# Copyright 2017 The Armada Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import yaml import click from oslo_config import cfg from armada.cli import CliAction from armada.exceptions.source_exceptions import InvalidPathException from armada.handlers.armada import Armada from armada.handlers.document import ReferenceResolver CONF = cfg.CONF @click.group() def apply(): """ Apply manifest to cluster """ DESC = """ This command installs and updates charts defined in Armada manifest. The apply argument must be relative path to Armada Manifest. Executing apply command once will install all charts defined in manifest. Re-executing apply command will execute upgrade. To see how to create an Armada manifest: http://armada-helm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/operations/ To obtain install/upgrade charts: \b $ armada apply examples/simple.yaml To obtain override manifest: \b $ armada apply examples/simple.yaml \ --set manifest:simple-armada:release_name="wordpress" \b or \b $ armada apply examples/simple.yaml \ --values examples/simple-ovr-values.yaml """ SHORT_DESC = "Command installs manifest charts." @apply.command(name='apply', help=DESC, short_help=SHORT_DESC) @click.argument('locations', nargs=-1) @click.option('--api', help="Contacts service endpoint.", is_flag=True) @click.option('--disable-update-post', help="Disable post-update Tiller operations.", is_flag=True) @click.option('--disable-update-pre', help="Disable pre-update Tiller operations.", is_flag=True) @click.option('--dry-run', help="Run charts without installing them.", is_flag=True) @click.option('--enable-chart-cleanup', help="Clean up unmanaged charts.", is_flag=True) @click.option('--set', help=("Use to override Armada Manifest values. Accepts " "overrides that adhere to the format ="), multiple=True, type=str, default=[]) @click.option('--tiller-host', help="Tiller host IP.", default=None) @click.option('--tiller-port', help="Tiller host port.", type=int, default=CONF.tiller_port) @click.option('--tiller-namespace', '-tn', help="Tiller namespace.", type=str, default=CONF.tiller_namespace) @click.option('--timeout', help="Specifies time to wait for charts to deploy.", type=int, default=3600) @click.option('--values', '-f', help=("Use to override multiple Armada Manifest values by " "reading overrides from a values.yaml-type file."), multiple=True, type=str, default=[]) @click.option('--wait', help="Wait until all charts deployed.", is_flag=True) @click.option('--target-manifest', help=("The target manifest to run. Required for specifying " "which manifest to run when multiple are available."), default=None) @click.option('--debug', help="Enable debug logging.", is_flag=True) @click.pass_context def apply_create(ctx, locations, api, disable_update_post, disable_update_pre, dry_run, enable_chart_cleanup, set, tiller_host, tiller_port, tiller_namespace, timeout, values, wait, target_manifest, debug): if debug: CONF.debug = debug ApplyManifest(ctx, locations, api, disable_update_post, disable_update_pre, dry_run, enable_chart_cleanup, set, tiller_host, tiller_port, tiller_namespace, timeout, values, wait, target_manifest).safe_invoke() class ApplyManifest(CliAction): def __init__(self, ctx, locations, api, disable_update_post, disable_update_pre, dry_run, enable_chart_cleanup, set, tiller_host, tiller_port, tiller_namespace, timeout, values, wait, target_manifest): super(ApplyManifest, self).__init__() self.ctx = ctx # Filename can also be a URL reference self.locations = locations self.api = api self.disable_update_post = disable_update_post self.disable_update_pre = disable_update_pre self.dry_run = dry_run self.enable_chart_cleanup = enable_chart_cleanup self.set = set self.tiller_host = tiller_host self.tiller_port = tiller_port self.tiller_namespace = tiller_namespace self.timeout = timeout self.values = values self.wait = wait self.target_manifest = target_manifest def output(self, resp): for result in resp: if not resp[result] and not result == 'diff': self.logger.info('Did not perform chart %s(s)', result) elif result == 'diff' and not resp[result]: self.logger.info('No release changes detected') for ch in resp[result]: if not result == 'diff': msg = 'Chart {} was {}ed'.format(ch, result) self.logger.info(msg) else: self.logger.info('Chart values diff') self.logger.info(ch) def invoke(self): if not self.ctx.obj.get('api', False): try: doc_data = ReferenceResolver.resolve_reference(self.locations) documents = list() for d in doc_data: documents.extend(list(yaml.safe_load_all(d.decode()))) except InvalidPathException as ex: self.logger.error(str(ex)) return except yaml.YAMLError as yex: self.logger.error("Invalid YAML found: %s" % str(yex)) return armada = Armada( documents, disable_update_pre=self.disable_update_pre, disable_update_post=self.disable_update_post, enable_chart_cleanup=self.enable_chart_cleanup, dry_run=self.dry_run, set_ovr=self.set, wait=self.wait, timeout=self.timeout, tiller_host=self.tiller_host, tiller_port=self.tiller_port, tiller_namespace=self.tiller_namespace, values=self.values, target_manifest=self.target_manifest) resp = armada.sync() self.output(resp) else: if len(self.values) > 0: self.logger.error( "Cannot specify local values files when using the API.") return query = { 'disable_update_post': self.disable_update_post, 'disable_update_pre': self.disable_update_pre, 'dry_run': self.dry_run, 'enable_chart_cleanup': self.enable_chart_cleanup, 'tiller_host': self.tiller_host, 'tiller_port': self.tiller_port, 'tiller_namespace': self.tiller_namespace, 'timeout': self.timeout, 'wait': self.wait } client = self.ctx.obj.get('CLIENT') resp = client.post_apply( manifest_ref=self.locations, set=self.set, query=query) self.output(resp.get('message'))