.. Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. .. _layering: Document Layering ================= Introduction ------------ Layering provides a restricted data inheritance model intended to help reduce duplication in configuration. Documents with different ``schema``'s are never layered together (see the :ref:`substitution` section if you need to combine data from multiple types of documents). Layering is controlled in two places: 1. The ``LayeringPolicy`` control document (described below), which defines the valid layers and their order of precedence. 2. In the ``metadata.layeringDefinition`` section of normal (``metadata.schema=metadata/Document/v1``) documents. When rendering a particular document, you resolve the chain of parents upward through the layers, and begin working back down each layer rendering at each document in the chain. When rendering each layer, the parent document is used as the starting point, so the entire contents of the parent are brought forward. Then the list of `actions` will be applied in order. Supported actions are: * ``merge`` - "deep" merge child data at the specified path into the existing data * ``replace`` - overwrite existing data with child data at the specified path * ``delete`` - remove the existing data at the specified path After actions are applied for a given layer, substitutions are applied (see the Substitution section for details). .. _parent-selection: Parent Selection ---------------- Selection of document parents is controlled by the ``parentSelector`` field and works as follows: * A given document, ``C``, that specifies a ``parentSelector``, will have exactly one parent, ``P``. If comparing layering with inheritance, layering, then, does *not* allow multi-inheritance. * Both ``C`` and ``P`` must have the **same** ``schema``. * Both ``C`` and ``P`` should have **different** ``metadata.name`` values except in the case of :ref:`replacement`. * Document ``P`` will be the highest-precedence document whose ``metadata.labels`` are a **superset** of document C's ``parentSelector``. Where: * Highest precendence means that ``P`` belongs to the lowest layer defined in the ``layerOrder`` list from the ``LayeringPolicy`` which is at least one level higher than the layer for ``C``. For example, if ``C`` has layer ``site``, then its parent ``P`` must at least have layer ``type`` or above in the following ``layerOrder``: :: --- ... layerOrder: - global # Highest layer - type - site # Lowest layer * Superset means that ``P`` **at least** has all the labels in its ``metadata.labels`` that child ``C`` references via its ``parentSelector``. In other words, parent ``P`` can have more labels than ``C`` uses to reference it, but ``C`` must at least have one matching label in its ``parentSelector`` with ``P``. * Deckhand will select ``P`` if it belongs to the highest-precedence layer. For example, if ``C`` belongs to layer ``site``, ``P`` belongs to layer ``type``, and ``G`` belongs to layer ``global``, then Deckhand will use ``P`` as the parent for ``C``. If ``P`` is non-existent, then ``G`` will be selected instead. For example, consider the following sample documents: .. code-block:: yaml --- schema: deckhand/LayeringPolicy/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Control/v1 name: layering-policy data: layerOrder: - global - region - site --- schema: example/Kind/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: global-1234 labels: key1: value1 layeringDefinition: abstract: true layer: global data: a: x: 1 y: 2 --- schema: example/Kind/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: region-1234 labels: key1: value1 layeringDefinition: abstract: true layer: region parentSelector: key1: value1 actions: - method: replace path: .a data: a: z: 3 --- schema: example/Kind/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: site-1234 layeringDefinition: layer: site parentSelector: key1: value1 actions: - method: merge path: . data: b: 4 When rendering, the parent chosen for ``site-1234`` will be ``region-1234``, since it is the highest precedence document that matches the label selector defined by ``parentSelector``, and the parent chosen for ``region-1234`` will be ``global-1234`` for the same reason. The rendered result for ``site-1234`` would be: .. code-block:: yaml --- schema: example/Kind/v1 metadata: name: site-1234 data: a: z: 3 b: 4 If ``region-1234`` were later removed, then the parent chosen for `site-1234` would become ``global-1234``, and the rendered result would become: .. code-block:: yaml --- schema: example/Kind/v1 metadata: name: site-1234 data: a: x: 1 y: 2 b: 4 .. TODO: Add figures for this example, with region present, have site point .. with dotted line at global and indicate in caption (or something) that it's .. selected for but ignored, because there's a higher-precedence layer to select