Commit Graph

29 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
SPEARS, DUSTIN (ds443n) ba3657c0c1 Add option to mount host path for cgroups
Capability added to disable cgroups host path volume

Change-Id: I007d9a79b812094126fadb36fd743133495d337f
2023-09-19 13:24:28 -04:00
Ruslan Aliev eaabbb2722 Disable ipv6 for bind9 named service
* Allow any recursion and cache queries for named svc
 * Bump maas v3 to the actual version

Signed-off-by: Ruslan Aliev <>
Change-Id: I16a4ec843dc73a2349e8603d4200920599eab918
2023-07-12 21:31:53 -05:00
Ruslan Aliev 2d5b698d9e Switch PVCs to use storageClassName
HTK and Helm versions are also updated.

Signed-off-by: Ruslan Aliev <>
Change-Id: Ia1ef4ec23f53dcb591e139c3476e143a55351fd3
2022-09-16 19:02:23 -05:00
Phil Sphicas 50b3d68905 Control bind9 and nginx resource usage
The named and nginx processes both try to use all available CPUs. In
addition, there is a bug in named that sometimes causes it to spin on a
FUTEX, pegging the CPU.

This change constrains those processes to a single CPU (overridable in
values.yaml), and includes /etc/bind/bind.keys in named.conf to avoid
the CPU spike.

Change-Id: I4a278023f5c0dd5e7bdee46891591b278f2ddcad
2021-11-10 23:35:50 -08:00
Phil Sphicas 35fa3175e3 Allow additional preseed overrides
Sometimes the ephemeral environment needs additional cloud-init data.
This change allows user-data sections to be added to the default files
in /etc/maas/preseeds: enlist, commissioning, and curtin.

For example, to resolve issues with 'apt-get update' failures during
enlistment, something like this may be necessary:
    override: true
        - "rm -fr /var/lib/apt/lists"

Change-Id: I817006a799003ace3f35d02507489720b0f9079b
2021-02-12 06:29:10 +00:00
KHIYANI, RAHUL (rk0850) 926dadfbf4 [FIX] override security context capabilities in values.yaml
Add missing helm-toolkit snippet for ingress-errors container

Change-Id: I9c7ec6b71a1d026257c2a1f76e18a3e3be8e244d
2020-07-21 03:56:42 +00:00
KHIYANI, RAHUL (rk0850) 20c6e525ea Implement helm-toolkit snippet to maas pods/containers
This updates the maas chart to include the pod
security context on the pod template.

This also adds the container security context to set
readOnlyRootFilesystem flag

Change-Id: I1eba6ab3a7c27ddcb3e8ddc8e743b91dc5e521c3
2020-07-20 14:43:41 +00:00
KAVVA, JAGAN MOHAN REDDY (jk330k) a8a530bec7 Enable Docker default AppArmor profile to maas
This adds default Apparmor profile to maas-cache container.

Change-Id: Ib181189d968e328291b802d1528b33fc74b7873e
2020-06-26 08:44:58 -05:00
KAVVA, JAGAN MOHAN REDDY (jk330k) b2e100f6ce Enable Docker default AppArmor profile to maas
This adds default Apparmor profile to maas.

Change-Id: I9c68fdb2be074c855085032dfe9ff0dbbeadcf7c
2020-04-02 15:24:40 +00:00
Scott Hussey 5b2a7a2439 syslog listener for physical nodes
- Add a new pod running syslog to receive syslog
  messages containing the console logs of bootstrapping
  nodes. This aids in troubleshooting without requiring
  accessing the OOB console.
- Add a UDP forwarder to the MAAS ingress controller
  as nodes attempt to send syslogs to UDP 514 of the region

Change-Id: I3f508225f4394a90c6f2534a51f262b42c1afa4e
2019-08-23 13:22:38 +00:00
Kumar, Nishant(nk613n) 0b95ba4d41 Add release uuid annotation to POD spec
Change-Id: I7480f15ba619388c7593d6b9e4a5eff93ee79105
2019-06-25 14:51:07 +00:00
Zuul cf2c328861 Merge "Run maas-rack and maas-region containers as non-privileged" 2019-03-19 15:05:34 +00:00
Rick Bartra 7857fdf2cf Run maas-rack and maas-region containers as non-privileged
The maas-rack and maas-region containers can successfully run and function
as non-privileged if given the appropriate Linux capabilities. This change
is a security enhancement as the maas-rack and maas-region containers now only
have access to the capabiities it needs to do its job - instead of having full
root access.

The capabilities listed in the `statefulset-rack` and `statefulset-region`
charts function as a whitelist in that the maas-rack and maas-region containers
only have access to the Linux capabilities listed in their SecurityContext
along with the default capabilties that Docker gives to unprivileged containers.
The default list of capabilties include the following:
  - KILL

The bcc-capable tool [0] was used to discover which Linux capabilities the
maas-rack and maas-region containers invoke. The capabale tool, has the ability
to record the Linux capabiltiies that are invoked by all the processes running
in the container. While still running as privileged, the capable tool was
installed and ran within the container during maas bootstrapping. When
bootstrapping was complete, the list of Linux capabilities were reviewed and
added to the appropriate charts.


Change-Id: I11cf1da8ea8219320c4d3028502c133391116201
2019-03-11 22:21:09 +00:00
Nishant Kumar 20df4f6eaa Support for password rotation
- This PS adds support for password rotation for 'maas-region' password
  and 'maas-postgres-password'.

- This PS enables MAAS to use the newly created helm-toolkit
  script for postgreSQL DB initialization


Change-Id: Ibb36761351d8c34933a3bb71555bb23e8247a069
2019-03-05 18:45:22 +00:00
Crank, Daniel (dc6350) 2aaca3f60b Apparmor profile for MaaS
All containers were already running in non-privileged
containers except region-controller and rack-controller.
Both of those require privileged containers but
can still function with the docker-default apparmor
profile applied.

This PS uses the new, more generic HTK snippet name

Change-Id: Icaa720f05b18f4264ae7098b427fe5f639cba2c6
2018-12-07 16:17:11 -06:00
Scott Hussey 74af40376b MAAS support for pod mobility
Upgrades to the MAAS chart to allow for the Pods
running the rack and region services to work across
all control plane hosts.

Change-Id: I84c856599a1122a2b4a64242a7cea357887b0462
2018-10-23 08:19:53 -05:00
Matt McEuen 9c2686bea7 Add release uuid to pods and rc objects (maas)
This PS adds the ability to attach a release uuid to pods and rc
objects as desired.  This can be used, for example, to force an
artificial manifest change in CICD scenarios, for upgradability
testing purposes.

Change-Id: I994f9eb9cd75947ee36276a542fa23cc547065e0
2018-09-14 15:51:55 -05:00
Pete Birley 582c4d8b20 Chart: Modernise chart
This PS updates the maas chart to support modern helm toolkits.

Change-Id: Id70343afdec622dc84b89b0d7f496e9ef498ea6b
Signed-off-by: Pete Birley <>
2018-08-22 21:53:33 -05:00
Pete Birley 426f8dacf3 MaaS: Slightly clean systemd and enable Stdout logging for journald
This PS updates the charts and images for running systemd in a more
kubernetes friendly  way:
 - The hosts cgroupfs is mounted in read only
 - Required mounts are created (tmp tmp/lock)
 - A tty is created for the container
 - A unit is added to each image that streams journald to stdout

Follow up patches will improve the image builds, create cgroups in an
init container, and also drop unrequired privileges from the containers
in addition to compatibility with recent helm-toolkits.

Change-Id: If3b0df28fea967c5ff67df51e1e95bc74f906222
Signed-off-by: Pete Birley <>
2018-06-16 15:58:11 +00:00
Scott Hussey 791e49c519 [Chart] support ssh private key
- Add support for optionally mounting a
  private key for the maas user to access
  remote hosts via ssh (e.g. virsh)
- Add libvirt-bin to the rack controller

Change-Id: I18efb6a6947a5a5f91800bf6494b7d9d15d8aaf2
2018-05-02 21:58:08 -05:00
Alan Meadows cc00e3fd92 Allow ntpd service to be optional
This allows ntpd to be disabled in both the privileged
rack and region controllers for use cases where we
do not wish these processes to conflict with ntpd
on the physical host running the containers.  This
method as opposed to overriding sysvinit style scripts
and potentially other ways to launch ntpd that may
exist appears to be the safest way to ensure it does
not ever run.

Change-Id: Ib52727becc1849a2a75d2d62d1c51553047a8fcf
2018-04-11 08:56:37 -07:00
Scott Hussey 794a8b5ffb [391429] Support override for drivers.yaml
- To allow MAAS to support 3rd party hardware drivers that do
  not come bundled, allow the chart to override /etc/maas/drivers.yaml
  with user-specified values.

Change-Id: I2f9930719aeaeacb135670224ffc1c99752c987f
2018-03-12 12:32:49 -05:00
Scott Hussey 71582567f8 Support Postgres admin password
- Fully support Postgres configuration
  in the endpoints stanza
- Add RBAC support to the region and rack
- Add custom RBAC for export API key job
  to allow secret creation

Change-Id: I9d0b63ac329bb0b9539b14123c5e16ad3cd1c9f0
2018-01-29 13:59:06 -06:00
Scott Hussey 2ad09ad90a Use secrets for admin user bs
For better security use Kubernetes secrets
to set environmental variables for the
bootstrapping job

- Create secret manifest for the MaaS admin user
- Update job-bootstrap-admin-user to use secret for environment
- Update job-export-api-key to source admin username
  from secret
- Update job-import to source admin username
  from secret

Change-Id: I0ea5a5517c5a90f481c459e836f081f3d2744dad
2018-01-29 09:55:58 -06:00
Anthony Lin b664579d57 RBAC: Update serviceaccount and k8s rbac for maas
This patch set brings the maas chart to be inline
with OSH* RBAC approach used in [0] and [1]


Change-Id: I3138a0f6280ab7d8ca9c8088ae19ec0c2175292c
2018-01-22 17:08:12 +00:00
Scott Hussey 08c1da5be1 Add image cache sidecar
- If conf.cache.enabled is true, deploy a sidecar container
  in the region pod with a simplestreams repo populated w/ a Ubuntu image
- If conf.cache.enabled is true, configure MaaS to source the image
  from the sidecar
- Update README

Closes #1

Change-Id: I968614d6fb7ca86589dc6e2efd1f66ae920d03a8
2017-12-04 12:50:30 -06:00
Scott Hussey 4b43a7dbd8 Integration w/ Drydock bootactions
- Add Values.conf.curtin.override switch for enabling/disable whether
  the default curtin_userdata is overwritten
- Update the customized template for curtin_userdata to be compatible
  with the Drydock boot action system

Change-Id: I90c317725dfdd34a756e90425c9c3fcfcc6911db
2017-11-05 14:42:29 -06:00
Scott Hussey a2e8188b81 Fix templates for new images structure
Update manifest templates to correctly use the new images

Change-Id: I1b88fc064069f0bf7d768df808caec923b58b8ce
2017-10-30 13:02:53 -05:00
Scott Hussey 668fd328d2 Move MaaS chart into maas repo
Change-Id: If1d9e92d9a691892b9a3afcef5b229d704b5dcbc
2017-10-25 14:02:38 -05:00