--- schema: armada/Chart/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: ucp-shipyard replacement: true labels: name: ucp-shipyard-type layeringDefinition: abstract: false layer: type parentSelector: name: ucp-shipyard-global actions: # - method: replace # path: .source - method: merge path: . storagePolicy: cleartext data: wait: timeout: 1800 # source: # type: local # location: /airship-components/shipyard # subpath: charts/shipyard values: pod: replicas: shipyard: api: 1 airflow: worker: 1 scheduler: 1 conf: shipyard: # NOTE(drewwalters96): Since Drydock and Promenade are not deployed, # temporarily alias those validations to Armada. drydock: service_type: armada promenade: service_type: armada ...