Commit Graph

4 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Sergiy Markin 1ba0e72628 Shipyard fix
This PS has to fix select tasks by id action.

Change-Id: I6503a48fb43793b2aae91dc7e5549f6bc3818d4a
2023-08-31 19:40:13 +00:00
Sergiy Markin 81066ae98f Airflow stable 2.6.2
This PS updates python modules and code to match Airflow 2.6.2 as well
as deploys new Airflow:

- bionic py36 gates  were removed
- python code corrected to match new modules versions
- selection of python modules versions was performed based on
  airflow-2.6.2 constraints
- airskiff deploy pipeline was aligned with latest in treasuremap v1.9
- shipyard chart was corrected to match new airflow cli, configuration
  items and their default values
- added new celery configuration items and their values
- updated airflow runtime logging config
- disabled deprecation and future python warnings in airflow images
- added celery to the list of airflow providers
- adjusted airflow runtime scripts to match new cli
- shipyard SQL queries to airflow DB were adjusted to match new SQL
  schema of the db
- shipyard_airflow and shipyard_client unit tests were updated to match
  new DB structure and new cli
- airflow db sync job is using db upgrade command
- helm version uplifted to v3.12.2

Change-Id: Ife88e53ce0dd8dc77bf267de1f5e6b8361ca76fd
2023-08-30 16:04:47 +00:00
lijunjie ecdb9ad345 Fix the misspelling of "except"
Change-Id: I85a40e078d2f5ec017d2aebedf79568de4163e44
2019-01-04 17:55:53 +08:00
Bryan Strassner 769d0ded47 Refactor shipyard to UCP target layout
Refactor Shipyard to be better able to leverage common
packages and conform with the target UCP standard layout.

This change supports the same tox entrypoints at
the root level, but the preferred approach is to use make
targets defined in the Makefile such as 'make tests' and
'make lint'

The previous tox.ini has moved and been
tailored to the specifics of each subproject at

Autotmatic generation of the policy and configuration
files has been removed from the sphinx build for now
but these files will be automatically generated locally
into the docs source by using a 'make docs' command.
This may need to be revisited later to re-enable the
automatic generation of these files such that readthedocs
would still support the project layout.

Change-Id: Ifdc1cd4cf35fb3c5923414c677b781a60a9bae42
2018-04-24 16:47:13 -05:00