--- schema: armada/Chart/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: tenant-ceph-client-global layeringDefinition: abstract: true layer: global storagePolicy: cleartext labels: name: tenant-ceph-client-global substitutions: # Chart source - src: schema: pegleg/SoftwareVersions/v1 name: software-versions path: .charts.ucp.tenant-ceph-client dest: path: .source # Images - src: schema: pegleg/SoftwareVersions/v1 name: software-versions path: .images.ceph.tenant-ceph-client dest: path: .values.images.tags # IP addresses - src: schema: pegleg/CommonAddresses/v1 name: common-addresses path: .storage.ceph.public_cidr dest: path: .values.network.public - src: schema: pegleg/CommonAddresses/v1 name: common-addresses path: .storage.ceph.cluster_cidr dest: path: .values.network.cluster # Endpoints - src: schema: pegleg/EndpointCatalogue/v1 name: ucp_endpoints path: .ceph.tenant_ceph_mon dest: path: .values.endpoints.ceph_mon - src: schema: pegleg/EndpointCatalogue/v1 name: ucp_endpoints path: .ceph.tenant_ceph_mgr dest: path: .values.endpoints.ceph_mgr # Secrets - dest: path: .values.conf.ceph.global.fsid src: schema: deckhand/Passphrase/v1 name: tenant_ceph_fsid path: . data: chart_name: tenant-ceph-client release: tenant-ceph-client namespace: tenant-ceph protected: continue_processing: false wait: timeout: 7200 labels: release_group: clcp-tenant-ceph-client resources: - type: deployment min_ready: 1 - type: job native: enabled: false install: no_hooks: false upgrade: no_hooks: false pre: delete: - type: job labels: release_group: clcp-tenant-ceph-client - type: pod labels: release_group: clcp-tenant-ceph-client component: test test: enabled: true values: manifests: deployment_mds: false job_bootstrap: true labels: job: node_selector_key: tenant-ceph-control-plane node_selector_value: enabled mds: node_selector_key: tenant-ceph-mds node_selector_value: enabled mgr: node_selector_key: tenant-ceph-mgr node_selector_value: enabled checkdns: node_selector_key: tenant-ceph-mon node_selector_value: enabled endpoints: ceph_mon: namespace: tenant-ceph ceph_mgr: namespace: tenant-ceph monitoring: prometheus: ceph_mgr: port: 9284 ceph_mgr_modules_config: prometheus: server_port: 9284 deployment: ceph: true bootstrap: # Placed here to run after main ceph compoents laid down/updated enabled: true script: | set -x DESIRED_VERSION="mimic" ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS=1 while [ $ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS -gt 0 ]; do sleep 5 ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS=$(ceph tell osd.* version --format json | awk -F 'osd.[0-9]*: ' '/^osd/ { print $2}' | jq -r '.version' | awk '{ print $(NF-1) }' | uniq | grep -v ${DESIRED_VERSION} | wc -l ) done while [[ `ceph pg ls | tail -n +2 | grep -v "active+"` ]] do sleep 5 done ceph_mgr_enabled_modules: - restful - status - prometheus - balancer - iostat jobs: pool_checkPGs: # Run once a month at midnight of the first day of the month cron: "0 0 1 * *" history: # Number of successful job to keep successJob: 1 # Number of failed job to keep failJob: 1 concurrency: # Skip new job if previous job still active execPolicy: Forbid startingDeadlineSecs: 60 pod: replicas: mgr: 3 resources: enabled: true mds: requests: memory: "512Mi" cpu: "500m" limits: memory: "2Gi" cpu: "2000m" mgr: requests: memory: "2Gi" cpu: "2000m" limits: memory: "8Gi" cpu: "4000m" checkdns: requests: memory: "512Mi" cpu: "500m" limits: memory: "1Gi" cpu: "1000m" jobs: bootstrap: requests: memory: "512Mi" cpu: "500m" limits: memory: "1Gi" cpu: "1000m" image_repo_sync: requests: memory: "512Mi" cpu: "500m" limits: memory: "1Gi" cpu: "1000m" rbd_pool: requests: memory: "512Mi" cpu: "500m" limits: memory: "1Gi" cpu: "1000m" tests: requests: memory: "512Mi" cpu: "500m" limits: memory: "1Gi" cpu: "1000m" conf: features: mds: false pg_autoscaler: false pool: spec: # RBD pool - name: rbd application: rbd replication: 3 percent_total_data: 0.1 # Cinder volumes pool - name: cinder.volumes application: cinder-volume replication: 3 percent_total_data: 15 # RadosGW pools - name: .rgw.root application: rgw replication: 3 percent_total_data: 0.1 - name: default.rgw.control application: rgw replication: 3 percent_total_data: 0.1 - name: default.rgw.log application: rgw replication: 3 percent_total_data: 5 - name: default.rgw.intent-log application: rgw replication: 3 percent_total_data: 0.1 - name: default.rgw.meta application: rgw replication: 3 percent_total_data: 0.1 - name: default.rgw.usage application: rgw replication: 3 percent_total_data: 0.1 - name: default.rgw.users.uid application: rgw replication: 3 percent_total_data: 0.1 - name: default.rgw.buckets.non-ec application: rgw replication: 3 percent_total_data: 0.1 - name: default.rgw.buckets.index application: rgw replication: 3 percent_total_data: 3 - name: default.rgw.buckets.data application: rgw replication: 3 percent_total_data: 50 # NOTE(alanmeadowS) spport 4.x 16.04 kernels (non-HWE) crush: tunables: 'hammer' # NOTE(alanmeadows): This is required ATM for bootstrapping a Ceph # cluster with only one OSD. Depending on OSD targeting & site # configuration this can be changed. target: osd: 1 pg_per_osd: 100 protected: true # Quota at 10000 to ensure that all pools have quotas greater # than the cluster's capacity. 1000 would get some to about 85% quota: 10000 default: # NOTE(alanmeadows): This is required ATM for bootstrapping a Ceph # cluster with only one OSD. Depending on OSD targeting & site # configuration this can be changed. crush_rule: rack_replicated_rule ceph: global: # NOTE(mb874d): This is required ATM for bootstrapping a Ceph # cluster with only one OSD. Depending on OSD targeting & site # configuration this can be changed. osd_pool_default_size: 1 manifests: cronjob_defragosds: false dependencies: - ceph-htk ...