# Copyright 2017 The Armada Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from armada.exceptions import base_exception class ArmadaException(base_exception.ArmadaBaseException): '''Base class for Armada handler exception and error handling.''' message = 'An unknown Armada handler error occurred.' class ArmadaTimeoutException(ArmadaException): '''Exception that occurs when Armada times out while processing.''' def __init__(self, reason): self._message = 'Armada timed out waiting on: %s' % (reason) super(ArmadaTimeoutException, self).__init__(self._message) class ProtectedReleaseException(ArmadaException): ''' Exception that occurs when Armada encounters a release with status other than DEPLOYED that is designated `protected` in the Chart and `continue_processing` is False. ''' def __init__(self, release, status): self._message = ( 'Armada encountered protected release {} in {} status'.format( release, status)) super(ProtectedReleaseException, self).__init__(self._message) class InvalidValuesYamlException(ArmadaException): ''' Exception that occurs when Armada encounters invalid values.yaml content in a helm chart. ''' def __init__(self, chart_description): self._message = ( 'Armada encountered invalid values.yaml in helm chart: %s' % chart_description) super(InvalidValuesYamlException, self).__init__(self._message) class InvalidOverrideValuesYamlException(ArmadaException): ''' Exception that occurs when Armada encounters invalid override yaml in helm chart. ''' def __init__(self, chart_description): self._message = ( 'Armada encountered invalid values.yaml in helm chart: %s' % chart_description) super(InvalidValuesYamlException, self).__init__(self._message) class ChartDeployException(ArmadaException): ''' Exception that occurs while deploying charts. ''' def __init__(self, chart_names): self._message = ('Exception deploying charts: %s' % chart_names) super(ChartDeployException, self).__init__(self._message) class WaitException(ArmadaException): ''' Exception that occurs while waiting for resources to become ready. ''' def __init__(self, message): self._message = message super(WaitException, self).__init__(message) class DeploymentLikelyPendingException(ArmadaException): ''' Exception that occurs when it is detected that an existing release operation (e.g. install, update, rollback, delete) is likely still pending. ''' def __init__(self, release, status, last_deployment_age, timeout): self._message = ( 'Existing deployment likely pending ' 'release={}, status={}, ' '(last deployment age={}s) < (chart wait timeout={}s)'.format( release, status, last_deployment_age, timeout)) super(DeploymentLikelyPendingException, self).__init__(self._message) class PreUpdateJobDeleteException(ArmadaException): ''' Exception that occurs when a job deletion. **Troubleshoot:** *Coming Soon* ''' def __init__(self, name, namespace): message = 'Failed to delete k8s job {} in {}'.format(name, namespace) super(PreUpdateJobDeleteException, self).__init__(message)