# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from threading import Thread import time import testtools from deckhand.engine import cache from deckhand import factories from deckhand.tests.unit import base as test_base class RenderedDocumentsCacheTest(test_base.DeckhandTestCase): def test_lookup_by_revision_id_cache(self): """Validate ``lookup_by_revision_id`` caching works. Passing in None in lieu of the actual documents proves that: * if the payload is in the cache, then no error is thrown since the cache is hit so no further processing is performed, where otherwise a method would be called on `None` * if the payload is not in the cache, then following logic above, method is called on `None`, raising AttributeError """ document_factory = factories.DocumentFactory(1, [1]) documents = document_factory.gen_test({}) # Validate that caching the ref returns expected payload. rendered_documents, cache_hit = cache.lookup_by_revision_id( 1, documents) self.assertIsInstance(rendered_documents, list) self.assertFalse(cache_hit) # Validate that the cache actually works. next_rendered_documents, cache_hit = cache.lookup_by_revision_id( 1, None) self.assertEqual(rendered_documents, next_rendered_documents) self.assertTrue(cache_hit) # No documents passed in and revision ID 2 isn't cached - so expect # this to blow up. with testtools.ExpectedException(AttributeError): cache.lookup_by_revision_id(2, None) # Invalidate the cache and ensure the original data isn't there. cache.invalidate() # The cache won't be hit this time - expect AttributeError. with testtools.ExpectedException(AttributeError): cache.lookup_by_revision_id(1, None) def test_lookup_by_revision_id_cache_multiple_threads(self): """Validate that cache works across multiple threads: each thread should use the same set of rendered documents. """ document_factory = factories.DocumentFactory(1, [1]) documents1 = document_factory.gen_test({}) documents2 = document_factory.gen_test({}) # Sanity-check that the document sets differ. self.assertNotEqual(documents1, documents2) rendered_documents_by_thread = [] cache_hit_by_thread = [] def threaded_function(documents): # Validate that caching the ref returns expected payload. rendered_documents, cache_hit = cache.lookup_by_revision_id( 1, documents) rendered_documents_by_thread.append(rendered_documents) cache_hit_by_thread.append(cache_hit) thread1 = Thread(target=threaded_function, kwargs={'documents': documents1}) thread2 = Thread(target=threaded_function, kwargs={'documents': documents2}) thread1.start() # NOTE(felipemonteiro): Add a sleep here to avoid a data race where the # cache might not be populated fast enough before the second thread # checks the cache -- and finds nothing thereby proceeding with another # render request. In real scenarios, though, this is highly unlikely. time.sleep(1) thread2.start() thread1.join() thread2.join() # Validate that 2nd thread uses 1st thread's document set which proves # caching working across threads. self.assertEqual(2, len(rendered_documents_by_thread)) self.assertEqual(rendered_documents_by_thread[0], rendered_documents_by_thread[1]) self.assertFalse(cache_hit_by_thread[0]) # 1st time missing in cache. self.assertTrue(cache_hit_by_thread[1]) # 2nd time should hit cache.