Update the ucp api docs to include information about validations

Updated the error response for more clarity.

Change-Id: I0c5f57ecf2d68c3c57a1423426d2e9cf190044cc
This commit is contained in:
Bryan Strassner 2017-08-29 14:08:25 -05:00
parent 3a48396699
commit 383dcaeb4e
1 changed files with 84 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -24,18 +24,29 @@ more specific to point to a particular service.
## Error responses
Error responses (HTTP response body accompanying 4xx and 5xx series responses
where possible) are a more specific version of the
[Kubernetes standard for error representation](https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#response-status-kind).
[Kubernetes standard for error representation](https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#response-status-kind).
UCP utilizes the details field in a more formalized way to represent multiple
messages related to an error response, as follows:
"details": {
"errorCount": n,
"errorList": [
{ "message" : "some message text here"}
"kind": "Status",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {},
"status": "Failure",
"message": "{{UCP Component Name}} {{error phrase}}",
"reason": "{{appropriate reason phrase}}",
"details": {
"errorCount": {{n}},
"errorList": [
{ "message" : "{{validation failure message}}"},
"code": {{http status code}}
such that:
1. the details field is still optional
2. if used, the details follow that format
@ -54,3 +65,67 @@ The auth token to identify the invoking user.
A context id that will be carried on all logs for this client-provided marker.
This marker may only be a 36-character canonical representation of an UUID
## Validation API
All UCP components that participate in validation of the design supplied to a
site implement a common resource to perform document validations. Document
validations are syncrhonous and target completion in 30 seconds or less.
Because of the different sources of documents that should be supported, a
flexible input descriptor is used to indicate from where a UCP component will
retrieve the documents to be validated.
### POST /v1.0/validatedesign
Invokes a UCP component to perform validations against the documents specified
by the input structure. Synchronous.
#### Input structure
rel : "design",
href: "deckhand+https://deckhand/{{revision_id}}/rendered-documents",
type: "application/x-yaml"
#### Output structure
The output structure reuses the Kubernetes Status kind to represent the result
of validations. The Status kind will be returned for both successful and failed
validation to maintain a consistent of interface. If there are additional
diagnostics that associate to a particular validation, the entry in the error
list may carry fields other than "message".
Failure message example:
"kind": "Status",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {},
"status": "Invalid",
"message": "{{UCP Component Name}} validations failed",
"reason": "Validation",
"details": {
"errorCount": {{n}},
"errorList": [
{ "message" : "{{validation failure message}}"},
"code": 400
Success message example:
"kind": "Status",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {},
"status": "Valid",
"message": "{{UCP Component Name}} validations succeeded",
"reason": "Validation",
"details": {
"errorCount": 0,
"errorList": []
"code": 200