# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import os import tempfile from urllib.parse import urlparse from git import exc as git_exc from git import Git from git import Repo from pegleg.engine import exceptions LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) __all__ = [ 'git_handler', ] def git_handler(repo_url, ref, proxy_server=None, auth_key=None): """Handle directories that are Git repositories. If ``repo_url`` is a valid URL for which a local repository doesn't exist, then clone ``repo_url`` and checkout the given ``ref``. Otherwise, treat ``repo_url`` as an already-cloned repository and checkout the given ``ref``. Supported ``ref`` formats include: * branch name (e.g. 'master') * refpath (e.g. 'refs/changes/54/457754/73') * hexsha (e.g. 'ff5496b9c781918fdc49d79f927323eeef2f5320') :param repo_url: URL of remote Git repo or path to local Git repo. If no local copy exists, clone it. Afterward, check out ``ref`` in the repo. :param ref: branch, commit or reference in the repo to clone. :param proxy_server: optional, HTTP proxy to use while cloning the repo. :param auth_key: If supplied results in using SSH to clone the repository with the specified key. If the value is None, SSH is not used. :returns: Path to the cloned repo if a repo was cloned, else absolute path to ``repo_url``. :raises ValueError: If ``repo_url`` isn't a valid URL or doesn't begin with a valid protocol (http, https or ssh) for cloning. :raises NotADirectoryError: If ``repo_url`` isn't a valid directory path. """ supported_clone_protocols = ('http', 'https', 'ssh') try: parsed_url = urlparse(repo_url) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('repo_url=%s is invalid. Details: %s' % (repo_url, e)) if not ref: raise ValueError('ref=%s must be a non-empty, valid Git ref' % ref) if not os.path.exists(repo_url): # we need to clone the repo_url first since it doesn't exist and then # checkout the appropriate reference - and return the tmpdir if parsed_url.scheme in supported_clone_protocols: return _try_git_clone(repo_url, ref, proxy_server, auth_key) else: raise ValueError('repo_url=%s must use one of the following ' 'protocols: %s' % (repo_url, ', '.join(supported_clone_protocols))) # otherwise, we're dealing with a local directory so although # we do not need to clone, we may need to process the reference # by checking that out and returning the directory they passed in else: LOG.debug('Treating repo_url=%s as an already-cloned repository. ' 'Attempting to checkout ref=%s', repo_url, ref) try: # get absolute path of what is probably a directory repo_url = os.path.abspath(repo_url) except Exception: msg = "The repo_url=%s is not a valid directory" % repo_url LOG.error(msg) raise NotADirectoryError(msg) repo = Repo(repo_url) if repo.is_dirty(): LOG.warning('The locally cloned repo_url=%s is dirty. ' 'Cleaning up untracked files.', repo_url) # Reset the index and working tree to match current ref. repo.head.reset(index=True, working_tree=True) try: # Check whether the ref exists locally. LOG.info('Attempting to checkout ref=%s from repo_url=%s locally', ref, repo_url) _try_git_checkout(repo, repo_url, ref, fetch=False) except exceptions.GitException: # Otherwise, attempt to fetch and checkout the missing ref. LOG.info('ref=%s not found locally for repo_url=%s, fetching from ' 'remote', ref, repo_url) # Allow any errors to bubble up. _try_git_checkout(repo, repo_url, ref, fetch=True) return repo_url def _try_git_clone(repo_url, ref='master', proxy_server=None, auth_key=None): """Try cloning Git repo from ``repo_url`` using the reference ``ref``. :param repo_url: URL of remote Git repo or path to local Git repo. :param ref: branch, commit or reference in the repo to clone. Default is 'master'. :param proxy_server: optional, HTTP proxy to use while cloning the repo. :param auth_key: If supplied results in using SSH to clone the repository with the specified key. If the value is None, SSH is not used. :returns: Path to the cloned repo. :rtype: str :raises GitException: If ``repo_url`` is invalid or could not be found. :raises GitAuthException: If authentication with the Git repository failed. :raises GitProxyException: If the repo could not be cloned due to a proxy issue. """ # the name here is important as it bubbles back up to the output filename # and ensure we handle url/foo.git/ cases. prefix is 'tmp' by default. temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=repo_url.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1]) env_vars = _get_clone_env_vars(repo_url, ref, auth_key) ssh_cmd = env_vars.get('GIT_SSH_COMMAND') try: if proxy_server: LOG.debug('Cloning [%s] with proxy [%s]', repo_url, proxy_server) # TODO(felipemonteiro): proxy_server can be finicky. Need a config # option to retry up to N times. repo = Repo.clone_from( repo_url, temp_dir, config='http.proxy=%s' % proxy_server, env=env_vars) else: LOG.debug('Cloning [%s]', repo_url) repo = Repo.clone_from(repo_url, temp_dir, env=env_vars) except git_exc.GitCommandError as e: LOG.exception('Failed to clone repo_url=%s using ref=%s.', repo_url, ref) if (ssh_cmd and ssh_cmd in e.stderr or 'permission denied' in e.stderr.lower()): raise exceptions.GitAuthException(repo_url, auth_key) elif 'could not resolve proxy' in e.stderr.lower(): raise exceptions.GitProxyException(proxy_server) else: raise exceptions.GitException(repo_url, details=e) except Exception as e: msg = 'Encountered unknown Exception during clone of %s' % repo_url LOG.exception(msg) raise exceptions.GitException(repo_url, details=e) _try_git_checkout(repo=repo, repo_url=repo_url, ref=ref) return temp_dir def _get_clone_env_vars(repo_url, ref, auth_key): """Generate environment variables include SSH command for Git clone. :param repo_url: URL of remote Git repo or path to local Git repo. :param ref: branch, commit or reference in the repo to clone. Default is 'master'. :param auth_key: If supplied results in using SSH to clone the repository with the specified key. If the value is None, SSH is not used. :returns: Dictionary of key-value pairs for Git clone. :rtype: dict :raises GitSSHException: If the SSH key specified by ``CONF.ssh_key_path`` could not be found and ``auth_method`` is "SSH". """ ssh_cmd = None env_vars = {'GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT': '0'} if auth_key: if os.path.exists(auth_key): LOG.debug('Attempting to clone the repo at %s using reference %s ' 'with SSH authentication.', repo_url, ref) # Ensure that host checking is ignored, to avoid unnecessary # required CLI input. ssh_cmd = ( 'ssh -i {} -o ConnectionAttempts=20 -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o ' 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' .format(os.path.expanduser(auth_key))) env_vars.update({'GIT_SSH_COMMAND': ssh_cmd}) else: msg = "The auth_key path '%s' was not found" % auth_key LOG.error(msg) raise exceptions.GitSSHException(auth_key) return env_vars def _try_git_checkout(repo, repo_url, ref, fetch=True): """Try to checkout a ``ref`` from ``repo``. Local branches are created for multiple variations of the ``ref``, including its refpath and hexpath (i.e. commit ID). This is to locally "memoize" references that would otherwise require resolution upstream. We increase performance by creating local branches for these other ``ref`` formats when the ``ref`` is fetched remotely for the first time only. :param repo: Git Repo object. :param repo_url: URL of remote Git repo or path to local Git repo. :param ref: branch, commit or reference in the repo to clone. Default is 'master'. :param fetch: Whether to fetch the ``ref`` from remote before checkout or to use the already-cloned local repo. :raises GitException: If ``ref`` could not be checked out. """ try: g = Git(repo.working_dir) branches = [b.name for b in repo.branches] LOG.debug('Available branches for repo_url=%s: %s', repo_url, branches) if fetch: LOG.debug('Fetching ref=%s from remote repo_url=%s', ref, repo_url) # fetch_info is guaranteed to be populated if ref resolves, else # a GitCommandError is raised. fetch_info = repo.remotes.origin.fetch(ref) hexsha = fetch_info[0].commit.hexsha.strip() ref_path = fetch_info[0].remote_ref_path.strip() # If ``ref`` doesn't match the hexsha/refpath then create a branch # for each so that future checkouts can be performed using either # format. This way, no future processing is required to figure # out whether a refpath/hexsha exists within the repo. _create_local_ref( g, branches, ref=ref, newref=hexsha, reftype='hexsha') _create_local_ref( g, branches, ref=ref, newref=ref_path, reftype='refpath') _create_or_checkout_local_ref(g, branches, ref=ref) else: LOG.debug('Checking out ref=%s from local repo_url=%s', ref, repo_url) # Expect the reference to exist if checking out locally. g.checkout(ref) LOG.debug('Successfully checked out ref=%s for repo_url=%s', ref, repo_url) except git_exc.GitCommandError as e: LOG.exception('Failed to checkout ref=%s from repo_url=%s.', ref, repo_url) raise exceptions.GitException(repo_url, details=e) except Exception as e: msg = ('Encountered unknown Exception during checkout of ref=%s for ' 'repo_url=%s' % (ref, repo_url)) LOG.exception(msg) raise exceptions.GitException(repo_url, details=e) def _create_or_checkout_local_ref(g, branches, ref): if ref not in branches: LOG.debug('Creating local branch for ref=%s', ref) g.checkout('FETCH_HEAD', b=ref) branches.append(ref) else: LOG.debug('Checking out ref=%s from local repo', ref) g.checkout('FETCH_HEAD') def _create_local_ref(g, branches, ref, newref, reftype=None): if newref not in branches: if newref and ref != newref: LOG.debug('Creating local branch for ref=%s (%s for %s)', newref, reftype, ref) g.checkout('FETCH_HEAD', b=newref) branches.append(newref)