.. Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. .. _api-client-library: Deckhand API Client Library Documentation ========================================= The recommended approach to instantiate the Deckhand client is via a Keystone session: :: from keystoneauth1.identity import v3 from keystoneauth1 import session keystone_auth = { 'project_domain_name': PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME, 'project_name': PROJECT_NAME, 'user_domain_name': USER_DOMAIN_NAME, 'password': PASSWORD, 'username': USERNAME, 'auth_url': AUTH_URL, } auth = v3.Password(**keystone_auth) sess = session.Session(auth=auth) deckhandclient = client.Client(session=sess) You can also instantiate the client via one of Keystone's supported ``auth`` plugins: :: from keystoneauth1.identity import v3 keystone_auth = { 'auth_url': AUTH_URL, 'token': TOKEN, 'project_id': PROJECT_ID, 'project_domain_name': PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME } auth = v3.Token(**keystone_auth) deckhandclient = client.Client(auth=auth) Which will allow you to authenticate using a pre-exsting, project-scoped token. Alternatively, you can use non-session authentication to instantiate the client, though this approach has been `deprecated`_. :: from deckhand.client import client deckhandclient = client.Client( username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD, project_name=PROECT_NAME, project_domain_name=PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME, user_domain_name=USER_DOMAIN_NAME, auth_url=AUTH_URL) .. _deprecated: https://docs.openstack.org/python-keystoneclient/latest/using-api-v3.html#non-session-authentication-deprecated .. note:: The Deckhand client by default expects that the service be registered under the Keystone service catalog as ``deckhand``. To provide a different value pass ``service_type=SERVICE_TYPE`` to the ``Client`` constructor. After you have instantiated an instance of the Deckhand client, you can invoke the client managers' functionality: :: # Generate a sample document. payload = """ --- schema: deckhand/Certificate/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: application-api storagePolicy: cleartext data: |- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDYDCCAkigAwIBAgIUKG41PW4VtiphzASAMY4/3hL8OtAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL ...snip... P3WT9CfFARnsw2nKjnglQcwKkKLYip0WY2wh3FE7nrQZP6xKNaSRlh6p2pCGwwwH HkvVwA== -----END CERTIFICATE----- """ # Create a bucket and associate it with the document. result = client.buckets.update('mop', payload) >>> result # Convert the response to a dictionary. >>> result.to_dict() {'status': {'bucket': 'mop', 'revision': 1}, 'schema': 'deckhand/Certificate/v1', 'data': {...} 'id': 1, 'metadata': {'layeringDefinition': {'abstract': False}, 'storagePolicy': 'cleartext', 'name': 'application-api', 'schema': 'metadata/Document/v1'}} # Show the revision that was created. revision = client.revisions.get(1) >>> revision.to_dict() {'status': 'success', 'tags': {}, 'url': 'https://deckhand/api/v1.0/revisions/1', 'buckets': ['mop'], 'validationPolicies': [], 'id': 1, 'createdAt': '2017-12-09T00:15:04.309071'} # List all revisions. revisions = client.revisions.list() >>> revisions.to_dict() {'count': 1, 'results': [{'buckets': ['mop'], 'id': 1, 'createdAt': '2017-12-09T00:29:34.031460', 'tags': []}]} # List raw documents for the created revision. raw_documents = client.revisions.documents(1, rendered=False) >>> [r.to_dict() for r in raw_documents] [{'status': {'bucket': 'foo', 'revision': 1}, 'schema': 'deckhand/Certificate/v1', 'data': {...}, 'id': 1, 'metadata': {'layeringDefinition': {'abstract': False}, 'storagePolicy': 'cleartext', 'name': 'application-api', 'schema': 'metadata/Document/v1'}}] Client Reference ---------------- For more information about how to use the Deckhand client, refer to the following documentation: .. autoclass:: deckhand.client.client.SessionClient :members: .. autoclass:: deckhand.client.client.Client :members: Manager Reference ----------------- For more information about how to use the client managers, refer to the following documentation: .. autoclass:: deckhand.client.buckets.Bucket :members: .. autoclass:: deckhand.client.buckets.BucketManager :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: deckhand.client.revisions.Revision :members: .. autoclass:: deckhand.client.revisions.RevisionManager :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: deckhand.client.tags.RevisionTag :members: .. autoclass:: deckhand.client.tags.RevisionTagManager :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: deckhand.client.validations.Validation :members: .. autoclass:: deckhand.client.validations.ValidationManager :members: :undoc-members: