################################################################################################################### # Create the common resources that are necessary to start the operator and the ceph cluster. # These resources *must* be created before the operator.yaml and cluster.yaml or their variants. # The samples all assume that a single operator will manage a single cluster crd in the same "rook-ceph" namespace. # # If the operator needs to manage multiple clusters (in different namespaces), see the section below # for "cluster-specific resources". The resources below that section will need to be created for each namespace # where the operator needs to manage the cluster. The resources above that section do not be created again. # # Most of the sections are prefixed with a 'OLM' keyword which is used to build our CSV for an OLM (Operator Life Cycle manager) ################################################################################################################### # Namespace where the operator and other rook resources are created apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster # OLM: BEGIN OBJECTBUCKET ROLEBINDING --- kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-object-bucket roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: rook-ceph-object-bucket subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-system namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator # OLM: END OBJECTBUCKET ROLEBINDING # OLM: BEGIN OPERATOR ROLE --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: rook-ceph-admission-controller namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator --- kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-admission-controller-role rules: - apiGroups: ["ceph.rook.io"] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"] --- kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-admission-controller-rolebinding subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-admission-controller apiGroup: "" namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator roleRef: kind: ClusterRole name: rook-ceph-admission-controller-role apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io --- # The cluster role for managing all the cluster-specific resources in a namespace apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: rook-ceph-cluster-mgmt labels: operator: rook storage-backend: ceph rules: - apiGroups: - "" - apps - extensions resources: - secrets - pods - pods/log - services - configmaps - deployments - daemonsets verbs: - get - list - watch - patch - create - update - delete --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: rook-ceph-system labels: operator: rook storage-backend: ceph rules: # Most resources are represented by a string representation of their name, such as “pods”, just as it appears in the URL for the relevant API endpoint. # However, some Kubernetes APIs involve a “subresource”, such as the logs for a pod. [...] # To represent this in an RBAC role, use a slash to delimit the resource and subresource. # https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/#referring-to-resources - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["pods", "pods/log"] verbs: ["get", "list"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["pods/exec"] verbs: ["create"] --- # The role for the operator to manage resources in its own namespace apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: Role metadata: name: rook-ceph-system namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator labels: operator: rook storage-backend: ceph rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - pods - configmaps - services verbs: - get - list - watch - patch - create - update - delete - apiGroups: - apps - extensions resources: - daemonsets - statefulsets - deployments verbs: - get - list - watch - create - update - delete - apiGroups: - batch resources: - cronjobs verbs: - delete --- # The cluster role for managing the Rook CRDs apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: rook-ceph-global labels: operator: rook storage-backend: ceph rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: # Pod access is needed for fencing - pods # Node access is needed for determining nodes where mons should run - nodes - nodes/proxy - services verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - events # PVs and PVCs are managed by the Rook provisioner - persistentvolumes - persistentvolumeclaims - endpoints verbs: - get - list - watch - patch - create - update - delete - apiGroups: - storage.k8s.io resources: - storageclasses verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - batch resources: - jobs - cronjobs verbs: - get - list - watch - create - update - delete - apiGroups: - ceph.rook.io resources: - "*" verbs: - "*" - apiGroups: - rook.io resources: - "*" verbs: - "*" - apiGroups: - policy - apps - extensions resources: # This is for the clusterdisruption controller - poddisruptionbudgets # This is for both clusterdisruption and nodedrain controllers - deployments - replicasets verbs: - "*" - apiGroups: - healthchecking.openshift.io resources: - machinedisruptionbudgets verbs: - get - list - watch - create - update - delete - apiGroups: - machine.openshift.io resources: - machines verbs: - get - list - watch - create - update - delete - apiGroups: - storage.k8s.io resources: - csidrivers verbs: - create - delete - get - update - apiGroups: - k8s.cni.cncf.io resources: - network-attachment-definitions verbs: - get --- # Aspects of ceph-mgr that require cluster-wide access kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-mgr-cluster labels: operator: rook storage-backend: ceph rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - configmaps - nodes - nodes/proxy - persistentvolumes verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - events verbs: - create - patch - list - get - watch - apiGroups: - storage.k8s.io resources: - storageclasses verbs: - get - list - watch --- kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-object-bucket labels: operator: rook storage-backend: ceph rules: - apiGroups: - "" verbs: - "*" resources: - secrets - configmaps - apiGroups: - storage.k8s.io resources: - storageclasses verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - "objectbucket.io" verbs: - "*" resources: - "*" # OLM: END OPERATOR ROLE # OLM: BEGIN SERVICE ACCOUNT SYSTEM --- # The rook system service account used by the operator, agent, and discovery pods apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: rook-ceph-system namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator labels: operator: rook storage-backend: ceph # imagePullSecrets: # - name: my-registry-secret # OLM: END SERVICE ACCOUNT SYSTEM # OLM: BEGIN OPERATOR ROLEBINDING --- # Grant the operator, agent, and discovery agents access to resources in the namespace kind: RoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-system namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator labels: operator: rook storage-backend: ceph roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: Role name: rook-ceph-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-system namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator --- kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-system labels: operator: rook storage-backend: ceph roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: rook-ceph-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-system namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator --- # Grant the rook system daemons cluster-wide access to manage the Rook CRDs, PVCs, and storage classes kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-global labels: operator: rook storage-backend: ceph roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: rook-ceph-global subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-system namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator # OLM: END OPERATOR ROLEBINDING ################################################################################################################# # Beginning of cluster-specific resources. The example will assume the cluster will be created in the "rook-ceph" # namespace. If you want to create the cluster in a different namespace, you will need to modify these roles # and bindings accordingly. ################################################################################################################# # Service account for the Ceph OSDs. Must exist and cannot be renamed. # OLM: BEGIN SERVICE ACCOUNT OSD --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: rook-ceph-osd namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster # imagePullSecrets: # - name: my-registry-secret # OLM: END SERVICE ACCOUNT OSD # OLM: BEGIN SERVICE ACCOUNT MGR --- # Service account for the Ceph Mgr. Must exist and cannot be renamed. apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: rook-ceph-mgr namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster # imagePullSecrets: # - name: my-registry-secret # OLM: END SERVICE ACCOUNT MGR # OLM: BEGIN CMD REPORTER SERVICE ACCOUNT --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: rook-ceph-cmd-reporter namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster # OLM: END CMD REPORTER SERVICE ACCOUNT # OLM: BEGIN CLUSTER ROLE --- kind: Role apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-osd namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["configmaps"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "delete"] - apiGroups: ["ceph.rook.io"] resources: ["cephclusters", "cephclusters/finalizers"] verbs: ["get", "list", "create", "update", "delete"] --- kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-osd rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - nodes verbs: - get - list --- # Aspects of ceph-mgr that require access to the system namespace kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-mgr-system rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - configmaps verbs: - get - list - watch --- # Aspects of ceph-mgr that operate within the cluster's namespace kind: Role apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-mgr namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - pods - services - pods/log verbs: - get - list - watch - create - update - delete - apiGroups: - batch resources: - jobs verbs: - get - list - watch - create - update - delete - apiGroups: - ceph.rook.io resources: - "*" verbs: - "*" - apiGroups: - apps resources: - deployments/scale - deployments verbs: - patch - delete - apiGroups: - "" resources: - persistentvolumeclaims verbs: - delete # OLM: END CLUSTER ROLE # OLM: BEGIN CMD REPORTER ROLE --- kind: Role apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-cmd-reporter namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - pods - configmaps verbs: - get - list - watch - create - update - delete # OLM: END CMD REPORTER ROLE # OLM: BEGIN CLUSTER ROLEBINDING --- # Allow the operator to create resources in this cluster's namespace kind: RoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-cluster-mgmt namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: rook-ceph-cluster-mgmt subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-system namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator --- # Allow the osd pods in this namespace to work with configmaps kind: RoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-osd namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: Role name: rook-ceph-osd subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-osd namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster --- # Allow the ceph mgr to access the cluster-specific resources necessary for the mgr modules kind: RoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-mgr namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: Role name: rook-ceph-mgr subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-mgr namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster --- # Allow the ceph mgr to access the rook system resources necessary for the mgr modules kind: RoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-mgr-system namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: rook-ceph-mgr-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-mgr namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster --- # Allow the ceph mgr to access cluster-wide resources necessary for the mgr modules kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-mgr-cluster roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: rook-ceph-mgr-cluster subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-mgr namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster --- # Allow the ceph osd to access cluster-wide resources necessary for determining their topology location kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-osd roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: rook-ceph-osd subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-osd namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster # OLM: END CLUSTER ROLEBINDING # OLM: BEGIN CMD REPORTER ROLEBINDING --- kind: RoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-cmd-reporter namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: Role name: rook-ceph-cmd-reporter subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-cmd-reporter namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster # OLM: END CMD REPORTER ROLEBINDING ################################################################################################################# # Beginning of pod security policy resources. The example will assume the cluster will be created in the # "rook-ceph" namespace. If you want to create the cluster in a different namespace, you will need to modify # the roles and bindings accordingly. ################################################################################################################# # OLM: BEGIN CLUSTER POD SECURITY POLICY --- apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodSecurityPolicy metadata: # Note: Kubernetes matches PSPs to deployments alphabetically. In some environments, this PSP may # need to be renamed with a value that will match before others. name: 00-rook-privileged annotations: seccomp.security.alpha.kubernetes.io/allowedProfileNames: "runtime/default" seccomp.security.alpha.kubernetes.io/defaultProfileName: "runtime/default" spec: privileged: true allowedCapabilities: # required by CSI - SYS_ADMIN # fsGroup - the flexVolume agent has fsGroup capabilities and could potentially be any group fsGroup: rule: RunAsAny # runAsUser, supplementalGroups - Rook needs to run some pods as root # Ceph pods could be run as the Ceph user, but that user isn't always known ahead of time runAsUser: rule: RunAsAny supplementalGroups: rule: RunAsAny # seLinux - seLinux context is unknown ahead of time; set if this is well-known seLinux: rule: RunAsAny volumes: # recommended minimum set - configMap - downwardAPI - emptyDir - persistentVolumeClaim - secret - projected # required for Rook - hostPath - flexVolume # allowedHostPaths can be set to Rook's known host volume mount points when they are fully-known # allowedHostPaths: # - pathPrefix: "/run/udev" # for OSD prep # readOnly: false # - pathPrefix: "/dev" # for OSD prep # readOnly: false # - pathPrefix: "/var/lib/rook" # or whatever the dataDirHostPath value is set to # readOnly: false # Ceph requires host IPC for setting up encrypted devices hostIPC: true # Ceph OSDs need to share the same PID namespace hostPID: true # hostNetwork can be set to 'false' if host networking isn't used hostNetwork: true hostPorts: # Ceph messenger protocol v1 - min: 6789 max: 6790 # <- support old default port # Ceph messenger protocol v2 - min: 3300 max: 3300 # Ceph RADOS ports for OSDs, MDSes - min: 6800 max: 7300 # # Ceph dashboard port HTTP (not recommended) # - min: 7000 # max: 7000 # Ceph dashboard port HTTPS - min: 8443 max: 8443 # Ceph mgr Prometheus Metrics - min: 9283 max: 9283 # OLM: END CLUSTER POD SECURITY POLICY # OLM: BEGIN POD SECURITY POLICY BINDINGS --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: "psp:rook" rules: - apiGroups: - policy resources: - podsecuritypolicies resourceNames: - 00-rook-privileged verbs: - use --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: rook-ceph-system-psp roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: "psp:rook" subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-system namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: rook-ceph-default-psp namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: psp:rook subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: default namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: rook-ceph-osd-psp namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: psp:rook subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-osd namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: rook-ceph-mgr-psp namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: psp:rook subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-mgr namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: rook-ceph-cmd-reporter-psp namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: psp:rook subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-cmd-reporter namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:cluster # OLM: END CLUSTER POD SECURITY POLICY BINDINGS # OLM: BEGIN CSI CEPHFS SERVICE ACCOUNT --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: rook-csi-cephfs-plugin-sa namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: rook-csi-cephfs-provisioner-sa namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator # OLM: END CSI CEPHFS SERVICE ACCOUNT # OLM: BEGIN CSI CEPHFS ROLE --- kind: Role apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: cephfs-external-provisioner-cfg namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["endpoints"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list", "delete", "update", "create"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["configmaps"] verbs: ["get", "list", "create", "delete"] - apiGroups: ["coordination.k8s.io"] resources: ["leases"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list", "delete", "update", "create"] # OLM: END CSI CEPHFS ROLE # OLM: BEGIN CSI CEPHFS ROLEBINDING --- kind: RoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: cephfs-csi-provisioner-role-cfg namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-csi-cephfs-provisioner-sa namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator roleRef: kind: Role name: cephfs-external-provisioner-cfg apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io # OLM: END CSI CEPHFS ROLEBINDING # OLM: BEGIN CSI CEPHFS CLUSTER ROLE --- kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: cephfs-csi-nodeplugin rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["nodes"] verbs: ["get", "list", "update"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["namespaces"] verbs: ["get", "list"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["persistentvolumes"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"] - apiGroups: ["storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["volumeattachments"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["configmaps"] verbs: ["get", "list"] --- kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: cephfs-external-provisioner-runner rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["secrets"] verbs: ["get", "list"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["persistentvolumes"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "delete", "update", "patch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["persistentvolumeclaims"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"] - apiGroups: ["storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["storageclasses"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["events"] verbs: ["list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch"] - apiGroups: ["snapshot.storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["volumesnapshots"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"] - apiGroups: ["snapshot.storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["volumesnapshotcontents"] verbs: ["create", "get", "list", "watch", "update", "delete"] - apiGroups: ["snapshot.storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["volumesnapshotclasses"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: ["snapshot.storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["volumesnapshotcontents/status"] verbs: ["update"] - apiGroups: ["apiextensions.k8s.io"] resources: ["customresourcedefinitions"] verbs: ["create", "list", "watch", "delete", "get", "update"] - apiGroups: ["snapshot.storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["volumesnapshots/status"] verbs: ["update"] - apiGroups: ["storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["volumeattachments"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update", "patch"] - apiGroups: ["storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["volumeattachments/status"] verbs: ["patch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["nodes"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["persistentvolumeclaims/status"] verbs: ["update", "patch"] # OLM: END CSI CEPHFS CLUSTER ROLE # OLM: BEGIN CSI CEPHFS CLUSTER ROLEBINDING --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: rook-csi-cephfs-plugin-sa-psp roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: "psp:rook" subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-csi-cephfs-plugin-sa namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: rook-csi-cephfs-provisioner-sa-psp roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: "psp:rook" subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-csi-cephfs-provisioner-sa namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator --- kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: cephfs-csi-nodeplugin subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-csi-cephfs-plugin-sa namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator roleRef: kind: ClusterRole name: cephfs-csi-nodeplugin apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io --- kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: cephfs-csi-provisioner-role subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-csi-cephfs-provisioner-sa namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator roleRef: kind: ClusterRole name: cephfs-external-provisioner-runner apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io # OLM: END CSI CEPHFS CLUSTER ROLEBINDING # OLM: BEGIN CSI RBD SERVICE ACCOUNT --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: rook-csi-rbd-plugin-sa namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: rook-csi-rbd-provisioner-sa namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator # OLM: END CSI RBD SERVICE ACCOUNT # OLM: BEGIN CSI RBD ROLE --- kind: Role apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rbd-external-provisioner-cfg namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["endpoints"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list", "delete", "update", "create"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["configmaps"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "delete", "update"] - apiGroups: ["coordination.k8s.io"] resources: ["leases"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list", "delete", "update", "create"] # OLM: END CSI RBD ROLE # OLM: BEGIN CSI RBD ROLEBINDING --- kind: RoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rbd-csi-provisioner-role-cfg namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-csi-rbd-provisioner-sa namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator roleRef: kind: Role name: rbd-external-provisioner-cfg apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io # OLM: END CSI RBD ROLEBINDING # OLM: BEGIN CSI RBD CLUSTER ROLE --- kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rbd-csi-nodeplugin rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["secrets"] verbs: ["get", "list"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["nodes"] verbs: ["get", "list", "update"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["namespaces"] verbs: ["get", "list"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["persistentvolumes"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"] - apiGroups: ["storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["volumeattachments"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["configmaps"] verbs: ["get", "list"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["serviceaccounts"] verbs: ["get"] --- kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rbd-external-provisioner-runner rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["secrets"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["persistentvolumes"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "delete", "update", "patch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["persistentvolumeclaims"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"] - apiGroups: ["storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["volumeattachments"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update", "patch"] - apiGroups: ["storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["volumeattachments/status"] verbs: ["patch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["nodes"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: ["storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["storageclasses"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["events"] verbs: ["list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch"] - apiGroups: ["snapshot.storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["volumesnapshots"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"] - apiGroups: ["snapshot.storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["volumesnapshotcontents"] verbs: ["create", "get", "list", "watch", "update", "delete"] - apiGroups: ["snapshot.storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["volumesnapshotclasses"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] - apiGroups: ["snapshot.storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["volumesnapshotcontents/status"] verbs: ["update"] - apiGroups: ["apiextensions.k8s.io"] resources: ["customresourcedefinitions"] verbs: ["create", "list", "watch", "delete", "get", "update"] - apiGroups: ["snapshot.storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["volumesnapshots/status"] verbs: ["update"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["persistentvolumeclaims/status"] verbs: ["update", "patch"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["configmaps"] verbs: ["get"] - apiGroups: ["replication.storage.openshift.io"] resources: ["volumereplications", "volumereplicationclasses"] verbs: ["create", "delete", "get", "list", "patch", "update", "watch"] - apiGroups: ["replication.storage.openshift.io"] resources: ["volumereplications/finalizers"] verbs: ["update"] - apiGroups: ["replication.storage.openshift.io"] resources: ["volumereplications/status"] verbs: ["get", "patch", "update"] - apiGroups: ["replication.storage.openshift.io"] resources: ["volumereplicationclasses/status"] verbs: ["get"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["serviceaccounts"] verbs: ["get"] # OLM: END CSI RBD CLUSTER ROLE # OLM: BEGIN CSI RBD CLUSTER ROLEBINDING --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: rook-csi-rbd-plugin-sa-psp roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: "psp:rook" subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-csi-rbd-plugin-sa namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: rook-csi-rbd-provisioner-sa-psp roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: "psp:rook" subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-csi-rbd-provisioner-sa namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator --- kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rbd-csi-nodeplugin subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-csi-rbd-plugin-sa namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator roleRef: kind: ClusterRole name: rbd-csi-nodeplugin apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io --- kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rbd-csi-provisioner-role subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-csi-rbd-provisioner-sa namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator roleRef: kind: ClusterRole name: rbd-external-provisioner-runner apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io # OLM: END CSI RBD CLUSTER ROLEBINDING --- # Aspects of ceph osd purge job that require access to the operator/cluster namespace kind: Role apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-purge-osd namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["configmaps"] verbs: ["get"] - apiGroups: ["apps"] resources: ["deployments"] verbs: ["get", "delete"] - apiGroups: ["batch"] resources: ["jobs"] verbs: ["get", "list", "delete"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["persistentvolumeclaims"] verbs: ["get", "update", "delete"] --- # Allow the osd purge job to run in this namespace kind: RoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: rook-ceph-purge-osd namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: Role name: rook-ceph-purge-osd subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: rook-ceph-purge-osd namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: rook-ceph-purge-osd namespace: rook-ceph # namespace:operator