Merge "Switch to new shipyard library"

This commit is contained in:
Zuul 2018-10-19 16:16:04 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 55c457fbdd
1 changed files with 20 additions and 176 deletions

tools/gate/Jenkinsfile vendored
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@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ import groovy.json.JsonOutput
uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
IPMI_CREDS = 'airship-seaworthy-ipmi'
@ -124,11 +125,11 @@ def pegleg_site_collect = {
sh "cp ${SSH_KEY} ssh-key"
auth = "-u ${SSH_USER} -k /target/ssh-key"
cmd = "pegleg site ${auth} -r /target collect airship-seaworthy -s /target/airship-seaworthy_yaml"
cmd = "pegleg site ${auth} -r /target collect ${SITE_NAME} -s /target/${SITE_NAME}"
sh "sudo docker run --rm -t -v \$(pwd):/target ${PEGLEG_IMAGE} ${cmd}"
sh "tar czf site-config.tar.gz airship-seaworthy_yaml"
sh "tar czf site-config.tar.gz ${SITE_NAME}"
archiveArtifacts 'site-config.tar.gz'
@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ def prom_config_gen = {
sh "mkdir -p promenade-bundle"
opts = '--rm -t -w /target -v $(pwd):/target'
cmd = "promenade build-all --validators -o promenade-bundle airship-seaworthy_yaml/*.yaml"
cmd = "promenade build-all --validators -o promenade-bundle ${SITE_NAME}/*.yaml"
sh "sudo docker run ${opts} ${PROMENADE_IMAGE} ${cmd}"
sh 'tar czf promenade-bundle.tar.gz promenade-bundle'
@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ def genesis_cleanup = {
dfiles = ['airship-promenade',
@ -216,194 +217,37 @@ def genesis_deploy = {
//// keystone utils
def keystone_token = {
def req = ['auth': [
'identity': [
'methods': ['password'],
'password': [
'user': ['name': 'shipyard',
'domain': ['id': 'default'],
'password': SHIPYARD_PASSWD]]]]]
def jreq = new JsonOutput().toJson(req)
def res
retry (3) {
try {
res = httpRequest (url: KEYSTONE_URL,
contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON',
httpMode: 'POST',
requestBody: jreq)
} catch (err) {
sleep 120
return res.getHeaders()['X-Subject-Token'][0]
//// shipyard utils
def shipyard_config_upload = {token ->
def shipyard_config_upload = {
def token = keystone_token()
stage('Shipyard Config Create') {
def manifests = ''
files = findFiles(glob: 'airship-seaworthy_yaml/')
files.each {
print "Reading file -> ${it}"
manifests += readFile it.path
retry(3) {
def res
try {
res = httpRequest (url: "${SHIPYARD_URL}/configdocs/${SITE_NAME}",
httpMode: 'POST',
customHeaders: [[name: 'Content-Type', value: 'application/x-yaml'],
[name: 'X-Auth-Token', value: token]],
requestBody: manifests)
if (res.status != 201) {
error("Failed to upload configdocs: ${res.status}")
print res.content
} catch (err) {
sleep 120
shipyard2.createConfigdocs(uuid, token, SHIPYARD_URL, ARTF_PATH, SITE_NAME)
stage('Shipyard Config Commit') {
retry(3) {
try {
def res = httpRequest (url: "${SHIPYARD_URL}/commitconfigdocs", httpMode: 'POST',
customHeaders: [[name: 'X-Auth-Token', value: token]])
if (res.status != 200) {
error("Failed to commit configdocs: ${res.status}")
print res.content
} catch (err) {
sleep 120
shipyard2.commitConfigdocs(uuid, token, SHIPYARD_URL)
def shipyard_steps_get = { action ->
def res = httpRequest (url: "${SHIPYARD_URL}/actions/${action}",
contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON',
httpMode: 'GET',
customHeaders: [[name: 'X-Auth-Token', value: keystone_token()]])
if (res.status != 200) {
error("Failed to get Shypyard action steps: ${res.status}")
def cont = new JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(res.content)
print cont
return cont.steps
def shipyard_step_wait = { systep, interval ->
print ">> Waiting on Shipyard step: ${systep}"
def String state = systep.state
def res
while (state == null || state == 'running' || state == 'queued' || state == 'scheduled') {
sleep interval
// relax waiting on shipyard tasks
// requests may fail when new nodes join
retry (3) {
res = httpRequest (url: "${SHIPYARD_URL}${systep.url}",
contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON',
httpMode: 'GET',
customHeaders: [[name: 'X-Auth-Token',
value: keystone_token()]])
if (!res) {
error("httpRequest returned null - likely library issue")
if (res.status != 200) {
error("Failed to get Shipyard step info: ${res.status}")
if (!res.content) {
error("Shypyard returned null content")
def shipyard_action_create = { action, token ->
def actionId
stage('Action create') {
def res = shipyard2.createAction(uuid, token, SHIPYARD_URL, action)
def cont = new JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(res.content)
print cont
state = cont.state
actionId =
if (state != 'success' && state != 'skipped') {
error("Failed Shipyard task ${}: ${res.status}, ${res.content}")
def shipyard_steps_wait = { action ->
def systeps = shipyard_steps_get(action)
systeps.each() {
// add explicit stage for steps taking long time
if ( == 'drydock_build' || == 'armada_build') {
stage ("Shipyard (${})") {
shipyard_step_wait(it, 240)
} else {
shipyard_step_wait(it, 4)
def shipyard_action_create = { action ->
def req = [ 'name': action ]
def jreq = new JsonOutput().toJson(req)
res = httpRequest (url: "${SHIPYARD_URL}/actions",
contentType: 'APPLICATION_JSON',
httpMode: 'POST',
customHeaders: [[name: 'X-Auth-Token', value: keystone_token()]],
requestBody: jreq)
if (res.status != 201) {
error("Failed to create Shypyard action: ${res.status}")
def cont = new JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(res.content)
print cont
shipyard2.waitAction(actionId, SHIPYARD_URL, SHIPYARD_PASSWD, KEYSTONE_URL, false)
def shipyard_deploy = { action ->
try {
def req = keystone.retrieveToken(SHIPYARD_PASSWD, KEYSTONE_URL, false)
def token = req.getHeaders()["X-Subject-Token"][0]
shipyard_action_create(action, token)
} catch (err) {