# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging __all__ = ( 'PeglegBaseException', 'GitException', 'GitAuthException', 'GitProxyException', 'GitSSHException', 'GitConfigException', 'GitInvalidRepoException') LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PeglegBaseException(Exception): """The base Pegleg exception for everything.""" message = "Base Pegleg exception" def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): self.message = message or self.message try: self.message = self.message.format(**kwargs) except KeyError: LOG.warning("Missing kwargs") super().__init__(self.message) class GitException(PeglegBaseException): """Exception when an error occurs cloning a Git repository.""" message = ( 'Git exception occurred: [%(location)s] may not be a valid ' 'git repository. Details: %(details)s') class GitAuthException(PeglegBaseException): """Exception that occurs when authentication fails for cloning a repo.""" message = ( 'Failed to authenticate for repo %(repo_url)s with ssh-key ' 'at path %(ssh_key_path)s') class GitProxyException(PeglegBaseException): """Exception when cloning through proxy.""" message = 'Could not resolve proxy [%(location)s]' class GitSSHException(PeglegBaseException): """Exception that occurs when an SSH key could not be found.""" message = 'Failed to find specified SSH key: %(ssh_key_path)s' class GitConfigException(PeglegBaseException): """Exception that occurs when reading Git repo config fails.""" message = 'Failed to read Git config file for repo path: %(repo_url)s' class GitInvalidRepoException(PeglegBaseException): """Exception raised when an invalid repository is detected.""" message = 'The repository path or URL is invalid: %(repo_url)s' class GitMissingUserException(PeglegBaseException): """Exception raised when a username is required, but not provided.""" message = 'Repo URL %(url)s requires a username, but none was provided.' # # PKI EXCEPTIONS # class IncompletePKIPairError(PeglegBaseException): """Exception for incomplete private/public keypair.""" message = ("Incomplete keypair set %(kinds)s for name: %(name)s") class PassphraseCatalogNotFoundException(PeglegBaseException): """Failed to find Catalog for Passphrases generation.""" message = ( 'Could not find the Passphrase Catalog to generate ' 'the site Passphrases!') class InvalidPassphraseType(PeglegBaseException): """Invalid Passphrase type""" message = ( 'Invalid Passphrase type %(ptype)s specified for %(pname)s. Valid ' 'values are: %(validvalues)s.') class InvalidPassphrasePrompt(PeglegBaseException): """Invalid Passphrase prompt field""" message = ( 'Invalid Passphrase prompt %(pprompt)s specified for %(pname)s. Valid ' 'values are: %(validvalues)s.') class InvalidPassphraseRegeneration(PeglegBaseException): """Invalid Regenerable value for entry in passphrase-catalog""" message = ( 'Invalid Regenerable value %(pregen)s specified for %(pname)s. Valid ' 'values are: %(validvalues)s.') class GenesisBundleEncryptionException(PeglegBaseException): """Exception raised when encryption of the genesis bundle fails.""" message = 'Encryption is required for genesis bundle, but no encryption ' \ 'policy or key is specified.' class GenesisBundleGenerateException(PeglegBaseException): """ Exception raised when pormenade engine fails to build the genesis bundle. """ message = 'Bundle generation failed on deckhand validation.' class PKICertificateInvalidDuration(PeglegBaseException): """Exception for invalid duration of PKI Certificate.""" message = ( 'Provided duration is invalid. Certificate durations must be ' 'a positive integer.') # # CREDENTIALS EXCEPTIONS # class PassphraseNotFoundException(PeglegBaseException): """Exception raised when passphrase is not set.""" message = 'PEGLEG_PASSPHRASE must be set' class PassphraseInsufficientLengthException(PeglegBaseException): """Exception raised when passphrase is too short.""" message = 'PEGLEG_PASSPHRASE must be at least 24 characters long.' class SaltNotFoundException(PeglegBaseException): """Exception raised when salt is not set.""" message = 'PEGLEG_SALT must be set' class SaltInsufficientLengthException(PeglegBaseException): """Exception raised when salt is too short.""" message = 'PEGLEG_SALT must be at least 24 characters long.' class GlobalCredentialsNotFound(PeglegBaseException): """Exception raised when global_passphrase or global_salt are not found.""" message = ( 'global_salt and global_passphrase must either both be ' 'defined, or neither can be defined in site documents.') # # Shipyard Helper Exceptions # class InvalidBufferModeException(PeglegBaseException): """Exception raised when invalid buffer mode specified""" message = 'BUFFER MODE must be one of: append, auto, replace'