aptly ===== aptly in a container backed by nginx from [aptly.info](http://aptly.info): >aptly is a swiss army knife for Debian repository management: it allows you to mirror remote repositories, manage local package repositories, take snapshots, pull new versions of packages along with dependencies, publish as Debian repository. Requirements / Dependencies --------------------------- * Docker 1.6 or higher, we are using the Docker syslog driver in this container and this feature made its debut in 1.6 Start the container --------------------- 1. Run (adjust to suit your environment) ``` docker run \ --detach=true \ --log-driver=syslog \ --name="aptly" \ --restart=always \ -e FULL_NAME="First Last" \ -e EMAIL_ADDRESS="youremail@example.com" \ -e GPG_PASSWORD="PickAPassword" \ -e HOSTNAME=aptly.example.com \ -v /dockerhost/directory/with/lots/of/space:/opt/aptly \ -p 80:80 \ bryanhong/aptly:latest ``` 2. Wait until the GPG keyrings are created (not 0 bytes) before proceeding (it can take a few minutes). They will be in the bind mount location you chose in above. Create a mirror of Ubuntu's main repository ------------------------------------------- 1. The initial download of the repository may take quite some time depending on your bandwidth limits, it may be in your best interest to open a tmux or screen session before proceeding. 2. Attach to the container ```docker exec -it aptly /bin/bash``` 3. By default, ```/opt/update_mirror.sh``` will automate the creation of an Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty repository, if you want a different release, modify the variables in the script. 4. Run ```/opt/update_mirror.sh``` 5. If the script fails due to network disconnects etc, just re-run it. When the script completes, you should have a functional mirror that you can point a client to. Point a host at the mirror -------------------------- 1. Fetch the public PGP key from your aptly repository and add it to your trusted repositories ``` wget http://FQDN.OF.APTLY/aptly_repo_key.pub apt-key add aptly_repo_key.pub ``` 2. Backup then replace /etc/apt/sources.list ``` cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak echo "deb http://FQDN.OF.APTLY/ ubuntu main" > /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update ``` You should be able to install packages from your mirror at this point! Checkout the excellent aptly documentation [here](http://www.aptly.info/doc/overview/)