# Copyright 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import click from pegleg import config from pegleg import engine from pegleg import pegleg_main LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Callbacks # def process_repositories_callback(ctx, param, value): """Convenient callback for ``@click.argument(site_name)``. Automatically processes repository information for the specified site. This entails cloning all requires repositories and checking out specified references for each repository. """ engine.repository.process_repositories(value) return value def collection_default_callback(ctx, param, value): LOG.debug('Evaluating %s: %s', param.name, value) if not value: return ctx.params['site_name'] return value def decrypt_repos(site_name): repo_list = config.all_repos() for repo in repo_list: pegleg_main.run_decrypt(True, repo, None, site_name) # Arguments # SITE_REPOSITORY_ARGUMENT = click.argument( 'site_name', callback=process_repositories_callback, is_eager=True) # Options # ALLOW_MISSING_SUBSTITUTIONS_OPTION = click.option( '-f', '--fail-on-missing-sub-src', required=False, type=click.BOOL, default=True, show_default=True, help='Raise Deckhand exception on missing substition sources.') EXCLUDE_LINT_OPTION = click.option( '-x', '--exclude', 'exclude_lint', multiple=True, help='Excludes specified linting checks. Warnings will still be issued. ' '-w takes priority over -x.') EXTRA_REPOSITORY_OPTION = click.option( '-e', '--extra-repository', 'extra_repositories', multiple=True, help='Path or URL of additional repositories. These should be named per ' 'the site-definition file, e.g. -e global=/opt/global -e ' 'secrets=/opt/secrets. By default, the revision specified in the ' 'site-definition for the site will be leveraged but can be ' 'overridden using -e global=/opt/global@revision.') MAIN_REPOSITORY_OPTION = click.option( '-r', '--site-repository', 'site_repository', required=True, help='Path or URL to the primary repository (containing ' 'site_definition.yaml) repo.') OUTPUT_STREAM_OPTION = click.option( '-o', '--output', 'output_stream', help='Where to output.') REPOSITORY_CLONE_PATH_OPTION = click.option( '-p', '--clone-path', 'clone_path', help='The path where the repo will be cloned. By default the repo will be ' 'cloned to the /tmp path. If this option is ' 'included and the repo already ' 'exists, then the repo will not be cloned again and the ' 'user must specify a new clone path or pass in the local copy ' 'of the repository as the site repository. Suppose the repo ' 'name is airship/treasuremap and the clone path is ' '/tmp/mypath then the following directory is ' 'created /tmp/mypath/airship/treasuremap ' 'which will contain the contents of the repo') REPOSITORY_KEY_OPTION = click.option( '-k', '--repo-key', 'repo_key', help='The SSH public key to use when cloning remote authenticated ' 'repositories.') REPOSITORY_USERNAME_OPTION = click.option( '-u', '--repo-username', 'repo_username', help='The SSH username to use when cloning remote authenticated ' 'repositories specified in the site-definition file. Any ' 'occurrences of REPO_USERNAME will be replaced with this ' 'value.\n' 'Use only if REPO_USERNAME appears in a repo URL.') WARN_LINT_OPTION = click.option( '-w', '--warn', 'warn_lint', multiple=True, help='Warn if linting check fails. -w takes priority over -x.')