# Copyright 2017 The Openstack-Helm Authors. # Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Default values for maas. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. dependencies: static: maas_ingress: {} maas_syslog: {} rack_controller: services: - service: maas_region endpoint: internal - service: maas_ingress endpoint: monitor jobs: - maas-export-api-key region_controller: jobs: - maas-db-sync services: - service: maas_db endpoint: internal - service: maas_ingress endpoint: monitor db_init: services: - service: maas_db endpoint: internal db_sync: jobs: - maas-db-init bootstrap_admin_user: jobs: - maas-db-sync services: - service: maas_region endpoint: internal - service: maas_db endpoint: internal - service: maas_ingress endpoint: monitor import_resources: jobs: - maas-bootstrap-admin-user services: - service: maas_region endpoint: internal - service: maas_db endpoint: internal - service: maas_ingress endpoint: monitor export_api_key: jobs: - maas-bootstrap-admin-user services: - service: maas_region endpoint: internal - service: maas_db endpoint: internal - service: maas_ingress endpoint: monitor network_policy: maas: ingress: - {} egress: - {} manifests: region_statefulset: true rack_statefulset: true syslog_statefulset: true syslog_service: true test_maas_api: true secret_ssh_key: false ingress_region: true configmap_ingress: true maas_ingress: true network_policy: false images: tags: db_init: docker.io/postgres:9.5 db_sync: quay.io/airshipit/maas-region-controller:latest maas_rack: quay.io/airshipit/maas-rack-controller:latest maas_region: quay.io/airshipit/maas-region-controller:latest bootstrap: quay.io/airshipit/maas-region-controller:latest export_api_key: quay.io/airshipit/maas-region-controller:latest maas_cache: quay.io/airshipit/sstream-cache:latest dep_check: quay.io/stackanetes/kubernetes-entrypoint:v0.3.1 ingress: quay.io/kubernetes-ingress-controller/nginx-ingress-controller:0.26.1 ingress_vip: docker.io/busybox:latest error_pages: gcr.io/google_containers/ingress-gce-404-server-with-metrics-amd64:v1.6.0 maas_syslog: quay.io/airshipit/maas-region-controller:latest pull_policy: IfNotPresent local_registry: # TODO(portdirect): this chart does not yet support local image cacheing active: false exclude: - dep_check jobs: import_boot_resources: try_limit: 1 retry_timer: 10 #default timeout: 15 minutes timeout: 900 labels: rack: node_selector_key: ucp-control-plane node_selector_value: enabled region: node_selector_key: ucp-control-plane node_selector_value: enabled ingress: node_selector_key: ucp-control-plane node_selector_value: enabled syslog: node_selector_key: ucp-control-plane node_selector_value: enabled test: node_selector_key: ucp-control-plane node_selector_value: enabled network: maas_ingress: mode: routed interface: maas-vip addr: region_proxy: node_port: enabled: false region_api: ingress: public: true classes: namespace: "maas-ingress" cluster: "maas-ingress" annotations: nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: "/" node_port: enabled: false storage: syslog: pvc: class_path: volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class class_name: general size: 1Gi rackd: pvc: class_path: volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class class_name: general size: 5Gi conf: ssh: # A SSH private key strings to mount # to allow MaaS access virsh over SSH # The corresponding public key should be # added to a authorized_keys file to a user # in the libvirt group on the hypervisors private_key: null bind: override: append: curtin: override: true drydock: bootaction_url: null cache: enabled: false syslog: logpath: /var/log/maas logfile: nodeboot.log logrotate: # How many rotated logs to keep rotate: '30' # Size threshold when a log should rotate size: '100M' # levels (emerg,alert,crit,error,warning,notice,info,debug) # use 'info' as default when overwritting the default log_level: 'info' maas: override: append: http_boot: true url: maas_url: null ingress_disable_gui: false ntp: # These options allow you to mock out the ntpd binary within the container # by overwriting it with a script that simply sleeps - this is useful in # environments where you do not wish these privileged containers to try and # run ntpd that may conflict with the baremetal host disable_ntpd_region: false disable_ntpd_rack: false # Use external only points region and rack serves and deployed nodes directly # at external NTP servers. Otherwise we have nodes -> rack -> region -> external use_external_only: false ntp_servers: [] dns: require_dnssec: no # These are upstream servers dns_servers: [] proxy: # Whether deploying nodes should use MaaS region as an APT proxy proxy_enabled: false # Whether MaaS region should utilize an external proxy for accessing repos peer_proxy_enabled: false # An external proxy server to use proxy_server: null images: default_os: 'ubuntu' default_image: 'xenial' default_kernel: 'ga-16.04' credentials: secret: namespace: maas name: maas-api-key extra_settings: # Additional settings available via maas $PROFILE maas set-config # Marks if the initial intro has been completed: true or false completed_intro: true # Enable Google Analytics: true or false enable_analytics: false # network_discovery: 'enabled' or 'disabled' network_discovery: disabled # active_discovery_interval (seconds): one of '0', '604800', '86400', '43200', '21600', '10800', '3600', '1800', '600' active_discovery_interval: 0 # system user for console login/recovery in early phases of deployment system_user: 'root' system_passwd: 'password' drivers: null #### If you populates drivers, it will replace the 3rd party driver #### info that comes with MaaS. see structure below if it is needed # - blacklist: string # a kernel module to blacklist from loading if needed # comment: string # free form comment # key_binary: | # The GPG key for the repo holding the package, base64 encoded, non-ascii armored # mQENBFRtGAgBCADlSku65P14hVdx9E/W0n6MwuB3WGqmsyKNoa3HezFdMjWERldINNUdi8O28cZ6 # j2+Hi9L1HeQIQ9+7FHpR3JyQePBJtRX8WSEusfRtML98opDhJxKm8Jyxb7aTvCwdNHz3yxADINkM # tOj5oRm7VCr8XHkG7YU27ELs8B+BXWvjO21oSosiFurnhT+H3hQsYXfYA55aa21q0qX+L5dFJSNd # zZVo7m9ybioVv2R5+PfBvdaSxCnmOpcGXFaKAsqVHeTW0pd3sdkin1rkbhOBaU5lFBt2ZiMtKpKH # pT8TZnqHpFHFbgi8j2ARJj4IDct2OGILddUIZSFyue6WE2hpV5c/ABEBAAG0OEhld2xldHQtUGFj # a2FyZCBDb21wYW55IFJTQSAoSFAgQ29kZXNpZ25pbmcgU2VydmljZSkgLSAxiQE+BBMBAgAoBQJU # bRgIAhsDBQkSzAMABgsJCAcDAgYVCAIJCgsEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRD63Y1ksSdeo6BJCADOfIPP # LPpIOnFK9jH4t8lLUd+RyMc+alA3uTDPUJa/ZHa6DHfh42iaPYVEV8OG0tnbMlHmwvsZ5c1/MRMw # 1UbxCvD88P2qM4SUrUjQUlSCms2GLGvFftFXBiOJQ7/yBc9o+yoSvwPrrTxSCk4+Sqm0IfVXVzCh # DM9dM9YPY2Vzjd+LUaYC3X+eSuggUDO0TmJLJd7tZdF9fVXq3lr63BZ5PY98MTCuOoeSMDa9FIUQ # f6vn6UUJMDSRZ9OzhpNJOKR+ShVRwDK6My8gtVIW1EAW2w3VQWI2UNF07aLeO8UG6nTNWA23+OuZ # kUdgQovjcq01caSefgOkmiQOx6d74CAkuQENBFRtGAgBCAC35eBfUIpnTdF5lpIBWOsWGKwNZEg1 # f5GRCc3qv2Cd0dpcDPFDiE6Oa0OjtnyzhBXWEQXfckWh53tIl5Sjhoy4Gh7z7vZEgmuw1L+ILy0Q # 00SqMpZFZaXNn4cnkc4wy5XG1bs81ij4Xp8Gkk9oRDJfCxv6ztW7++uhmU/2w4iqJghJRZwjMKl7 # hGis8cx6vP5UCr7K7nnJqHVeO/z82ooE6XgxHHeGrLNPrzebO74PQ5iV/F5Dq9DFwYk61JaoJ9mA # R9CKn+CDtTTCkbdv7yQKFxXQSludHInRBfuBeM28djOddZF9XCBL3n+KYWC9Mjf0SCyqiUKA/f3P # c6KaTqCZABEBAAGJASUEGAECAA8FAlRtGAgCGwwFCRLMAwAACgkQ+t2NZLEnXqM0/gf/VwQY9rVG # X0ZEoEAto+naRi2wLxae8AJ+JTwChaybyOFtIblM4PnG3rUmQCqFM18PNcfeSiX+dd8CuXOI/voI # hwcfM7HP4hPTykmquHgEHp5t+/gA4+iRYDZvHthURmBzFUl4NS9AhOT7V1udUkn1lAORFc8/bcu1 # yiFIhaQRT3MtOzp+qvThPrspXAgpfOwqjSkPR2YdvvZeqWAs77k2RZQc2aknaMgjWaPLb+V8mBmg # zRO1RDvShu8hsREaKYVMHyAeKhEYC+lX2bNCImQIs/TqhYo5sn0I5+sbpmFNwtF1gP7AF9DjcFfJ # ruvNnfrWpNvn7vuBH6g//Qk5ZnBpwg== # modaliases: # list of strings with modalias patterns that denote a need for this driver # - string # module: string # the name of the kernel module to load # package: string # the name of the debian package containing the kernel module # repository: string # URL to the debian repo containing the package #### secrets: maas_db: admin: maas-db-admin user: maas-db-user maas_users: admin: maas-admin maas_region: name: maas-region-secret value: 3858f62230ac3c915f300c664312c63f ssh_key: ssh-private-key pod: mandatory_access_control: type: apparmor maas-rack: maas-rack: runtime/default init: runtime/default maas-region: maas-region: runtime/default init: runtime/default maas-syslog: syslog: runtime/default logrotate: runtime/default init: runtime/default maas-ingress: maas-ingress-vip: runtime/default maas-ingress: runtime/default init: runtime/default maas-ingress-vip-init: runtime/default maas-ingress-errors: maas-ingress-errors: runtime/default maas-bootstrap-admin-user: maas-bootstrap-admin-user: runtime/default init: runtime/default maas-db-init: maas-db-init: runtime/default init: runtime/default maas-db-sync: maas-db-sync: runtime/default init: runtime/default maas-export-api-key: exporter: runtime/default init: runtime/default maas-import-resources: region-import-resources: runtime/default init: runtime/default maas-api-test: maas-api-test: runtime/default security_context: maas-syslog: pod: runAsUser: 99 container: syslog: runAsUser: 99 readOnlyRootFilesystem: true ingress: container: maas_ingress: runAsUser: 0 maas_ingress_vip: runAsUser: 0 ingress_errors: pod: runAsUser: 65534 container: maas_ingress_errors: readOnlyRootFilesystem: true affinity: anti: type: rack: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution default: preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution topologyKey: default: kubernetes.io/hostname mounts: maas_rack: init_container: [] maas_rack: maas_region: init_container: [] maas_region: export_api_key: init_container: [] export_api_key: maas_ingress: init_container: [] maas_region: maas_syslog: init_container: [] syslog: [] replicas: rack: 2 region: 2 syslog: 1 resources: enabled: false test: limits: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" maas_rack: limits: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" maas_region: limits: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" maas_syslog: limits: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" maas_ingress_vip: limits: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" maas_ingress: limits: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" maas_ingress_errors: limits: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" jobs: db_init: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" db_sync: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" bootstrap_admin_user: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" import_resources: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" export_api_key: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" endpoints: cluster_domain_suffix: cluster.local maas_ingress: hosts: default: maas-ingress error_pages: maas-ingress-error monitor: maas-ingress-monitor host_fqdn_override: default: null port: http: default: 80 https: default: 443 error_pages: default: 8080 podport: 10080 ingress_default_server: default: 8181 healthz: podport: 10254 status: podport: 10246 stream: podport: 10247 profiler: podport: 10245 maas_syslog: hosts: default: maas-syslog host_fqdn_override: default: null port: syslog: public: 514 podport: 514 maas_db: auth: admin: username: postgres password: password user: username: maas password: password database: maasdb path: maasdb hosts: default: postgresql port: postgresql: default: 5432 host_fqdn_override: default: null maas_region: name: maas-region auth: admin: username: admin password: admin email: none@none hosts: default: maas-region public: maas path: default: /MAAS scheme: default: 'http' port: region_api: default: 80 nodeport: 31900 podport: 80 public: 80 region_proxy: default: 8000 # podport and public need to be the same as of MAAS 2.3.4, so # comment them out and let the default rule # podport: 8000 # public: 8000 region_syslog: default: 514 podport: 514 host_fqdn_override: default: null physicalprovisioner: name: drydock hosts: default: drydock-api port: api: default: 9000 nodeport: 31900 path: default: /api/v1.0 scheme: default: http host_fqdn_override: default: null