directory to store the generated site passphrases in. It will ' 'be created automatically, if it does not already exist. The ' 'generated, wrapped, and encrypted passphrases files will be saved ' 'in: /site//secrets/passphrases/ ' 'directory.') @click.option( '-a', '--author', 'author', required=True, help='Identifier for the program or person who is generating the secrets ' 'documents') @click.option( '-i', '--interactive', 'interactive', is_flag=bool, default=False, help='Generate passphrases interactively, not automatically') def generate_passphrases(*, site_name, save_location, author, interactive): engine.repository.process_repositories(site_name) engine.secrets.generate_passphrases(site_name, save_location, author, interactive) @secrets.command( 'encrypt', help='Command to encrypt and wrap site secrets ' 'documents with metadata.storagePolicy set ' 'to encrypted, in pegleg managed documents.') @click.option( '-s', '--save-location', 'save_location', default=None, help='Directory to output the encrypted site secrets files. Created ' 'automatically if it does not already exist. ' 'If save_location is not provided, the output encrypted files will ' 'overwrite the original input files (default behavior)') @click.option( '-a', '--author', 'author', required=True, help='Identifier for the program or person who is encrypting the secrets ' 'documents') @click.argument('site_name') def encrypt(*, save_location, author, site_name): engine.repository.process_repositories(site_name, overwrite_existing=True) if save_location is None: save_location = config.get_site_repo() engine.secrets.encrypt(save_location, author, site_name) @secrets.command( 'decrypt', help='Command to unwrap and decrypt one site ' 'secrets document and print it to stdout.') @click.option( '-f', '--filename', 'file_name', help='The file name to decrypt and print out to stdout') @click.argument('site_name') def decrypt(*, file_name, site_name): engine.repository.process_repositories(site_name) click.echo(engine.secrets.decrypt(file_name, site_name)) @main.group(help="Miscellaneous generate commands") def generate(): pass @generate.command( 'passphrase', help='Command to generate a passphrase and print out to stdout') @click.option( '-l', '--length', 'length', default=24, help='Generate a passphrase of the given length. ' 'Length is >= 24, default length is 24, no maximum length') def generate_passphrase(length): click.echo("Generated Passhprase: {}".format( engine.secrets.generate_crypto_string(length))) @generate.command( 'salt', help='Command to generate a salt and print out to stdout') @click.option( '-l', '--length', 'length', default=24, help='Generate a salt of the given length. ' 'Length is >= 24, default length is 24, no maximum length') def generate_salt(length): click.echo("Generated Salt: {}".format( engine.secrets.generate_crypto_string(length)))