# Copyright 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import warnings import click from pegleg.cli import utils from pegleg import pegleg_main LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONTEXT_SETTINGS = { 'help_option_names': ['-h', '--help'], } @click.group(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.option( '-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Enable debug logging') @click.option( '-l', '--logging-level', 'logging_level', default='40', show_default=True, type=click.Choice(['10', '20', '30', '40', '50']), help='Sets logging level where:\n' '10=DEBUG\n' '20=INFO\n' '30=WARNING\n' '40=ERROR\n' '50=CRITICAL') def main(*, verbose, logging_level): """Main CLI meta-group, which includes the following groups: * site: site-level actions * repo: repository-level actions """ pegleg_main.set_logging_level(verbose, logging_level) @main.group(help='Commands related to repositories') @utils.MAIN_REPOSITORY_OPTION @utils.REPOSITORY_CLONE_PATH_OPTION # TODO(felipemonteiro): Support EXTRA_REPOSITORY_OPTION as well to be # able to lint multiple repos together. @utils.REPOSITORY_USERNAME_OPTION @utils.REPOSITORY_KEY_OPTION def repo(*, site_repository, clone_path, repo_key, repo_username): """Group for repo-level actions, which include: * lint: lint all sites across the repository """ pegleg_main.run_config( site_repository, clone_path, repo_key, repo_username, [], run_umask=True) @repo.command('lint', help='Lint all sites in a repository') @utils.ALLOW_MISSING_SUBSTITUTIONS_OPTION @utils.EXCLUDE_LINT_OPTION @utils.WARN_LINT_OPTION def lint_repo(*, fail_on_missing_sub_src, exclude_lint, warn_lint): """Lint all sites using checks defined in :mod:`pegleg.engine.errorcodes`. """ warns = pegleg_main.run_lint( exclude_lint, fail_on_missing_sub_src, warn_lint) if warns: click.echo("Linting passed, but produced some warnings.") for w in warns: click.echo(w) @main.group(help='Commands related to sites') @utils.MAIN_REPOSITORY_OPTION @utils.REPOSITORY_CLONE_PATH_OPTION @utils.EXTRA_REPOSITORY_OPTION @utils.REPOSITORY_USERNAME_OPTION @utils.REPOSITORY_KEY_OPTION @click.option( '--decrypt/--no-decrypt', 'decrypt_repos', default=False, help='Automatically attempts to decrypt repositories before executing ' 'the command. Decryption will happen after repositories are copied to ' 'the temporary directory created by pegleg or the user specified ' '`-p` directory. This means in most situations, pre-command decrypt ' 'will not overwrite existing files. For overwriting existing files, ' 'the full decrypt command should still be used.') def site( *, site_repository, clone_path, extra_repositories, repo_key, repo_username, decrypt_repos): """Group for site-level actions, which include: * list: list available sites in a manifests repo * lint: lint a site along with all its dependencies * render: render a site using Deckhand * show: show a site's files """ pegleg_main.run_config( site_repository, clone_path, repo_key, repo_username, extra_repositories or [], run_umask=True, decrypt_repos=decrypt_repos) @site.command(help='Output complete config for one site') @click.option( '-s', '--save-location', 'save_location', help='Directory to output the complete site definition. Created ' 'automatically if it does not already exist.') @click.option( '--validate/--no-validate', 'validate', is_flag=True, # TODO(felipemonteiro): Potentially set this to True in the future. This # is currently set to False to skip validation by default for backwards # compatibility concerns. default=False, help='Perform validations on documents prior to collection.') @utils.EXCLUDE_LINT_OPTION @utils.WARN_LINT_OPTION @utils.SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT def collect(*, save_location, validate, exclude_lint, warn_lint, site_name): """Collects documents into a single site-definition.yaml file, which defines the entire site definition and contains all documents required for ingestion by Airship. If ``save_location`` isn't specified, then the output is directed to stdout. Collect can lint documents prior to collection if the ``--validate`` flag is optionally included. """ pegleg_main.run_collect( exclude_lint, save_location, site_name, validate, warn_lint) @site.command('list', help='List known sites') @utils.OUTPUT_STREAM_OPTION def list_sites(*, output_stream): pegleg_main.run_list_sites(output_stream) @site.command(help='Show details for one site') @utils.OUTPUT_STREAM_OPTION @utils.SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT def show(*, output_stream, site_name): pegleg_main.run_show(output_stream, site_name) @site.command('render', help='Render a site through the deckhand engine') @utils.OUTPUT_STREAM_OPTION @click.option( '-v', '--validate', 'validate', is_flag=True, default=True, show_default=True, help='Whether to pre-validate documents using built-in schema validation. ' 'Skips over externally registered DataSchema documents to avoid ' 'false positives.') @utils.SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT def render(*, output_stream, site_name, validate): pegleg_main.run_render(output_stream, site_name, validate) @site.command('lint', help='Lint a given site in a repository') @utils.ALLOW_MISSING_SUBSTITUTIONS_OPTION @utils.EXCLUDE_LINT_OPTION @utils.WARN_LINT_OPTION @utils.SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT def lint_site(*, fail_on_missing_sub_src, exclude_lint, warn_lint, site_name): """Lint a given site using checks defined in :mod:`pegleg.engine.errorcodes`. """ warns = pegleg_main.run_lint_site( exclude_lint, fail_on_missing_sub_src, site_name, warn_lint) if warns: click.echo("Linting passed, but produced some warnings.") for w in warns: click.echo(w) @site.command('upload', help='Upload documents to Shipyard') # Keystone authentication parameters @click.option('--os-domain-name', envvar='OS_DOMAIN_NAME', required=False) @click.option( '--os-project-domain-name', envvar='OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME', required=False, default='default') @click.option( '--os-user-domain-name', envvar='OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME', required=False, default='default') @click.option('--os-project-name', envvar='OS_PROJECT_NAME', required=False) @click.option('--os-username', envvar='OS_USERNAME', required=False) @click.option('--os-password', envvar='OS_PASSWORD', required=False) @click.option('--os-auth-url', envvar='OS_AUTH_URL', required=False) @click.option('--os-auth-token', envvar='OS_AUTH_TOKEN', required=False) # Option passed to Shipyard client context @click.option( '--context-marker', help='Specifies a UUID (8-4-4-4-12 format) that will be used to correlate ' 'logs, transactions, etc. in downstream activities triggered by this ' 'interaction ', required=False, type=click.UUID) @click.option( '-b', '--buffer-mode', 'buffer_mode', required=False, default='replace', show_default=True, type=click.Choice(['append', 'replace']), help='Set the buffer mode when uploading documents. Supported buffer ' 'modes include append, replace, auto.\n' 'append: Add the collection to the Shipyard Buffer, only if that ' 'collection does not already exist in the Shipyard buffer.\n' 'replace: Clear the Shipyard Buffer before adding the specified ' 'collection.\n') @click.option( '--collection', 'collection', help='Specifies the name to use for the uploaded collection. ' 'Defaults to the specified `site_name`.', callback=utils.collection_default_callback) @utils.SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT @click.pass_context def upload( ctx, *, os_domain_name, os_project_domain_name, os_user_domain_name, os_project_name, os_username, os_password, os_auth_url, os_auth_token, context_marker, site_name, buffer_mode, collection): resp = pegleg_main.run_upload( buffer_mode, collection, context_marker, ctx, os_auth_token, os_auth_url, os_domain_name, os_password, os_project_domain_name, os_project_name, os_user_domain_name, os_username, site_name) click.echo(resp) @site.group(name='secrets', help='Commands to manage site secrets documents') def secrets(): pass @secrets.command( 'generate-pki', short_help='[DEPRECATED - Use secrets generate certificates]\n' 'Generate certs and keys according to the site PKICatalog', help='[DEPRECATED - Use secrets generate certificates]\n' 'Generate certificates and keys according to all PKICatalog ' 'documents in the site using the PKI module. The default behavior is ' 'to generate all certificates that are not yet present. For example, ' 'the first time generate PKI is run or when new entries are added ' 'to the PKICatalogue, only those new entries will be generated on ' 'subsequent runs.') @click.option( '-a', '--author', 'author', help='Identifying name of the author generating new certificates. Used ' 'for tracking provenance information in the PeglegManagedDocuments. ' 'An attempt is made to automatically determine this value, ' 'but should be provided.') @click.option( '-d', '--days', 'days', default=365, show_default=True, help='Duration in days generated certificates should be valid.') @click.option( '--regenerate-all', 'regenerate_all', is_flag=True, default=False, show_default=True, help='Force Pegleg to regenerate all PKI items.') @utils.SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT def generate_pki_deprecated(site_name, author, days, regenerate_all): """Generate certificates, certificate authorities and keypairs for a given site. """ warnings.warn( "DEPRECATED - Use secrets generate certificates", DeprecationWarning) output_paths = pegleg_main.run_generate_pki( author, days, regenerate_all, site_name) click.echo("Generated PKI files written to:\n%s" % '\n'.join(output_paths)) @secrets.command( 'wrap', help='Wrap bare files (e.g. pem or crt) in a PeglegManagedDocument ' 'and encrypt them (by default).') @click.option( '-a', '--author', 'author', help='Author for the new wrapped file.') @click.option( '--filename', 'filename', help='The relative file path for the file to be wrapped.') @click.option( '-o', '--output-path', 'output_path', required=False, help='The output path for the wrapped file. (default: input path with ' '.yaml)') @click.option( '-s', '--schema', 'schema', help='The schema for the document to be wrapped, e.g. ' 'deckhand/Certificate/v1') @click.option( '-n', '--name', 'name', help='The name for the document to be wrapped, e.g. new-cert') @click.option( '-l', '--layer', 'layer', help='The layer for the document to be wrapped., e.g. site.') @click.option( '--encrypt/--no-encrypt', 'encrypt', is_flag=True, default=True, show_default=True, help='Whether to encrypt the wrapped file.') @utils.SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT def wrap_secret_cli( *, site_name, author, filename, output_path, schema, name, layer, encrypt): """Wrap a bare secrets file in a YAML and ManagedDocument""" pegleg_main.run_wrap_secret( author, encrypt, filename, layer, name, output_path, schema, site_name) @site.command( 'genesis_bundle', help='Construct the genesis deployment bundle.') @click.option( '-b', '--build-dir', 'build_dir', type=click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True, resolve_path=True), required=True, help='Destination directory to store the genesis bundle.') @click.option( '--include-validators', 'validators', is_flag=True, default=False, help='A flag to request generate genesis validation scripts in addition ' 'to genesis.sh script.') @utils.SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT def genesis_bundle(*, build_dir, validators, site_name): pegleg_main.run_genesis_bundle(build_dir, site_name, validators) @secrets.command( 'check-pki-certs', help='Determine if certificates in a sites PKICatalog are expired or ' 'expiring within a specified number of days.') @click.option( '-d', '--days', 'days', default=60, help='The number of days past today to check if certificates are valid.') @utils.SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT def check_pki_certs(site_name, days): """Check PKI certificates of a site for expiration.""" expiring_certs_exist, cert_results = pegleg_main.run_check_pki_certs( days, site_name) if expiring_certs_exist: click.echo( "The following certs will expire within the next {} days: \n{}". format(days, cert_results)) exit(1) else: click.echo( "No certificates will expire within the next {} days.".format( days)) exit(0) @main.group(help='Commands related to types') @utils.MAIN_REPOSITORY_OPTION @utils.REPOSITORY_CLONE_PATH_OPTION @utils.EXTRA_REPOSITORY_OPTION @utils.REPOSITORY_USERNAME_OPTION @utils.REPOSITORY_KEY_OPTION def type( *, site_repository, clone_path, extra_repositories, repo_key, repo_username): """Group for repo-level actions, which include: * list: list all types across the repository """ pegleg_main.run_config( site_repository, clone_path, repo_key, repo_username, extra_repositories or [], run_umask=False) @type.command('list', help='List known types') @utils.OUTPUT_STREAM_OPTION def list_types(*, output_stream): """List type names for a given repository.""" pegleg_main.run_list_types(output_stream) @secrets.group( name='generate', help='Command group to generate site secrets documents.') def generate(): pass @generate.command( 'certificates', short_help='Generate certs and keys according to the site PKICatalog', help='Generate certificates and keys according to all PKICatalog ' 'documents in the site using the PKI module. The default behavior is ' 'to generate all certificates that are not yet present. For example, ' 'the first time generate PKI is run or when new entries are added ' 'to the PKICatalogue, only those new entries will be generated on ' 'subsequent runs.') @click.option( '-a', '--author', 'author', help='Identifying name of the author generating new certificates. Used' 'for tracking provenance information in the PeglegManagedDocuments. ' 'An attempt is made to automatically determine this value, ' 'but should be provided.') @click.option( '-d', '--days', 'days', default=365, show_default=True, help='Duration in days generated certificates should be valid.') @click.option( '--regenerate-all', 'regenerate_all', is_flag=True, default=False, show_default=True, help='Force Pegleg to regenerate all PKI items.') @click.option( '-s', '--save-location', 'save_location', required=False, help='Directory to store the generated site certificates in. It will ' 'be created automatically, if it does not already exist. The ' 'generated, wrapped, and encrypted passphrases files will be saved ' 'in: /site//secrets/certificates/ ' 'directory. Defaults to site repository path if no value given.') @utils.SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT def generate_pki(site_name, author, days, regenerate_all, save_location): """Generate certificates, certificate authorities and keypairs for a given site. """ output_paths = pegleg_main.run_generate_pki( author, days, regenerate_all, site_name, save_location) click.echo("Generated PKI files written to:\n%s" % '\n'.join(output_paths)) @generate.command('passphrases', help='Command to generate site passphrases') @utils.SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT @click.option( '-s', '--save-location', 'save_location', required=True, help='Directory to store the generated site passphrases in. It will ' 'be created automatically, if it does not already exist. The ' 'generated, wrapped, and encrypted passphrases files will be saved ' 'in: /site//secrets/passphrases/ ' 'directory.') @click.option( '-a', '--author', 'author', required=True, help='Identifier for the program or person who is generating the secrets ' 'documents') @click.option( '-c', '--passphrase-catalog', 'passphrase_catalog', required=False, type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True), help='Path to a specific passphrase catalog to generate passphrases from. ' 'If not specified, defaults to use catalogs discovered in the ' 'repositories.') @click.option( '-i', '--interactive', 'interactive', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Enables input prompts for "prompt: true" passphrases') @click.option( '--force-cleartext', 'force_cleartext', is_flag=True, default=False, show_default=True, help='Force cleartext generation of passphrases. This is not recommended.') def generate_passphrases( *, site_name, save_location, author, passphrase_catalog, interactive, force_cleartext): pegleg_main.run_generate_passphrases( author, force_cleartext, interactive, save_location, site_name, passphrase_catalog) @secrets.command( 'encrypt', help='Command to encrypt and wrap site secrets ' 'documents with metadata.storagePolicy set ' 'to encrypted, in pegleg managed documents.') @click.option( '-p', '--path', 'path', type=click.Path(exists=True, readable=True), required=False, help='The file or directory path to encrypt. ' 'If path is not provided, all applicable files for the site ' 'will be encrypted.') @click.option( '-s', '--save-location', 'save_location', required=True, help='Directory to output the encrypted site secrets files. Created ' 'automatically if it does not already exist. ' 'If save_location is not provided, the output encrypted files will ' 'overwrite the original input files (default behavior)') @click.option( '-a', '--author', 'author', required=True, help='Identifier for the program or person who is encrypting the secrets ' 'documents') @utils.SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT def encrypt(*, path, save_location, author, site_name): pegleg_main.run_encrypt(author, save_location, site_name, path=path) @secrets.command( 'decrypt', help='Command to unwrap and decrypt one site ' 'secrets document and print it to stdout.') @click.option( '--path', 'path', type=click.Path(exists=True, readable=True), required=True, help='The file or directory path to decrypt.') @click.option( '-s', '--save-location', 'save_location', default=None, help='The destination where the decrypted file(s) should be saved. ' 'If not specified, decrypted data will output to stdout.') @click.option( '-o', '--overwrite', 'overwrite', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Overwrites original file(s) at path with decrypted data when set. ' 'Overrides --save-location option.') @utils.SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT def decrypt(*, path, save_location, overwrite, site_name): data = pegleg_main.run_decrypt(overwrite, path, save_location, site_name) if data: for d in data: click.echo(d) @main.group(help='Miscellaneous generate commands') def generate(): pass @generate.command( 'passphrase', help='Command to generate a passphrase and print out to stdout') @click.option( '-l', '--length', 'length', default=24, show_default=True, help='Generate a passphrase of the given length. ' 'Length is >= 24, no maximum length.') def generate_passphrase(length): click.echo( 'Generated Passhprase: {}'.format( pegleg_main.run_generate_passphrase(length))) @generate.command( 'salt', help='Command to generate a salt and print out to stdout') @click.option( '-l', '--length', 'length', default=24, show_default=True, help='Generate a salt of the given length. ' 'Length is >= 24, no maximum length.') def generate_salt(length): click.echo( "Generated Salt: {}".format(pegleg_main.run_generate_salt(length)))