Commit Graph

18 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Alexander Hughes 14f8600e37 Add profiles to passphrase catalog
Change-Id: Id6e7cddd123e31f0df963167ddf3fa8f33e9060c
2019-09-24 16:19:36 +00:00
Alexander Noskov 4f6df0b9fd Fix small typo
Change-Id: Ie478b742e6752d9ae6f9d3882ba01ef613524a31
2019-08-15 14:11:37 -05:00
HUGHES, ALEXANDER (ah8742) 174e356214 Update Passphrase Catalog to support types
I recently received a request to add additional features to Pegleg's
generate passphrases command.  The desire was to support multiple
types of secrets:
1. passphrases (24+ characters, including characters from upper,
   lower, number, symbol).
2. base64 encoded passphrases.
3. UUID4.

As well as adding an additional flag to prevent Pegleg from
regenerating specific passphrases that are sensitive to rotation.

Finally, responding to an enhancement request interactive
passphrase generation can now be specified via the command line for
all passphrases, or by specifying 'prompt': True for specific
passphrases in passphrase-catalog.yaml

These objectives were completed by:
1. Updating to support a type field. If a
   type is not specified, default to existing passphrase generation.
   If an invalid value is specified, raise an exception.
2. Updating to support a regenerable field. If
   the regenerable field is not specified, default to True. If an
   invalid value is specified, raise an exception. When regenerable
   is determined, secrets of 'uuid' type always use regenerable=False
   as they should be one time values created at time of deployment
   but not rotated.
3. Updating to support a prompt field. If the
   prompt field is not specified, default to False. If an invalid
   value is specified, raise an exception.
4. Adding appropriate exceptions.
5. Updating to handle the new type checks,
   UUID will use UUID4, base64 uses the existing logic of generating
   a random passphrase and base64 encoding it, and existing logic
   remains for generating a random passphrase.
6. Updating to handle the regenerable field.
   It checks if a file is present at the expected save path, and if
   regenerable=False. If both are true, the passphrase is skipped so
   the passphrase is not overwritten.
7. Updating unit tests to validate the new type checks.

NOTE: # nosec is used in on the
'if passphrase_type == <special type>' statements. These are not a
security concern, but do cause Bandit error B105.  See documentation
for B105 in [0]

Local testing of the generate passphrase command with the following
passphrase types:
passphrase_b64 : base64
passphrase_uuid : uuid
passphrase_specified : passphrase (specified)
passphrase_defaulted : passphrase (defaulted)

Resulted in the following data for each:
passphrase_b64.yaml:data: !!binary |
passphrase_uuid.yaml:data: 5ce7c6bc-00d2-4b2c-9222-54891f075656
passphrase_specified.yaml:data: cYTenMYXFHUKn6ppYjx#+Hdx
passphrase_defaulted.yaml:data: 13ryjaM?I@sP#3&YQXuQEik4


Change-Id: I389316c5194ffa06f3df5114f7ac5f4f2887b319
2019-08-02 07:30:51 -05:00
Alexander Hughes 1c8d92ef6b Standardize Pegleg code with YAPF
This patch addresses inconsistent code style and enforces it with a
gate for future submissions.

Separate work will be done in the future to address several of the
PEP8 ignores for docstrings, and attempt to bring the tests directory
to PEP8 compliance.

This patch:
1. Updates .style.yapf to set the knobs desired for YAPF.
2. Updates tox.ini to allow one of the knobs to work.
3. Removes unused code from several files.
4. Updates the YAPF version in test-requirements.txt to latest (this
   is needed for several knobs to work).
5. Stylistic changes to the python codebase in Pegleg.
6. Updates to tox.ini to run YAPF during PEP8 check.

Change-Id: Ieaa0fdef2b601d01c875d64b840986e54df73abf
2019-07-25 17:28:18 +00:00
Matt McEuen 5d5a27a237 Align git exception messages
There were some inconsistencies around whether string parameter passed
into Git exceptions is called repo_path or repo_url, causing the
exception detail to occasionally not get rendered.  This change
standardizes on repo_url.

Change-Id: Ibc78b33cc0e1fcd67820954b715f480a5b1f6496
2019-07-10 14:47:28 -05:00
HUGHES, ALEXANDER (ah8742) d888b3e138 Add support for globally encrypted secrets
This patchset adds support for globally encrypted secrets.
Documents with a "site" layer will be encrypted/decrypted with the
standard PEGLEG_PASSPHRASE and PEGLEG_SALT environment variables.

If any secrets exist for the site with a schema of "global_passphrase"
or "global_salt" their values will be captured and used to decrypt
any secrets that do not belong to "site" layer.  If the global keys
do not exist, Pegleg will default to using site keys.

Expected usage:
1. Set site passphrase/salt environment variables
2. Select a global passphrase and salt
3. Use Pegleg's "wrap" command to wrap and encrypt the global keys
4. Encrypt or wrap documents with "global" layer
5. Provide Pegleg path to decrypt

In the case of (4) and (5) Pegleg will determine the correct keys
to use automatically

Change-Id: I5de6d63573619b346fe011628ae21e053e0711f6
2019-07-02 13:54:04 -05:00
Lev Morgan b8733ea7ec Make -u required in CLI when required by repo
This patch detects when a repository URL requires username substitution
and raises an exception when no username was specified.

Change-Id: Ia60982ecddd957cff8709118b3eb8a905258dd06
2019-05-15 18:38:38 +00:00
Alexander Hughes c788621486 Allow buffer mode to be configured for upload
Shipyard helper's upload documents method supports two default modes
of buffer.  None, and append.  We want to allow the user to dictate
which mode is used to support the other methods Shipyard itself has.

To accomplish this we add a new command line argument, a new variable
and leave existing behavior intact via the new default 'auto' mode

Change-Id: I7a252efa7fe7a766152c42d9398c3290d7e52a13
2019-04-29 12:43:55 -05:00
Alexander Hughes 7c52ab68da PKI Cert generation and check updates
This patch:
1. Allows user to change valid duration of newly generated certs
2. Allows user to check certs that are expiring soon default=60d

Change-Id: Ia5c87a0c52b39b778f425599fa215fb67147c65b
2019-04-08 07:48:32 -05:00
Lev Morgan f938029b36 Revised exception for missing passphrase catalog
The exception raised on attempting to generate passphrases without a
passphrase catalog has been revised from a
PassphraseSchemaNotFoundException to a

Change-Id: Ifbb2903638ffffe5008db52adb6f874bcfa25a99
2019-04-03 16:27:28 -05:00
Alexander Hughes fce12add18 Set salt when generating genesis bundle
This patch:
1. Sets the salt in config when running genesis bundle
2. Updates the genesis bundle CLI method
3. Adds exception types for credentials
4. Updates unit tests to be compliant with new exceptions

Change-Id: I8869f897e2c25b98c30eaa6be52356aae4ac63b6
2019-03-14 15:45:53 -05:00
Ahmad Mahmoudi c4f25b4d4f CLI: Add command to generate genesis bundle
Added a pegleg cli command to build bundle for
a site deployment.
Pegleg imports promenade engine, and uses promenade to build
and encrypt the deployment bundle.

Change-Id: I1a489459b2c56b7b53018c32aab5e6550c69e1d2
2019-03-07 03:00:30 -06:00
pallav b79d5b7a98 CLI capability to generate and encrypt passphrases
1. Adds the passphrases generation capability in Pegleg CLI,
so that pegleg can generation random passwords based on a
specification declared in pegleg/PassphrasesCatalog documents
2. Pegleg also wraps the generated passphrase documents in
pegleg managed documents, and encrypts the data.
3. Adds unit test cases for passphrase generation.
4. Updates pegleg CLI document.

Change-Id: I21d7668788cc24a8e0cc9cb0fb11df97600d0090
2019-01-29 16:24:31 -06:00
Felipe Monteiro 2a8d2638b3 pki: Port Promenade's PKI catalog into Pegleg
This patch set implements the PKICatalog [0] requirements
as well as PeglegManagedDocument [1] generation requirements
outlined in the spec [2].

Included in this patch set:

* New CLI entry point called "pegleg site secrets generate-pki"
* PeglegManagedDocument generation logic in
* Refactored PKICatalog logic in engine.cache.pki_catalog derived
  from the Promenade PKI implementation [3], responsible for
  generating certificates, CAs, and keypairs
* Refactored PKIGenerator logic in engine.cache.pki_generator
  derived from Promenade Generator implementation [4],
  responsible for reading in pegleg/PKICatalog/v1 documents (as
  well as promenade/PKICatalog/v1 documents for backwards
  compatibility) and generating required secrets and storing
  them into the paths specified under [0]
* Unit tests for all of the above [5]
* Example pki-catalog.yaml document under pegleg/site_yamls
* Validation schema for pki-catalog.yaml (TODO: implement
  validation logic here: [6])
* Updates to CLI documentation and inclusion of PKICatalog
  and PeglegManagedDocument documentation
* Documentation updates with PKI information [7]

TODO (in follow-up patch sets):

* Expand on overview documentation to include new Pegleg
* Allow the original repository (not the copied one) to
  be the destination where the secrets are written to
* Finish up cert expiry/revocation logic


Change-Id: I3010d04cac6d22c656d144f0dafeaa5e19a13068
2019-01-15 13:29:21 -06:00
Felipe Monteiro 40da373023 tests: Increase test coverage for lint checks
This patch set expands on the unit test coverage for lint checks
in test_selectable_linting which only covers a small subset of
the lint checks handled by Pegleg. This logic should be properly
tested as linting is fundamental to Pegleg functionality.

Change-Id: I6a59295982abd22bba8036827cefd4186b68e2fb
2019-01-01 19:17:11 +00:00
Tin Lam ae81ade94d Refactor Pegleg exceptions
This patch set cleans up the current implementation of pegleg.  As
all the git exceptions inconsistently inits or override the message.
This also cleans up a handful of incorrect kwarg keywords, and improve
handling of the exception messages.

Change-Id: I438eb032728c71cbf972c2120a76d06106cb1580
Signed-off-by: Tin Lam <>
2018-11-13 08:58:54 -06:00
Felipe Monteiro 2e51779d57 refactor: Exchange NotADirectoryError for better exception
This patch set replaces raising NotADirectoryError after trying
to parse a repository for its root path (normalize_repo_path in
pegleg.engine.util.git) with a better exception
(exceptions.GitInvalidRepoException). It is better because a
folder can still not be a repo, so raising the first exception
isn't apropos.

Next, this patch set changes where the exception is raised --
which is in normalize_repo_path itself, which is more appropriate
as the function is used in many places and so there should be
intrinsic error handling so as to avoid having to wrap it every

Change-Id: I918d8c293f1140eb80c83499dba2c23af232b79e
2018-10-26 10:37:17 -04:00
Felipe Monteiro 893ea9f4bb Standardize Pegleg directory structure
This patch set standardizes the Pegleg directory
structure because of the following reasons:

1) src/bin/pegleg is not necessary and only makes
building (e.g. documentation building) and running
of tox targets unnecessarily difficult.
2) src/bin/pegleg is a Java-like standard that
bears no relevance to Python.

Change-Id: I37d39d3d6186b92f8fbfe234221c9e44da48cf10
2018-09-23 10:33:40 -04:00