# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Task driver for completing node provisioning with Canonical MaaS 2.2+.""" import time import logging import re import math import yaml from datetime import datetime import drydock_provisioner.error as errors import drydock_provisioner.config as config import drydock_provisioner.objects.fields as hd_fields import drydock_provisioner.objects.hostprofile as hostprofile import drydock_provisioner.objects as objects from drydock_provisioner.control.util import get_internal_api_href from drydock_provisioner.orchestrator.actions.orchestrator import BaseAction from drydock_provisioner.drivers.node.maasdriver.errors import RackControllerConflict from drydock_provisioner.drivers.node.maasdriver.errors import ApiNotAvailable import drydock_provisioner.drivers.node.maasdriver.models.fabric as maas_fabric import drydock_provisioner.drivers.node.maasdriver.models.vlan as maas_vlan import drydock_provisioner.drivers.node.maasdriver.models.subnet as maas_subnet import drydock_provisioner.drivers.node.maasdriver.models.machine as maas_machine import drydock_provisioner.drivers.node.maasdriver.models.tag as maas_tag import drydock_provisioner.drivers.node.maasdriver.models.sshkey as maas_keys import drydock_provisioner.drivers.node.maasdriver.models.boot_resource as maas_boot_res import drydock_provisioner.drivers.node.maasdriver.models.rack_controller as maas_rack import drydock_provisioner.drivers.node.maasdriver.models.partition as maas_partition import drydock_provisioner.drivers.node.maasdriver.models.volumegroup as maas_vg import drydock_provisioner.drivers.node.maasdriver.models.repository as maas_repo import drydock_provisioner.drivers.node.maasdriver.models.domain as maas_domain class BaseMaasAction(BaseAction): def __init__(self, *args, maas_client=None): super().__init__(*args) self.maas_client = maas_client self.logger = logging.getLogger( config.config_mgr.conf.logging.nodedriver_logger_name) def _add_detail_logs(self, node, machine, stage, result_type='all'): result_details = machine.get_task_results(result_type=result_type) for r in result_details: if r.get_decoded_data(): bd = objects.BuildData( node_name=node.name, task_id=self.task.task_id, collected_date=r.updated, generator="{}:{}".format(stage, r.name), data_format='text/plain', data_element=r.get_decoded_data()) self.state_manager.post_build_data(bd) log_href = "%s/tasks/%s/builddata" % (get_internal_api_href("v1.0"), str(self.task.task_id)) self.task.result.add_link('detail_logs', log_href) self.task.save() class ValidateNodeServices(BaseMaasAction): """Action to validate MaaS is available and ready for use.""" def start(self): self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Running) try: if self.maas_client.test_connectivity(): self.logger.info("Able to connect to MaaS.") self.task.add_status_msg( msg='Able to connect to MaaS.', error=False, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.success() if self.maas_client.test_authentication(): self.logger.info("Able to authenticate with MaaS API.") self.task.add_status_msg( msg='Able to authenticate with MaaS API.', error=False, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.success() boot_res = maas_boot_res.BootResources(self.maas_client) boot_res.refresh() if boot_res.is_importing(): self.logger.info( "MaaS still importing boot resources.") self.task.add_status_msg( msg='MaaS still importing boot resources.', error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.failure() else: if boot_res.len() > 0: self.logger.info("MaaS has synced boot resources.") self.task.add_status_msg( msg='MaaS has synced boot resources.', error=False, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.success() else: self.logger.info("MaaS has no boot resources.") self.task.add_status_msg( msg='MaaS has no boot resources.', error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.failure() rack_ctlrs = maas_rack.RackControllers(self.maas_client) rack_ctlrs.refresh() if rack_ctlrs.len() == 0: self.logger.info( "No rack controllers registered in MaaS") self.task.add_status_msg( msg='No rack controllers registered in MaaS', error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.failure() else: healthy_rackd = [] for r in rack_ctlrs: if r.is_healthy(): healthy_rackd.append(r.hostname) else: msg = "Rack controller %s not healthy." % r.hostname self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=r.hostname, ctx_type='rack_ctlr') if not healthy_rackd: msg = "No healthy rack controllers found." self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx='maas', ctx_type='cluster') self.task.failure() except errors.TransientDriverError as ex: self.task.add_status_msg( msg=str(ex), error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA', retry=True) self.task.failure() except errors.PersistentDriverError as ex: self.task.add_status_msg( msg=str(ex), error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.failure() except Exception as ex: self.task.add_status_msg( msg=str(ex), error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.failure() self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.save() return class CreateStorageTemplate(BaseMaasAction): """Action for any site wide storage activity, not implemented.""" def start(self): self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.save() return class CreateBootMedia(BaseMaasAction): """Action to import image resources.""" def start(self): self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.save() return class PrepareHardwareConfig(BaseMaasAction): """Action to prepare commissioning configuration.""" def start(self): self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.save() return class InterrogateNode(BaseMaasAction): """Action to query MaaS for build-time information about the node.""" def start(self): self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.save() return class DestroyNode(BaseMaasAction): """Action to remove node from MaaS in preparation for redeploy.""" # define the list of node statuses, from which maas server allows releasing a node # A machine can be released from following states, based on MaaS API reference. # The disk of the released machine is erased, and the machine will end up in # "Ready" state in MaaS after release. actionable_node_statuses = ( "Allocated", "Deployed", "Deploying", "Failed deployment", "Releasing failed", "Failed disk erasing", ) def start(self): """ Destroy Node erases the storage, releases the BM node in MaaS, and finally deletes the BM node as a resource from the MaaS database. After successful completion of this action, the destroyed nodes are removed from MaaS list of resources and will be Unkown to MaaS. These nodes have to go through the enlistment process and be detected by MaaS as new nodes. Destroy Node can be performed from any BM node state. :return: None """ try: machine_list = maas_machine.Machines(self.maas_client) machine_list.refresh() except Exception as ex: self.logger.warning("Error accessing the MaaS API.", exc_info=ex) self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.add_status_msg( msg='Error accessing MaaS Machines API: {}'.format(str(ex)), error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.save() return self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Running) self.task.save() try: site_design = self._load_site_design() except errors.OrchestratorError: self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error loading site design.", error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.save() return nodes = self.orchestrator.process_node_filter(self.task.node_filter, site_design) for n in nodes: try: machine = find_node_in_maas(self.maas_client, n) if machine is None: msg = "Could not locate machine for node {}".format(n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.get_id()) continue elif type(machine) == maas_rack.RackController: msg = "Cannot delete rack controller {}.".format(n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) continue # First release the node and erase its disks, if MaaS API allows if machine.status_name in self.actionable_node_statuses: msg = "Releasing node {}, and erasing storage.".format( n.name) self.logger.info(msg) try: machine.release(erase_disk=True, quick_erase=True) except errors.DriverError: msg = "Error Releasing node {}, skipping".format( n.name) self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) continue # node release with erase disk will take sometime monitor it attempts = 0 max_attempts = ( config.config_mgr.conf.timeouts.destroy_node * 60) // config.config_mgr.conf.maasdriver.poll_interval while (attempts < max_attempts and (not machine.status_name.startswith('Ready') and not machine.status_name.startswith('Failed'))): attempts = attempts + 1 time.sleep( config.config_mgr.conf.maasdriver.poll_interval) try: machine.refresh() self.logger.debug( "Polling node {} status attempt {:d} of {:d}: {}" .format(n.name, attempts, max_attempts, machine.status_name)) except Exception: self.logger.warning( "Error updating node {} status during release node, will re-attempt." .format(n.name)) if machine.status_name.startswith('Ready'): msg = "Node {} released and disk erased.".format( n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.get_id()) else: msg = "Node {} release timed out".format(n.name) self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) else: # Node is in a state that cannot be released from MaaS API. # Reset the storage instead msg = "Destroy node {} in status: {}, resetting storage.".format( n.name, machine.status_name) self.logger.info(msg) machine.reset_storage_config() self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') # for both cases above delete the node to force re-commissioning # But, before deleting the node reset it power type in maas if # the node power type should be virsh. try: if n.oob_type == 'libvirt': self.logger.info( 'Resetting MaaS virsh power parameters for node {}.' .format(n.name)) # setting power type attibutes to empty string # will remove them from maas BMC table machine.reset_power_parameters() except AttributeError: pass machine.delete() msg = "Deleted Node: {} in status: {}.".format( n.name, machine.status_name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.get_id()) except errors.DriverError as dex: msg = "Driver error, while destroying node {}, skipping".format( n.name) self.logger.warning(msg, exc_info=dex) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) continue self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.save() return class CreateNetworkTemplate(BaseMaasAction): """Action for configuring the site wide network topology in MaaS.""" def start(self): # TODO(sh8121att) Break this down into more functions self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Running) self.task.save() try: site_design = self._load_site_design() except errors.OrchestratorError: self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error loading site design.", error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.save() return if not site_design.network_links: msg = ("Site design has no network links, no work to do.") self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.success() self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.save() return # Try to true up MaaS definitions of fabrics/vlans/subnets # with the networks defined in Drydock design_networks = list() design_links = site_design.network_links or [] fabrics = maas_fabric.Fabrics(self.maas_client) fabrics.refresh() subnets = maas_subnet.Subnets(self.maas_client) subnets.refresh() domains = maas_domain.Domains(self.maas_client) domains.refresh() for l in design_links: if l.metalabels is not None: # TODO(sh8121att): move metalabels into config if 'noconfig' in l.metalabels: self.logger.info( "NetworkLink %s marked 'noconfig', skipping configuration including allowed networks." % (l.name)) continue fabrics_found = set() # First loop through the possible Networks on this NetworkLink # and validate that MaaS's self-discovered networking matches # our design. This means all self-discovered networks that are matched # to a link need to all be part of the same fabric. Otherwise there is no # way to reconcile the discovered topology with the designed topology for net_name in l.allowed_networks: n = site_design.get_network(net_name) if n is None: msg = "Network %s allowed on link %s, but not defined." % ( net_name, l.name) self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=l.name, ctx_type='network_link') continue maas_net = subnets.singleton({'cidr': n.cidr}) if maas_net is not None: fabrics_found.add(maas_net.fabric) if len(fabrics_found) > 1: msg = "MaaS self-discovered network incompatible with NetworkLink %s" % l.name self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=l.name, ctx_type='network_link') continue elif len(fabrics_found) == 1: link_fabric_id = fabrics_found.pop() link_fabric = fabrics.select(link_fabric_id) link_fabric.name = l.name link_fabric.update() else: link_fabric = fabrics.singleton({'name': l.name}) if link_fabric is None: link_fabric = maas_fabric.Fabric( self.maas_client, name=l.name) link_fabric = fabrics.add(link_fabric) # Ensure that the MTU of the untagged VLAN on the fabric # matches that on the NetworkLink config vlan_list = maas_vlan.Vlans( self.maas_client, fabric_id=link_fabric.resource_id) vlan_list.refresh() msg = "Updating native VLAN MTU = %d on network link %s" % (l.mtu, l.name) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=l.name, ctx_type='network_link') vlan = vlan_list.singleton({'vid': 0}) if vlan: vlan.mtu = l.mtu vlan.update() else: self.logger.warning("Unable to find native VLAN on fabric %s." % link_fabric.resource_id) # Now that we have the fabrics sorted out, check # that VLAN tags and subnet attributes are correct for net_name in l.allowed_networks: n = site_design.get_network(net_name) design_networks.append(n) if n is None: continue try: domain = domains.singleton({'name': n.dns_domain}) if not domain: self.logger.info( 'Network domain not found, adding: %s', n.dns_domain) domain = maas_domain.Domain( self.maas_client, name=n.dns_domain, authoritative=False) domain = domains.add(domain) domains.refresh() subnet = subnets.singleton({'cidr': n.cidr}) if subnet is None: msg = "Subnet for network %s not found, creating..." % ( n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') fabric_list = maas_fabric.Fabrics(self.maas_client) fabric_list.refresh() fabric = fabric_list.singleton({'name': l.name}) if fabric is not None: vlan_list = maas_vlan.Vlans( self.maas_client, fabric_id=fabric.resource_id) vlan_list.refresh() vlan = vlan_list.singleton({ 'vid': n.vlan_id if n.vlan_id is not None else 0 }) if vlan is not None: vlan.name = n.name if getattr(n, 'mtu', None) is not None: vlan.mtu = n.mtu vlan.update() msg = "VLAN %s found for network %s, updated attributes" % ( vlan.resource_id, n.name) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network') else: # Create a new VLAN in this fabric and assign subnet to it vlan = maas_vlan.Vlan( self.maas_client, name=n.name, vid=n.vlan_id, mtu=getattr(n, 'mtu', None), fabric_id=fabric.resource_id) vlan = vlan_list.add(vlan) msg = "VLAN %s created for network %s" % ( vlan.resource_id, n.name) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network') # If subnet did not exist, create it here and attach it to the fabric/VLAN subnet = maas_subnet.Subnet( self.maas_client, name=n.name, cidr=n.cidr, dns_servers=n.dns_servers, fabric=fabric.resource_id, vlan=vlan.resource_id, gateway_ip=n.get_default_gateway()) subnet_list = maas_subnet.Subnets(self.maas_client) subnet = subnet_list.add(subnet) msg = "Created subnet %s for CIDR %s on VLAN %s" % ( subnet.resource_id, subnet.cidr, subnet.vlan) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network') else: msg = "Fabric %s should be created, but cannot locate it." % ( l.name) self.logger.error(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network_link') else: subnet.name = n.name subnet.dns_servers = n.dns_servers msg = "Subnet %s found for network %s, updated attributes" % ( subnet.resource_id, n.name) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network') self.logger.info(msg) vlan_list = maas_vlan.Vlans( self.maas_client, fabric_id=subnet.fabric) vlan_list.refresh() vlan = vlan_list.select(subnet.vlan) if vlan is not None: vlan.name = n.name vlan.set_vid(n.vlan_id) if getattr(n, 'mtu', None) is not None: vlan.mtu = n.mtu vlan.update() msg = "VLAN %s found for network %s, updated attributes" % ( vlan.resource_id, n.name) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network') else: msg = "MaaS subnet %s does not have a matching VLAN" % ( subnet.resource_id) self.logger.error(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network') self.task.failure(focus=n.name) # Check if the routes have a default route subnet.gateway_ip = n.get_default_gateway() subnet.update() dhcp_on = False for r in n.ranges: try: subnet.add_address_range(r) if r.get('type', None) == 'dhcp': dhcp_on = True except Exception as e: msg = "Error adding range to network %s: %s" % ( n.name, str(r)) self.logger.error(msg, exc_info=e) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network') vlan_list = maas_vlan.Vlans( self.maas_client, fabric_id=subnet.fabric) vlan_list.refresh() vlan = vlan_list.select(subnet.vlan) if dhcp_on: # check if design requires a dhcp relay and if the MaaS vlan already uses a dhcp_relay msg = "DHCP enabled for subnet %s, activating in MaaS" % ( subnet.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network') rack_ctlrs = maas_rack.RackControllers( self.maas_client) rack_ctlrs.refresh() # Reset DHCP stuff to avoid offline rack controllers vlan.reset_dhcp_mgmt() dhcp_config_set = False for r in rack_ctlrs: if not r.is_healthy(): continue if n.dhcp_relay_upstream_target is not None: if r.interface_for_ip( n.dhcp_relay_upstream_target): if not r.is_healthy(): msg = ("Rack controller %s with DHCP relay is not healthy." % r.hostname) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network') break iface = r.interface_for_ip( n.dhcp_relay_upstream_target) vlan.relay_vlan = iface.vlan msg = "Relaying DHCP on vlan %s to vlan %s" % ( vlan.resource_id, vlan.relay_vlan) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network') vlan.update() dhcp_config_set = True break else: for i in r.interfaces: if i.vlan == vlan.resource_id: msg = "Rack controller %s has interface on vlan %s" % ( r.resource_id, vlan.resource_id) self.logger.debug(msg) rackctl_id = r.resource_id if not r.is_healthy(): msg = ("Rack controller %s not healthy, skipping DHCP config." % r.resource_id) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network') break try: vlan.dhcp_on = True vlan.add_rack_controller( rackctl_id) msg = "Enabling DHCP on VLAN %s managed by rack ctlr %s" % ( vlan.resource_id, rackctl_id) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network') vlan.update() dhcp_config_set = True except RackControllerConflict: msg = ( "More than two rack controllers on vlan %s, " "skipping enabling %s." % (vlan.resource_id, rackctl_id)) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network') break if not dhcp_config_set: msg = "Network %s requires DHCP, but could not locate a rack controller to serve it." % ( n.name) self.logger.error(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network') self.task.failure(focus=n.name) except ValueError: raise errors.DriverError("Inconsistent data from MaaS") # Now that all networks should be created, we can setup routes between them subnet_list = maas_subnet.Subnets(self.maas_client) subnet_list.refresh() for n in design_networks: src_subnet = subnet_list.singleton({'cidr': n.cidr}) for r in n.routes: # care for case of routedomain routes that are logical placeholders if not r.get('subnet', None): continue route_net = r.get('subnet') # Skip the default route case if route_net == '': continue dest_subnet = subnet_list.singleton({'cidr': route_net}) if dest_subnet is not None: src_subnet.add_static_route( dest_subnet.resource_id, r.get('gateway'), metric=r.get('metric', 100)) else: msg = "Could not locate destination network for static route to %s." % route_net self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network') self.task.failure(focus=n.name) self.logger.info(msg) continue # now validate that all subnets allowed on a link were created for n in design_networks: if n.metalabels is not None: # TODO(sh8121att): move metalabels into config if 'noconfig' in n.metalabels: self.logger.info( "Network %s marked 'noconfig', skipping validation." % (n.name)) continue exists = subnet_list.singleton({'cidr': n.cidr}) if exists is not None: self.task.success(focus=n.name) else: msg = "Network %s defined, but not found in MaaS after network config task." % n.name self.logger.error(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='network') self.task.failure(focus=n.name) self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.save() return class ConfigureNodeProvisioner(BaseMaasAction): """Action for configuring site-wide node provisioner options.""" # These repo names cannot be deleted out of MAAS # and maintain functionality DEFAULT_REPOS = ['main_archive', 'ports_archive'] def start(self): self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Running) self.task.save() try: site_design = self._load_site_design() except errors.OrchestratorError: self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error loading site design.", error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.save() return try: current_repos = maas_repo.Repositories(self.maas_client) current_repos.refresh() except Exception as ex: self.logger.debug("Error accessing the MaaS API.", exc_info=ex) self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.add_status_msg( msg='Error accessing MaaS SshKeys API', error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.save() return site_model = site_design.get_site() repo_list = getattr(site_model, 'repositories', None) or [] if repo_list: for r in repo_list: try: existing_repo = current_repos.singleton({ 'name': r.get_id() }) new_repo = self.create_maas_repo(self.maas_client, r) if existing_repo: new_repo.resource_id = existing_repo.resource_id new_repo.update() msg = "Updating repository definition for %s." % ( r.name) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.success() else: new_repo = current_repos.add(new_repo) msg = "Adding repository definition for %s." % (r.name) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.success() except Exception as ex: msg = "Error adding repository to MaaS configuration: %s" % str( ex) self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.failure() if repo_list.remove_unlisted: defined_repos = [x.get_id() for x in repo_list] to_delete = [ r for r in current_repos if r.name not in defined_repos ] for r in to_delete: if r.name not in self.DEFAULT_REPOS: r.delete() current_repos.refresh() else: msg = ("No repositories to add, no work to do.") self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.success() self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.save() return @staticmethod def create_maas_repo(api_client, repo_obj): """Create a MAAS model of a repo based of a Drydock model. If resource_id is specified, assign it the resource_id so the new instance can be used to update an existing repo. :param api_client: A MAAS API client configured to connect to MAAS :param repo_obj: Instance of objects.Repository """ model_fields = dict() if repo_obj.distributions: model_fields['distributions'] = ','.join(repo_obj.distributions) if repo_obj.components: if repo_obj.get_id() in ConfigureNodeProvisioner.DEFAULT_REPOS: model_fields['disabled_components'] = ','.join( repo_obj.get_disabled_components()) else: model_fields['components'] = ','.join(repo_obj.components) if repo_obj.get_disabled_subrepos(): model_fields['disabled_pockets'] = ','.join( repo_obj.get_disabled_subrepos()) if repo_obj.arches: model_fields['arches'] = ','.join(repo_obj.arches) model_fields['key'] = repo_obj.gpgkey for k in ['name', 'url']: model_fields[k] = getattr(repo_obj, k) repo_model = maas_repo.Repository(api_client, **model_fields) return repo_model class ConfigureUserCredentials(BaseMaasAction): """Action for configuring user public keys.""" def start(self): self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Running) self.task.save() try: site_design = self._load_site_design() except errors.OrchestratorError: self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error loading site design.", error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.save() return try: current_keys = maas_keys.SshKeys(self.maas_client) current_keys.refresh() except Exception as ex: self.logger.debug("Error accessing the MaaS API.", exc_info=ex) self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.add_status_msg( msg='Error accessing MaaS SshKeys API', error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.save() return site_model = site_design.get_site() key_list = getattr(site_model, 'authorized_keys', None) or [] if key_list: for k in key_list: try: if len(current_keys.query({ 'key': k.replace("\n", "") })) == 0: new_key = maas_keys.SshKey(self.maas_client, key=k) new_key = current_keys.add(new_key) msg = "Added SSH key %s to MaaS user profile. Will be installed on all deployed nodes." % ( k[:16]) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.success() else: msg = "SSH key %s already exists in MaaS user profile." % k[: 16] self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.success() except Exception as ex: msg = "Error adding SSH key to MaaS user profile: %s" % str( ex) self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.failure() else: msg = ("No keys to add, no work to do.") self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.success() self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.save() return class IdentifyNode(BaseMaasAction): """Action to identify a node resource in MaaS matching a node design.""" def start(self): self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Running) self.task.save() try: site_design = self._load_site_design() except errors.OrchestratorError: self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error loading site design.", error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.save() return nodes = self.orchestrator.process_node_filter(self.task.node_filter, site_design) for n in nodes: try: machine = find_node_in_maas(self.maas_client, n) if machine is None: self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Node %s not found in MaaS" % n.name, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') elif type(machine) == maas_machine.Machine: machine.update_identity(n, domain=n.get_domain(site_design)) msg = "Node %s identified in MaaS" % n.name self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.get_id()) elif type(machine) == maas_rack.RackController: msg = "Rack controller %s identified in MaaS" % n.name self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.get_id()) except ApiNotAvailable as api_ex: self.logger.debug("Error accessing the MaaS API.", exc_info=api_ex) self.task.failure() self.task.add_status_msg( msg='Error accessing MaaS API: %s' % str(api_ex), error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.save() except Exception as ex: self.logger.debug( "Exception caught in identify node.", exc_info=ex) self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error trying to location %s in MAAS" % n.name, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.save() return class ConfigureHardware(BaseMaasAction): """Action to start commissioning a server.""" def start(self): try: machine_list = maas_machine.Machines(self.maas_client) machine_list.refresh() except Exception as ex: self.logger.debug("Error accessing the MaaS API.", exc_info=ex) self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error accessing MaaS Machines API: %s" % str(ex), error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.save() return self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Running) self.task.save() try: site_design = self._load_site_design() except errors.OrchestratorError: self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error loading site design.", error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.save() return nodes = self.orchestrator.process_node_filter(self.task.node_filter, site_design) # TODO(sh8121att): Better way of representing the node statuses than static strings for n in nodes: try: self.logger.debug( "Locating node %s for commissioning" % (n.name)) machine = find_node_in_maas(self.maas_client, n) if type(machine) == maas_rack.RackController: msg = "Located node %s in MaaS as rack controller. Skipping." % ( n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.get_id()) elif machine is not None: if machine.status_name in [ 'New', 'Broken', 'Failed commissioning', 'Failed testing' ]: self.logger.debug( "Located node %s in MaaS, starting commissioning" % (n.name)) machine.commission() # Poll machine status attempts = 0 max_attempts = ( config.config_mgr.conf.timeouts.configure_hardware * 60 ) // config.config_mgr.conf.maasdriver.poll_interval while (attempts < max_attempts and (machine.status_name != 'Ready' and not machine.status_name.startswith('Failed'))): attempts = attempts + 1 time.sleep(config.config_mgr.conf.maasdriver. poll_interval) try: machine.refresh() self.logger.debug( "Polling node %s status attempt %d of %d: %s" % (n.name, attempts, max_attempts, machine.status_name)) except Exception: self.logger.warning( "Error updating node %s status during commissioning, will re-attempt." % (n.name), exc_info=True) if machine.status_name == 'Ready': msg = "Node %s commissioned." % (n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.get_id()) self.collect_build_data(machine) else: msg = "Node %s failed commissioning." % (n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) self._add_detail_logs( n, machine, 'commission', result_type='commissioning') self._add_detail_logs( n, machine, 'testing', result_type='testing') elif machine.status_name in ['Commissioning', 'Testing']: msg = "Located node %s in MaaS, node already being commissioned. Skipping..." % ( n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.get_id()) elif machine.status_name in [ 'Ready', 'Deploying', 'Allocated', 'Deployed' ]: msg = "Located node %s in MaaS, node commissioned. Skipping..." % ( n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.get_id()) else: msg = "Located node %s in MaaS, unknown status %s. Skipping." % ( n, machine.status_name) self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) else: msg = "Node %s not found in MaaS" % n.name self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) except Exception as ex: msg = "Error commissioning node %s: %s" % (n.name, str(ex)) self.logger.warning(msg) self.logger.debug( "Unhandled exception attempting to commission node.", exc_info=ex) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.save() return def collect_build_data(self, machine): """Collect MaaS build data after commissioning.""" self.logger.debug("Collecting build data for %s" % machine.hostname) try: data = machine.get_details() if data: for t, d in data.items(): if t in ('lshw', 'lldp'): df = 'text/xml' else: df = 'text/plain' bd = objects.BuildData( node_name=machine.hostname, task_id=self.task.get_id(), generator=t, collected_date=datetime.utcnow(), data_format=df, data_element=d.decode()) self.logger.debug( "Saving build data from generator %s" % t) self.state_manager.post_build_data(bd) self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Saving build data element.", error=False, ctx=machine.hostname, ctx_type='node') except Exception as ex: self.logger.error( "Error collecting node build data for %s" % machine.hostname, exc_info=ex) class ApplyNodeNetworking(BaseMaasAction): """Action to configure networking on a node.""" def start(self): try: machine_list = maas_machine.Machines(self.maas_client) machine_list.refresh() fabrics = maas_fabric.Fabrics(self.maas_client) fabrics.refresh() subnets = maas_subnet.Subnets(self.maas_client) subnets.refresh() except Exception as ex: self.logger.debug("Error accessing the MaaS API.", exc_info=ex) self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error accessing MaaS API: %s" % str(ex), error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.save() return self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Running) self.task.save() try: site_design = self._load_site_design(resolve_aliases=True) except errors.OrchestratorError: self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error loading site design.", error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.save() return nodes = self.orchestrator.process_node_filter(self.task.node_filter, site_design) # TODO(sh8121att): Better way of representing the node statuses than static strings for n in nodes: try: self.logger.debug( "Locating node %s for network configuration" % (n.name)) machine = find_node_in_maas(self.maas_client, n) if type(machine) is maas_rack.RackController: msg = ("Node %s is a rack controller, skipping deploy action." % n.name) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.name) continue elif machine is not None: if machine.status_name.startswith('Failed Dep'): msg = ( "Node %s has failed deployment, releasing to try again." % n.name) self.logger.debug(msg) try: machine.release() machine.refresh() except errors.DriverError: msg = ( "Node %s could not be released, skipping deployment." % n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.name) continue msg = ("Released failed node %s to retry deployment." % n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') if machine.status_name == 'Ready': msg = "Located node %s in MaaS, starting interface configuration" % ( n.name) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') machine.reset_network_config() machine.refresh() for i in n.interfaces: if not i.network_link: self.logger.debug( "Interface %s has no network link, skipping configuration." % (i.device_name)) continue nl = site_design.get_network_link(i.network_link) if nl.metalabels is not None: if 'noconfig' in nl.metalabels: self.logger.info( "Interface %s connected to NetworkLink %s marked 'noconfig', skipping." % (i.device_name, nl.name)) continue fabric = fabrics.singleton({'name': nl.name}) if fabric is None: msg = "No fabric found for NetworkLink %s" % ( nl.name) self.logger.error(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.name) continue if nl.bonding_mode != hd_fields.NetworkLinkBondingMode.Disabled: if len(i.get_hw_slaves()) > 1: msg = "Building node %s interface %s as a bond." % ( n.name, i.device_name) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') hw_iface_list = i.get_hw_slaves() hw_iface_logicalname_list = [] for hw_iface in hw_iface_list: hw_iface_logicalname_list.append( n.get_logicalname(hw_iface)) iface = machine.interfaces.create_bond( device_name=i.device_name, parent_names=hw_iface_logicalname_list, mtu=nl.mtu, fabric=fabric.resource_id, mode=nl.bonding_mode, monitor_interval=nl.bonding_mon_rate, downdelay=nl.bonding_down_delay, updelay=nl.bonding_up_delay, lacp_rate=nl.bonding_peer_rate, hash_policy=nl.bonding_xmit_hash) else: msg = "Network link %s indicates bonding, " \ "interface %s has less than 2 slaves." % \ (nl.name, i.device_name) self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.name) continue else: if len(i.get_hw_slaves()) > 1: msg = "Network link %s disables bonding, interface %s has multiple slaves." % \ (nl.name, i.device_name) self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(n.name) continue elif len(i.get_hw_slaves()) == 0: msg = "Interface %s has 0 slaves." % ( i.device_name) self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.name) else: msg = "Configuring interface %s on node %s" % ( i.device_name, n.name) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') hw_iface = i.get_hw_slaves()[0] # TODO(sh8121att): HardwareProfile device alias integration iface = machine.get_network_interface( n.get_logicalname(hw_iface)) if iface is None: msg = "Interface %s not found on node %s, skipping configuration" % ( i.device_name, machine.resource_id) self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.name) continue if iface.fabric_id == fabric.resource_id: self.logger.debug( "Interface %s already attached to fabric_id %s" % (i.device_name, fabric.resource_id)) else: self.logger.debug( "Attaching node %s interface %s to fabric_id %s" % (n.name, i.device_name, fabric.resource_id)) iface.attach_fabric( fabric_id=fabric.resource_id) if iface.effective_mtu != nl.mtu: self.logger.debug( "Updating interface %s MTU to %s" % (i.device_name, nl.mtu)) iface.set_mtu(nl.mtu) for iface_net in getattr(i, 'networks', []): dd_net = site_design.get_network(iface_net) if dd_net is not None: link_iface = None if iface_net == getattr( nl, 'native_network', None): # If a node interface is attached to the native network for a link # then the interface itself should be linked to network, not a VLAN # tagged interface self.logger.debug( "Attaching node %s interface %s to untagged VLAN on fabric %s" % (n.name, i.device_name, fabric.resource_id)) link_iface = iface else: # For non-native networks, we create VLAN tagged interfaces as children # of this interface vlan_options = { 'vlan_tag': dd_net.vlan_id, 'parent_name': iface.name, } if dd_net.mtu is not None: vlan_options['mtu'] = dd_net.mtu self.logger.debug( "Creating tagged interface for VLAN %s on system %s interface %s" % (dd_net.vlan_id, n.name, i.device_name)) try: link_iface = machine.interfaces.create_vlan( **vlan_options) except errors.DriverError as ex: msg = "Error creating interface: %s" % str( ex) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.name) continue link_options = {} link_options[ 'primary'] = True if iface_net == getattr( n, 'primary_network', None) else False link_options['subnet_cidr'] = dd_net.cidr found = False for a in getattr(n, 'addressing', []): if a.network == iface_net: link_options[ 'ip_address'] = 'dhcp' if a.type == 'dhcp' else a.address found = True if not found: msg = "No addressed assigned to network %s for node %s, link is L2 only." % ( iface_net, n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') link_options['ip_address'] = None msg = "Linking system %s interface %s to subnet %s" % ( n.name, i.device_name, dd_net.cidr) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') link_iface.link_subnet(**link_options) self.task.success(focus=n.name) else: self.task.failure(focus=n.name) msg = "Did not find a defined Network %s to attach to interface" % iface_net self.logger.error(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') elif machine.status_name == 'Broken': msg = ("Located node %s in MaaS, status broken. Run " "ConfigureHardware before configurating network" % (n.name)) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.name) elif machine.status_name == 'Deployed': msg = ( "Located node %s in MaaS, status deployed. Skipping " "and considering success. Destroy node first if redeploy needed." % (n.name)) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.name) else: msg = "Located node %s in MaaS, unknown status %s. Skipping..." % ( n.name, machine.status_name) self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.name) else: msg = "Node %s not found in MaaS" % n.name self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure() except Exception as ex: msg = "Error configuring network for node %s: %s" % (n.name, str(ex)) self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.name) self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.save() class ApplyNodePlatform(BaseMaasAction): """Action for configuring platform settings (OS/kernel) on a node.""" def start(self): try: machine_list = maas_machine.Machines(self.maas_client) machine_list.refresh() tag_list = maas_tag.Tags(self.maas_client) tag_list.refresh() except Exception as ex: self.logger.debug("Error accessing the MaaS API.", exc_info=ex) self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error accessing MaaS API: %s" % str(ex), error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.save() return self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Running) self.task.save() try: site_design = self._load_site_design() except errors.OrchestratorError: self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error loading site design.", error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.save() return nodes = self.orchestrator.process_node_filter(self.task.node_filter, site_design) for n in nodes: try: self.logger.debug( "Locating node %s for platform configuration" % (n.name)) machine = find_node_in_maas(self.maas_client, n) if machine is None: msg = "Could not locate machine for node %s" % n.name self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) continue except Exception as ex1: msg = "Error locating machine for node %s: %s" % (n, str(ex1)) self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) self.logger.error(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') continue if type(machine) is maas_rack.RackController: msg = ("Skipping changes to rack controller %s." % n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.name) continue elif machine.status_name == 'Deployed': msg = ( "Located node %s in MaaS, status deployed. Skipping " "and considering success. Destroy node first if redeploy needed." % (n.name)) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.name) continue try: # Render the string of all kernel params for the node kp_string = n.get_kernel_param_string() if kp_string: # Check if the node has an existing kernel params tag node_kp_tag = tag_list.select("%s_kp" % (n.name)) self.logger.info( "Configuring kernel parameters for node %s" % (n.name)) if node_kp_tag: node_kp_tag.delete() msg = "Creating kernel_params tag for node %s: %s" % ( n.name, kp_string) self.logger.debug(msg) node_kp_tag = maas_tag.Tag( self.maas_client, name="%s_kp" % (n.name), kernel_opts=kp_string) node_kp_tag = tag_list.add(node_kp_tag) node_kp_tag.apply_to_node(machine.resource_id) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') msg = "Applied kernel parameters to node %s" % n.name self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.get_id()) else: msg = "No kernel parameters to apply for %s." % n.name self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.get_id()) except Exception as ex2: msg = "Error configuring kernel parameters for node %s" % ( n.name) self.logger.error(msg + ": %s" % str(ex2)) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) continue try: if n.tags is not None and len(n.tags) > 0: self.logger.info( "Configuring static tags for node %s" % (n.name)) for t in n.tags: tag_list.refresh() tag = tag_list.select(t) if tag is None: try: self.logger.debug("Creating static tag %s" % t) tag = maas_tag.Tag(self.maas_client, name=t) tag = tag_list.add(tag) except errors.DriverError: tag_list.refresh() tag = tag_list.select(t) if tag is not None: self.logger.debug( "Tag %s arrived out of nowhere." % t) else: self.logger.error( "Error creating tag %s." % t) continue msg = "Applying tag %s to node %s" % ( tag.resource_id, machine.resource_id) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') tag.apply_to_node(machine.resource_id) self.logger.info( "Applied static tags to node %s" % (n.name)) self.task.success(focus=n.get_id()) else: msg = "No node tags to apply for %s." % n.name self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.get_id()) except Exception as ex3: msg = "Error configuring static tags for node %s" % (n.name) self.logger.error(msg + ": " + str(ex3)) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) continue self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.save() return class ApplyNodeStorage(BaseMaasAction): """Action configure node storage.""" # NOTE(sh8121att) Partition tables take size and it seems if the first partition # on a block device attempts to use the full size of the device # MAAS will fail that the device is not large enough # It may be that the block device available_size does not include overhead # for the partition table and once the table is written, there is not # enough space for the 'full size' partition. So reserve the below # when calculating 'rest of device' sizing w/ the '>' operator PART_TABLE_RESERVATION = 1024 * 1024 * 4 # 4MB reservation for partition size def start(self): try: machine_list = maas_machine.Machines(self.maas_client) machine_list.refresh() except Exception as ex: self.logger.debug("Error accessing the MaaS API.", exc_info=ex) self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error accessing MaaS API: %s" % str(ex), error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.save() return self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Running) self.task.save() try: site_design = self._load_site_design(resolve_aliases=True) except errors.OrchestratorError: self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error loading site design.", error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.save() return nodes = self.orchestrator.process_node_filter(self.task.node_filter, site_design) for n in nodes: try: self.logger.debug( "Locating node %s for storage configuration" % (n.name)) machine = find_node_in_maas(self.maas_client, n) if machine is None: msg = "Could not locate machine for node %s" % n.name self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) continue except Exception as ex: msg = "Error locating machine for node %s" % (n.name) self.logger.error(msg + ": " + str(ex)) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) continue if type(machine) is maas_rack.RackController: msg = ("Skipping configuration updates to rack controller %s." % n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.name) continue elif machine.status_name == 'Deployed': msg = ( "Located node %s in MaaS, status deployed. Skipping " "and considering success. Destroy node first if redeploy needed." % (n.name)) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.name) continue try: """ 1. Clear VGs 2. Clear partitions 3. Apply partitioning 4. Create VGs 5. Create logical volumes """ msg = "Clearing current storage layout on node %s." % n.name self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') machine.reset_storage_config() (root_dev, root_block) = n.find_fs_block_device('/') (boot_dev, boot_block) = n.find_fs_block_device('/boot') storage_layout = dict() if isinstance(root_block, hostprofile.HostPartition): storage_layout['layout_type'] = 'flat' storage_layout['root_device'] = n.get_logicalname( root_dev.name) storage_layout['root_size'] = root_block.size elif isinstance(root_block, hostprofile.HostVolume): storage_layout['layout_type'] = 'lvm' if len(root_dev.physical_devices) != 1: msg = "Root LV in VG with multiple physical devices on node %s" % ( n.name) self.logger.error(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) continue storage_layout['root_device'] = n.get_logicalname( root_dev.physical_devices[0]) storage_layout['root_lv_size'] = root_block.size storage_layout['root_lv_name'] = root_block.name storage_layout['root_vg_name'] = root_dev.name if boot_block is not None: storage_layout['boot_size'] = boot_block.size msg = "Setting node %s root storage layout: %s" % ( n.name, str(storage_layout)) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') machine.set_storage_layout(**storage_layout) vg_devs = {} for d in n.storage_devices: maas_dev = machine.block_devices.singleton({ 'name': n.get_logicalname(d.name) }) if maas_dev is None: msg = "Dev %s (%s) not found on node %s" % ( d.name, n.get_logicalname(d.name), n.name) self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) continue if d.volume_group is not None: self.logger.debug( "Adding dev %s (%s) to volume group %s" % (d.name, n.get_logicalname(d.name), d.volume_group)) if d.volume_group not in vg_devs: vg_devs[d.volume_group] = {'b': [], 'p': []} vg_devs[d.volume_group]['b'].append( maas_dev.resource_id) continue self.logger.debug( "Partitioning dev %s (%s) on node %s" % (d.name, n.get_logicalname(d.name), n.name)) for p in d.partitions: if p.is_sys(): self.logger.debug( "Skipping manually configuring a system partition." ) continue maas_dev.refresh() size = ApplyNodeStorage.calculate_bytes( size_str=p.size, context=maas_dev) part = maas_partition.Partition( self.maas_client, size=size, bootable=p.bootable) if p.part_uuid is not None: part.uuid = p.part_uuid msg = "Creating partition %s sized %d bytes on dev %s (%s)" % ( p.name, size, d.name, n.get_logicalname(d.name)) self.logger.debug(msg) part = maas_dev.create_partition(part) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') if p.volume_group is not None: self.logger.debug( "Adding partition %s to volume group %s" % (p.name, p.volume_group)) if p.volume_group not in vg_devs: vg_devs[p.volume_group] = {'b': [], 'p': []} vg_devs[p.volume_group]['p'].append( part.resource_id) if p.mountpoint is not None: format_opts = {'fstype': p.fstype} if p.fs_uuid is not None: format_opts['uuid'] = str(p.fs_uuid) if p.fs_label is not None: format_opts['label'] = p.fs_label msg = "Formatting partition %s as %s" % (p.name, p.fstype) self.logger.debug(msg) part.format(**format_opts) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') mount_opts = { 'mount_point': p.mountpoint, 'mount_options': p.mount_options, } msg = "Mounting partition %s on %s" % ( p.name, p.mountpoint) self.logger.debug(msg) part.mount(**mount_opts) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.logger.debug( "Finished configuring node %s partitions" % n.name) for v in n.volume_groups: if v.is_sys(): self.logger.debug( "Skipping manually configuraing system VG.") continue if v.name not in vg_devs: self.logger.warning( "No physical volumes defined for VG %s, skipping." % (v.name)) continue maas_volgroup = maas_vg.VolumeGroup( self.maas_client, name=v.name) if v.vg_uuid is not None: maas_volgroup.uuid = v.vg_uuid if len(vg_devs[v.name]['b']) > 0: maas_volgroup.block_devices = ','.join( [str(x) for x in vg_devs[v.name]['b']]) if len(vg_devs[v.name]['p']) > 0: maas_volgroup.partitions = ','.join( [str(x) for x in vg_devs[v.name]['p']]) msg = "Create volume group %s on node %s" % (v.name, n.name) self.logger.debug(msg) maas_volgroup = machine.volume_groups.add(maas_volgroup) maas_volgroup.refresh() self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') for lv in v.logical_volumes: calc_size = ApplyNodeStorage.calculate_bytes( size_str=lv.size, context=maas_volgroup) bd_id = maas_volgroup.create_lv( name=lv.name, uuid_str=lv.lv_uuid, size=calc_size) if lv.mountpoint is not None: machine.refresh() maas_lv = machine.block_devices.select(bd_id) msg = "Formatting LV %s as filesystem on node %s." % ( lv.name, n.name) self.logger.debug(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') maas_lv.format( fstype=lv.fstype, uuid_str=lv.fs_uuid) msg = "Mounting LV %s at %s on node %s." % ( lv.name, lv.mountpoint, n.name) self.logger.debug(msg) maas_lv.mount( mount_point=lv.mountpoint, mount_options=lv.mount_options) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.get_id()) except Exception as ex: self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error configuring storage. %s" % str(ex), error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.logger.debug("Error configuring storage for node %s: %s" % (n.name, str(ex))) self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.save() return @classmethod def calculate_bytes(cls, size_str=None, context=None): """Calculate the size on bytes of a size_str. Calculate the size as specified in size_str in the context of the provided blockdev or vg. Valid size_str format below. #m or #M or #mb or #MB = # * 1024 * 1024 #g or #G or #gb or #GB = # * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 #t or #T or #tb or #TB = # * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 #% = Percentage of the total storage in the context Prepend '>' to the above to note the size as a minimum and the calculated size being the remaining storage available above the minimum If the calculated size is not available in the context, a NotEnoughStorage exception is raised. :param size_str: A string representing the desired size :param context: An instance of maasdriver.models.blockdev.BlockDevice or instance of maasdriver.models.volumegroup.VolumeGroup. The size_str is interpreted in the context of this device :return size: The calculated size in bytes """ pattern = r'(>?)(\d+)([mMbBgGtT%]{1,2})' regex = re.compile(pattern) match = regex.match(size_str) if not match: raise errors.InvalidSizeFormat( "Invalid size string format: %s" % size_str) if ((match.group(1) == '>' or match.group(3) == '%') and not context): raise errors.InvalidSizeFormat( 'Sizes using the ">" or "%" format must specify a ' 'block device or volume group context') base_size = int(match.group(2)) if match.group(3) in ['m', 'M', 'mb', 'MB']: computed_size = base_size * (1000 * 1000) elif match.group(3) in ['g', 'G', 'gb', 'GB']: computed_size = base_size * (1000 * 1000 * 1000) elif match.group(3) in ['t', 'T', 'tb', 'TB']: computed_size = base_size * (1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000) elif match.group(3) == '%': computed_size = math.floor((base_size / 100) * int(context.size)) if computed_size > int(context.available_size): raise errors.NotEnoughStorage() if match.group(1) == '>': computed_size = int(context.available_size ) - ApplyNodeStorage.PART_TABLE_RESERVATION return computed_size class DeployNode(BaseMaasAction): """Action to write persistent OS to node.""" def start(self): try: machine_list = maas_machine.Machines(self.maas_client) machine_list.refresh() except Exception as ex: self.logger.debug("Error accessing the MaaS API.", exc_info=ex) self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error accessing MaaS API: %s" % str(ex), error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.save() return self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Running) self.task.save() try: site_design = self._load_site_design() except errors.OrchestratorError: self.task.add_status_msg( msg="Error loading site design.", error=True, ctx='NA', ctx_type='NA') self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.failure() self.task.save() return nodes = self.orchestrator.process_node_filter(self.task.node_filter, site_design) for n in nodes: try: machine = find_node_in_maas(self.maas_client, n) if type(machine) is maas_rack.RackController: msg = "Skipping configuration of rack controller %s." % n.name self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.name) continue elif machine.status_name.startswith( 'Deployed') or machine.status_name.startswith( 'Deploying'): msg = "Node %s already deployed or deploying, skipping." % ( n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.name) continue elif machine.status_name == 'Ready': msg = "Acquiring node %s for deployment" % (n.name) self.logger.info(msg) machine = machine_list.acquire_node(n.name) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') elif machine.status_name.startswith('Allocated'): msg = "Node %s already acquired." % (n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') else: msg = "Unexpected status %s for node %s, skipping deployment." % ( machine.status_name, n.name) self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) continue except errors.DriverError as dex: msg = "Error acquiring node %s, skipping" % n.name self.logger.warning(msg, exc_info=dex) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) continue # Set owner data in MaaS try: self.logger.info("Setting node %s owner data." % n.name) for k, v in n.owner_data.items(): msg = "Set owner data %s = %s for node %s" % (k, v, n.name) self.logger.debug(msg) machine.set_owner_data(k, v) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') except Exception as ex: msg = "Error setting node %s owner data" % n.name self.logger.warning(msg + ": " + str(ex)) self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') continue # Saving boot action context for a node self.logger.info( "Saving Boot Action context for node %s." % (n.name)) try: ba_key = self.orchestrator.create_bootaction_context( n.name, self.task) tag_list = maas_tag.Tags(self.maas_client) tag_list.refresh() node_id_tags = tag_list.startswith("%s__baid__" % (n.name)) for t in node_id_tags: t.delete() if ba_key is not None: msg = "Creating boot action id key tag for node %s" % ( n.name) self.logger.debug(msg) node_baid_tag = maas_tag.Tag( self.maas_client, name="%s__baid__%s" % (n.name, ba_key.hex())) node_baid_tag = tag_list.add(node_baid_tag) node_baid_tag.apply_to_node(machine.resource_id) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') except Exception as ex: self.logger.error( "Error setting boot action id key tag for %s." % n.name, exc_info=ex) # Extract bootaction assets that are package lists as they # are included in the deployment initiation node_packages = self.orchestrator.find_node_package_lists( n.name, self.task) user_data_dict = dict(packages=[]) for k, v in node_packages.items(): if v: user_data_dict['packages'].append([k, v]) else: user_data_dict['packages'].append(k) user_data_string = None if user_data_dict.get('packages'): user_data_string = "#cloud-config\n%s" % yaml.dump( user_data_dict) self.logger.info("Deploying node %s: image=%s, kernel=%s" % (n.name, n.image, n.kernel)) try: machine.deploy( platform=n.image, kernel=n.kernel, user_data=user_data_string) except errors.DriverError: msg = "Error deploying node %s, skipping" % n.name self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) continue attempts = 0 max_attempts = ( config.config_mgr.conf.timeouts.deploy_node * 60) // config.config_mgr.conf.maasdriver.poll_interval while (attempts < max_attempts and (not machine.status_name.startswith('Deployed') and not machine.status_name.startswith('Failed'))): attempts = attempts + 1 time.sleep(config.config_mgr.conf.maasdriver.poll_interval) try: machine.refresh() self.logger.debug( "Polling node %s status attempt %d of %d: %s" % (n.name, attempts, max_attempts, machine.status_name)) except Exception: self.logger.warning( "Error updating node %s status during commissioning, will re-attempt." % (n.name)) if machine.status_name.startswith('Deployed'): msg = "Node %s deployed" % (n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=False, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.success(focus=n.get_id()) elif machine.status_name.startswith('Failed'): msg = "Node %s deployment failed" % (n.name) self.logger.info(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) else: msg = "Node %s deployment timed out" % (n.name) self.logger.warning(msg) self.task.add_status_msg( msg=msg, error=True, ctx=n.name, ctx_type='node') self.task.failure(focus=n.get_id()) self._add_detail_logs(n, machine, 'deploy', result_type='deploy') self.task.set_status(hd_fields.TaskStatus.Complete) self.task.save() return def find_node_in_maas(maas_client, node_model): """Find a node in MAAS matching the node_model. Note that the returned Machine may be a simple Machine or a RackController. :param maas_client: instance of an active session to MAAS :param node_model: instance of objects.Node to match :returns: instance of maasdriver.models.Machine """ machine_list = maas_machine.Machines(maas_client) machine_list.refresh() machine = machine_list.identify_baremetal_node(node_model) if not machine: # If node isn't found a normal node, check rack controllers rackd_list = maas_rack.RackControllers(maas_client) rackd_list.refresh() machine = rackd_list.identify_baremetal_node(node_model) return machine