# Copyright 2018 The Armada Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import collections import math import re import time from oslo_log import log as logging from armada import const from armada.utils.helm import is_test_pod from armada.utils.release import label_selectors from armada.exceptions import k8s_exceptions from armada.exceptions import manifest_exceptions from armada.exceptions import armada_exceptions from kubernetes import watch LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) ROLLING_UPDATE_STRATEGY_TYPE = 'RollingUpdate' def get_wait_labels(chart): wait_config = chart.get('wait', {}) return wait_config.get('labels', {}) # TODO: Validate this object up front in armada validate flow. class ChartWait(): def __init__(self, k8s, release_name, chart, namespace, k8s_wait_attempts, k8s_wait_attempt_sleep, timeout): self.k8s = k8s self.release_name = release_name self.chart = chart self.wait_config = chart.get('wait', {}) self.namespace = namespace self.k8s_wait_attempts = max(k8s_wait_attempts, 1) self.k8s_wait_attempt_sleep = max(k8s_wait_attempt_sleep, 1) resources = self.wait_config.get('resources') labels = get_wait_labels(self.chart) if resources is not None: waits = [] for resource_config in resources: # Initialize labels resource_config.setdefault('labels', {}) # Add base labels resource_config['labels'].update(labels) waits.append(self.get_resource_wait(resource_config)) else: waits = [ JobWait('job', self, labels, skip_if_none_found=True), PodWait('pod', self, labels) ] self.waits = waits # Calculate timeout wait_timeout = timeout if wait_timeout is None: wait_timeout = self.wait_config.get('timeout') # TODO(MarshM): Deprecated, remove `timeout` key. deprecated_timeout = self.chart.get('timeout') if deprecated_timeout is not None: LOG.warn('The `timeout` key is deprecated and support ' 'for this will be removed soon. Use ' '`wait.timeout` instead.') if wait_timeout is None: wait_timeout = deprecated_timeout if wait_timeout is None: LOG.info('No Chart timeout specified, using default: %ss', const.DEFAULT_CHART_TIMEOUT) wait_timeout = const.DEFAULT_CHART_TIMEOUT self.timeout = wait_timeout def get_timeout(self): return self.timeout def is_native_enabled(self): native_wait = self.wait_config.get('native', {}) return native_wait.get('enabled', True) def wait(self, timeout): deadline = time.time() + timeout # TODO(seaneagan): Parallelize waits for wait in self.waits: wait.wait(timeout=timeout) timeout = int(round(deadline - time.time())) def get_resource_wait(self, resource_config): kwargs = dict(resource_config) resource_type = kwargs.pop('type') labels = kwargs.pop('labels') try: if resource_type == 'pod': return PodWait(resource_type, self, labels, **kwargs) elif resource_type == 'job': return JobWait(resource_type, self, labels, **kwargs) if resource_type == 'deployment': return DeploymentWait(resource_type, self, labels, **kwargs) elif resource_type == 'daemonset': return DaemonSetWait(resource_type, self, labels, **kwargs) elif resource_type == 'statefulset': return StatefulSetWait(resource_type, self, labels, **kwargs) except TypeError: raise manifest_exceptions.ManifestException( 'invalid config for item in `wait.resources`: {}'.format( resource_config)) raise manifest_exceptions.ManifestException( 'invalid `type` for item in `wait.resources`: {}'.format( resource_config['type'])) class ResourceWait(ABC): def __init__(self, resource_type, chart_wait, labels, get_resources, skip_if_none_found=False): self.resource_type = resource_type self.chart_wait = chart_wait self.label_selector = label_selectors(labels) self.get_resources = get_resources self.skip_if_none_found = skip_if_none_found @abstractmethod def is_resource_ready(self, resource): ''' :param resource: resource to check readiness of. :returns: 2-tuple of (status message, ready bool). :raises: WaitException ''' pass def include_resource(self, resource): ''' Test to include or exclude a resource in a wait operation. This method can be used to exclude resources that should not be included in wait operations (e.g. test pods). :param resource: resource to test :returns: boolean representing test result ''' return True def handle_resource(self, resource): resource_name = resource.metadata.name try: message, resource_ready = self.is_resource_ready(resource) if resource_ready: LOG.debug('Resource %s is ready!', resource_name) else: LOG.debug('Resource %s not ready: %s', resource_name, message) return resource_ready except armada_exceptions.WaitException as e: LOG.warn('Resource %s unlikely to become ready: %s', resource_name, e) return False def wait(self, timeout): ''' :param timeout: time before disconnecting ``Watch`` stream ''' LOG.info( "Waiting for resource type=%s, namespace=%s labels=%s for %ss " "(k8s wait %s times, sleep %ss)", self.resource_type, self.chart_wait.namespace, self.label_selector, timeout, self.chart_wait.k8s_wait_attempts, self.chart_wait.k8s_wait_attempt_sleep) if not self.label_selector: LOG.warn('"label_selector" not specified, waiting with no labels ' 'may cause unintended consequences.') # Track the overall deadline for timing out during waits deadline = time.time() + timeout # NOTE(mark-burnett): Attempt to wait multiple times without # modification, in case new resources appear after our watch exits. successes = 0 while True: deadline_remaining = int(round(deadline - time.time())) if deadline_remaining <= 0: error = ( "Timed out waiting for resource type={}, namespace={}, " "labels={}".format(self.resource_type, self.chart_wait.namespace, self.label_selector)) LOG.error(error) raise k8s_exceptions.KubernetesWatchTimeoutException(error) timed_out, modified, unready, found_resources = ( self._watch_resource_completions(timeout=deadline_remaining)) if not found_resources: if self.skip_if_none_found: return else: LOG.warn( 'Saw no resources for ' 'resource type=%s, namespace=%s, labels=(%s). Are the ' 'labels correct?', self.resource_type, self.chart_wait.namespace, self.label_selector) # TODO(seaneagan): Should probably fail here even when resources # were not found, at least once we have an option to ignore # wait timeouts. if timed_out and found_resources: error = "Timed out waiting for resources={}".format( sorted(unready)) LOG.error(error) raise k8s_exceptions.KubernetesWatchTimeoutException(error) if modified: successes = 0 LOG.debug('Found modified resources: %s', sorted(modified)) else: successes += 1 LOG.debug('Found no modified resources.') if successes >= self.chart_wait.k8s_wait_attempts: break LOG.debug( 'Continuing to wait: %s consecutive attempts without ' 'modified resources of %s required.', successes, self.chart_wait.k8s_wait_attempts) time.sleep(self.chart_wait.k8s_wait_attempt_sleep) return True def _watch_resource_completions(self, timeout): ''' Watch and wait for resource completions. Returns lists of resources in various conditions for the calling function to handle. ''' LOG.debug( 'Starting to wait on: namespace=%s, resource type=%s, ' 'label_selector=(%s), timeout=%s', self.chart_wait.namespace, self.resource_type, self.label_selector, timeout) ready = {} modified = set() found_resources = False kwargs = { 'namespace': self.chart_wait.namespace, 'label_selector': self.label_selector, 'timeout_seconds': timeout } resource_list = self.get_resources(**kwargs) for resource in resource_list.items: # Only include resources that should be included in wait ops if self.include_resource(resource): ready[resource.metadata.name] = self.handle_resource(resource) if not resource_list.items: if self.skip_if_none_found: msg = 'Skipping wait, no %s resources found.' LOG.debug(msg, self.resource_type) return (False, modified, [], found_resources) else: found_resources = True if all(ready.values()): return (False, modified, [], found_resources) # Only watch new events. kwargs['resource_version'] = resource_list.metadata.resource_version w = watch.Watch() for event in w.stream(self.get_resources, **kwargs): event_type = event['type'].upper() resource = event['object'] resource_name = resource.metadata.name resource_version = resource.metadata.resource_version # Skip resources that should be excluded from wait operations if not self.include_resource(resource): continue msg = ('Watch event: type=%s, name=%s, namespace=%s,' 'resource_version=%s') LOG.debug(msg, event_type, resource_name, self.chart_wait.namespace, resource_version) if event_type in {'ADDED', 'MODIFIED'}: found_resources = True resource_ready = self.handle_resource(resource) ready[resource_name] = resource_ready if event_type == 'MODIFIED': modified.add(resource_name) elif event_type == 'DELETED': LOG.debug('Resource %s: removed from tracking', resource_name) ready.pop(resource_name) elif event_type == 'ERROR': LOG.error('Resource %s: Got error event %s', resource_name, event['object'].to_dict()) raise k8s_exceptions.KubernetesErrorEventException( 'Got error event for resource: %s' % event['object']) else: LOG.error('Unrecognized event type (%s) for resource: %s', event_type, event['object']) raise (k8s_exceptions. KubernetesUnknownStreamingEventTypeException( 'Got unknown event type (%s) for resource: %s' % (event_type, event['object']))) if all(ready.values()): return (False, modified, [], found_resources) return (True, modified, [name for name, is_ready in ready.items() if not is_ready], found_resources) def _get_resource_condition(self, resource_conditions, condition_type): for pc in resource_conditions: if pc.type == condition_type: return pc class PodWait(ResourceWait): def __init__(self, resource_type, chart_wait, labels, **kwargs): super(PodWait, self).__init__( resource_type, chart_wait, labels, chart_wait.k8s.client.list_namespaced_pod, **kwargs) def include_resource(self, resource): pod = resource include = not is_test_pod(pod) # NOTE(drewwalters96): Test pods may cause wait operations to fail # when old resources remain from previous upgrades/tests. Indicate that # test pods should not be included in wait operations. if not include: LOG.debug('Test pod %s will be skipped during wait operations.', pod.metadata.name) return include def is_resource_ready(self, resource): pod = resource name = pod.metadata.name status = pod.status phase = status.phase if phase == 'Succeeded': return ("Pod {} succeeded".format(name), True) if phase == 'Running': cond = self._get_resource_condition(status.conditions, 'Ready') if cond and cond.status == 'True': return ("Pod {} ready".format(name), True) msg = "Waiting for pod {} to be ready..." return (msg.format(name), False) class JobWait(ResourceWait): def __init__(self, resource_type, chart_wait, labels, **kwargs): super(JobWait, self).__init__( resource_type, chart_wait, labels, chart_wait.k8s.batch_api.list_namespaced_job, **kwargs) def is_resource_ready(self, resource): job = resource name = job.metadata.name expected = job.spec.completions completed = job.status.succeeded if expected != completed: msg = "Waiting for job {} to be successfully completed..." return (msg.format(name), False) msg = "job {} successfully completed" return (msg.format(name), True) CountOrPercent = collections.namedtuple('CountOrPercent', 'number is_percent source') # Controller logic (Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet) is adapted from # `kubectl rollout status`: # https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/pkg/kubectl/rollout_status.go class ControllerWait(ResourceWait): def __init__(self, resource_type, chart_wait, labels, get_resources, min_ready="100%", **kwargs): super(ControllerWait, self).__init__(resource_type, chart_wait, labels, get_resources, **kwargs) if isinstance(min_ready, str): match = re.match('(.*)%$', min_ready) if match: min_ready_percent = int(match.group(1)) self.min_ready = CountOrPercent( number=min_ready_percent, is_percent=True, source=min_ready) else: raise manifest_exceptions.ManifestException( "`min_ready` as string must be formatted as a percent " "e.g. '80%'") else: self.min_ready = CountOrPercent( number=min_ready, is_percent=False, source=min_ready) def _is_min_ready(self, ready, total): if self.min_ready.is_percent: min_ready = math.ceil(total * (self.min_ready.number / 100)) else: min_ready = self.min_ready.number return ready >= min_ready class DeploymentWait(ControllerWait): def __init__(self, resource_type, chart_wait, labels, **kwargs): super(DeploymentWait, self).__init__( resource_type, chart_wait, labels, chart_wait.k8s.apps_v1_api.list_namespaced_deployment, **kwargs) def is_resource_ready(self, resource): deployment = resource name = deployment.metadata.name spec = deployment.spec status = deployment.status if deployment.metadata.generation <= status.observed_generation: cond = self._get_resource_condition(status.conditions, 'Progressing') if cond and cond.reason == 'ProgressDeadlineExceeded': msg = "deployment {} exceeded its progress deadline" return ("", False, msg.format(name)) if spec.replicas and status.updated_replicas < spec.replicas: msg = ("Waiting for deployment {} rollout to finish: {} out " "of {} new replicas have been updated...") return (msg.format(name, status.updated_replicas, spec.replicas), False) if status.replicas > status.updated_replicas: msg = ("Waiting for deployment {} rollout to finish: {} old " "replicas are pending termination...") pending = status.replicas - status.updated_replicas return (msg.format(name, pending), False) if not self._is_min_ready(status.available_replicas, status.updated_replicas): msg = ("Waiting for deployment {} rollout to finish: {} of {} " "updated replicas are available, with min_ready={}") return (msg.format(name, status.available_replicas, status.updated_replicas, self.min_ready.source), False, None) msg = "deployment {} successfully rolled out\n" return (msg.format(name), True) msg = "Waiting for deployment spec update to be observed..." return (msg.format(), False) class DaemonSetWait(ControllerWait): def __init__(self, resource_type, chart_wait, labels, **kwargs): super(DaemonSetWait, self).__init__( resource_type, chart_wait, labels, chart_wait.k8s.apps_v1_api.list_namespaced_daemon_set, **kwargs) def is_resource_ready(self, resource): daemon = resource name = daemon.metadata.name spec = daemon.spec status = daemon.status if spec.update_strategy.type != ROLLING_UPDATE_STRATEGY_TYPE: msg = ("Assuming non-readiness for strategy type {}, can only " "determine for {}") raise armada_exceptions.WaitException( msg.format(spec.update_strategy.type, ROLLING_UPDATE_STRATEGY_TYPE)) if daemon.metadata.generation <= status.observed_generation: if (status.updated_number_scheduled < status.desired_number_scheduled): msg = ("Waiting for daemon set {} rollout to finish: {} out " "of {} new pods have been updated...") return (msg.format(name, status.updated_number_scheduled, status.desired_number_scheduled), False) if not self._is_min_ready(status.number_available, status.desired_number_scheduled): msg = ("Waiting for daemon set {} rollout to finish: {} of {} " "updated pods are available, with min_ready={}") return (msg.format(name, status.number_available, status.desired_number_scheduled, self.min_ready.source), False) msg = "daemon set {} successfully rolled out" return (msg.format(name), True) msg = "Waiting for daemon set spec update to be observed..." return (msg.format(), False) class StatefulSetWait(ControllerWait): def __init__(self, resource_type, chart_wait, labels, **kwargs): super(StatefulSetWait, self).__init__( resource_type, chart_wait, labels, chart_wait.k8s.apps_v1_api.list_namespaced_stateful_set, **kwargs) def is_resource_ready(self, resource): sts = resource name = sts.metadata.name spec = sts.spec status = sts.status if spec.update_strategy.type != ROLLING_UPDATE_STRATEGY_TYPE: msg = ("Assuming non-readiness for strategy type {}, can only " "determine for {}") raise armada_exceptions.WaitException( msg.format(spec.update_strategy.type, ROLLING_UPDATE_STRATEGY_TYPE)) if (not status.observed_generation or sts.metadata.generation > status.observed_generation): msg = "Waiting for statefulset spec update to be observed..." return (msg, False) if spec.replicas and not self._is_min_ready(status.ready_replicas, spec.replicas): msg = ("Waiting for statefulset {} rollout to finish: {} of {} " "pods are ready, with min_ready={}") return (msg.format(name, status.ready_replicas, spec.replicas, self.min_ready.source), False) if (spec.update_strategy.type == ROLLING_UPDATE_STRATEGY_TYPE and spec.update_strategy.rolling_update): if spec.replicas and spec.update_strategy.rolling_update.partition: msg = ("Waiting on partitioned rollout not supported, " "assuming non-readiness of statefulset {}") return (msg.format(name), False) if status.update_revision != status.current_revision: msg = ("waiting for statefulset rolling update to complete {} " "pods at revision {}...") return (msg.format(status.updated_replicas, status.update_revision), False) msg = "statefulset rolling update complete {} pods at revision {}..." return (msg.format(status.current_replicas, status.current_revision), True)