# Copyright 2017 The Armada Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import traceback from contextlib import suppress import falcon from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from armada.common.i18n import _ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF def massage_error_list(error_list, placeholder_description): """ Returns a best-effort attempt to make a nice error list """ output_error_list = [] if error_list: for error in error_list: if not error.get('message'): output_error_list.append({'message': error, 'error': True}) else: if 'error' not in error: error['error'] = True output_error_list.append(error) if not output_error_list: output_error_list.append({'message': placeholder_description}) return output_error_list def get_version_from_request(req): """ Attempt to extract the api version string """ for part in req.path.split('/'): if '.' in part and part.startswith('v'): return part return 'N/A' # Standard error handler def format_error_resp( req, resp, status_code, message="", reason="", error_type=None, retry=False, error_list=None, info_list=None): """ Write a error message body and throw a Falcon exception to trigger an HTTP status :param req: Falcon request object :param resp: Falcon response object to update :param status_code: Falcon status_code constant :param message: Optional error message to include in the body. This should be the summary level of the error message, encompassing an overall result. If no other messages are passed in the error_list, this message will be repeated in a generated message for the output message_list. :param reason: Optional reason code to include in the body :param error_type: If specified, the error type will be used, otherwise, this will be set to 'Unspecified Exception' :param retry: Optional flag whether client should retry the operation. :param error_list: optional list of error dictionaries. Minimally, the dictionary will contain the 'message' field, but should also contain 'error': True :param info_list: optional list of info message dictionaries. Minimally, the dictionary needs to contain a 'message' field, but should also have a 'error': False field. """ if error_type is None: error_type = 'Unspecified Exception' # since we're handling errors here, if error list is none, set # up a default error item. If we have info items, add them to the # message list as well. In both cases, if the error flag is not # set, set it appropriately. if error_list is None: error_list = [ { 'message': 'An error occurred, but was not specified', 'error': True } ] else: for error_item in error_list: if 'error' not in error_item: error_item['error'] = True if info_list is None: info_list = [] else: for info_item in info_list: if 'error' not in info_item: info_item['error'] = False message_list = error_list + info_list error_response = { 'kind': 'status', 'apiVersion': get_version_from_request(req), 'metadata': {}, 'status': 'Failure', 'message': message, 'reason': reason, 'details': { 'errorType': error_type, 'errorCount': len(error_list), 'messageList': message_list }, 'code': status_code, 'retry': retry } resp.text = json.dumps(error_response, default=str) resp.content_type = 'application/json' resp.status = status_code def default_error_serializer(req, resp, exception): """ Writes the default error message body, when we don't handle it otherwise """ format_error_resp( req, resp, status_code=exception.status, message=exception.description, reason=exception.title, error_type=exception.__class__.__name__, error_list=[{ 'message': exception.description, 'error': True }], info_list=None) def default_exception_handler(ex, req, resp, params): """ Catch-all exception handler for standardized output. If this is a standard falcon HTTPError, rethrow it for handling """ if isinstance(ex, falcon.HTTPError): # allow the falcon http errors to bubble up and get handled raise ex else: # take care of the uncaught stuff exc_string = traceback.format_exc() LOG.error('Unhanded Exception being handled: \n%s', exc_string) format_error_resp( req, resp, falcon.HTTP_500, error_type=ex.__class__.__name__, message="Unhandled Exception raised: %s" % str(ex), retry=True) class ArmadaAPIException(falcon.HTTPError): """Base class for Armada API Exceptions.""" title = 'Internal Server Error' status = falcon.HTTP_500 def __init__( self, title=None, description=None, error_list=None, info_list=None, status=None, retry=False, ): """ :param description: The internal error description :param error_list: The list of errors :param status: The desired falcon HTTP response code :param title: The title of the error message :param error_list: A list of errors to be included in output messages list :param info_list: A list of informational messages to be included in the output messages list :param retry: Optional retry directive for the consumer """ if title is None: self.title = self.__class__.title else: self.title = title if status is None: self.status = self.__class__.status else: self.status = status self.description = description self.error_list = massage_error_list(error_list, description) self.info_list = info_list self.retry = retry super().__init__( self.status, self.title, self._gen_ex_message(self.title, self.description)) @staticmethod def _gen_ex_message(title, description): ttl = title or 'Exception' dsc = description or 'No additional description' return '{} : {}'.format(ttl, dsc) @staticmethod def handle(ex, req, resp, params): """ The handler used for app errors and child classes """ format_error_resp( req, resp, ex.status, message=ex.title, reason=ex.description, error_list=ex.error_list, info_list=ex.info_list, error_type=ex.__class__.__name__, retry=ex.retry) class ArmadaBaseException(Exception): '''Base class for Armada exception and error handling.''' def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): self.message = message or self.message # replacing try-except-pass block with suppress with suppress(Exception): self.message = self.message % kwargs # try: # nosec # self.message = self.message % kwargs # except Exception: # pass super(ArmadaBaseException, self).__init__(self.message) class ActionForbidden(ArmadaAPIException): ''' Exception thrown when an action is forbidden. **Troubleshoot:** *Coming Soon* ''' status = falcon.HTTP_403 message = _("Insufficient privilege to perform action.") title = _("Action Forbidden")