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26 KiB

# Copyright 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from copy import deepcopy
import ipaddress
import logging
from spyglass.data_extractor.custom_exceptions import InvalidIntermediary
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _parse_ip(addr):
"""Validates the given ip address
Validates addr and returns an IPAddress type object if it is a valid
address. If it is not valid, a warning is logged and the addr parameter
is returned.
:param addr: The address to validate
:return: addr as an IPAddress object or string
except ValueError:
if addr != DATA_DEFAULT:
LOG.warning("%s is not a valid IP address.", addr)
return addr
class ServerList(object):
"""Model for a list of servers"""
def __init__(self, server_list):
"""Validates a list of server IPs and creates a list of them
:param server_list: list of strings
self.servers = []
if type(server_list) is list:
for server in server_list:
elif type(server_list) is str:
for server in server_list.split(','):
raise ValueError(
'ServerList expects a str or list, but got a %s',
def __str__(self):
"""Returns server list as string for use in YAML documents"""
return ",".join(self.servers)
def __iter__(self):
yield from self.servers
def merge(self, server_list):
"""Merges a comma separated server list into the object
This method is used to merge additional servers into the list. This is
helpful for modifying objects with additional spyglass configs.
if type(server_list) is str:
for addr in server_list.split(','):
elif type(server_list) is list:
for addr in server_list:
class IPList(object):
"""Model for IP addresses for a baremetal host"""
def __init__(
"""Validates a list of string IPs into IPAddress objects
:param oob: OOB IP address as string
:param oam: OAM IP address as string
:param calico: Calico IP address as string
:param overlay: Overlay IP address as string
:param pxe: PXE IP address as string
:param storage: Storage IP address as string
self.oob = _parse_ip(oob)
self.oam = _parse_ip(oam)
self.calico = _parse_ip(calico)
self.overlay = _parse_ip(overlay)
self.pxe = _parse_ip(pxe)
self.storage = _parse_ip(storage)
def __iter__(self):
yield from {
'oob': self.oob,
'oam': self.oam,
'calico': self.calico,
'overlay': self.overlay,
'pxe': self.pxe,
'storage': self.storage
def set_ip_by_role(self, role: str, new_value):
if role == 'oob':
self.oob = _parse_ip(new_value)
elif role == 'oam':
self.oam = _parse_ip(new_value)
elif role == 'calico':
self.calico = _parse_ip(new_value)
elif role == 'overlay':
self.overlay = _parse_ip(new_value)
elif role == 'pxe':
self.pxe = _parse_ip(new_value)
elif role == 'storage':
self.storage = _parse_ip(new_value)
LOG.warning('{} role is not defined for IPList.'.format(role))
def dict_from_class(self):
"""Creates a writeable dict structure from the object"""
dictionary = {}
if self.oob:
dictionary['oob'] = self.oob
if self.oam:
dictionary['oam'] = self.oam
if self.calico:
dictionary['calico'] = self.calico
if self.overlay:
dictionary['overlay'] = self.overlay
if self.pxe:
dictionary['pxe'] = self.pxe
if self.storage:
dictionary['storage'] = self.storage
if not dictionary:
LOG.warning('Object contains no data.')
return dictionary
def merge_additional_data(self, config_dict: dict):
if 'oob' in config_dict:
self.oob = _parse_ip(config_dict['oob'])
if 'oam' in config_dict:
self.oam = _parse_ip(config_dict['oam'])
if 'calico' in config_dict:
self.calico = _parse_ip(config_dict['calico'])
if 'overlay' in config_dict:
self.overlay = _parse_ip(config_dict['overlay'])
if 'pxe' in config_dict:
self.pxe = _parse_ip(config_dict['pxe'])
if 'storage' in config_dict:
self.storage = _parse_ip(config_dict['storage'])
class Host(object):
"""Model for a baremetal host"""
def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
"""Stores data for a baremetal host
:param name: Host name
:param kwargs: see below, any data not defined here will be stored
in the `self.data` variable
:Keyword Arguments:
* *rack_name* (``str``) - Parent rack name of the host
* *host_profile* (``str``) - Host profile
* *type* (``str``) - Host type
* *ip* (``IPList``) - List of IP addresses for baremetal host
self.name = name
self.rack_name = kwargs.get('rack_name', DATA_DEFAULT)
self.type = kwargs.get('type', DATA_DEFAULT)
self.host_profile = kwargs.get('host_profile', DATA_DEFAULT)
self.ip = kwargs.get('ip', IPList())
self.data = kwargs
def dict_from_class(self):
"""Creates a writeable dict structure from the object"""
return {
self.name: {
'host_profile': self.host_profile,
'ip': self.ip.dict_from_class(),
'type': self.type
def merge_additional_data(self, config_dict: dict):
if 'rack_name' in config_dict:
self.rack_name = config_dict['rack_name']
if 'type' in config_dict:
self.type = config_dict['type']
if 'host_profile' in config_dict:
self.host_profile = config_dict['host_profile']
if 'ip' in config_dict:
class Rack(object):
"""Model for a baremetal rack"""
def __init__(self, name: str, host_list: list):
"""Stores data for the top-level, baremetal rack
:param name: Rack name
:param host_list: list of Host objects that belong to the rack
self.name = name
self.hosts = host_list
def dict_from_class(self):
"""Creates a writeable dict structure from the object"""
rack_as_dict = {self.name: {}}
for host in self.hosts:
return rack_as_dict
def merge_additional_data(self, config_dict: dict):
for key, value in config_dict.items():
exists = False
for host in self.hosts:
if host.name == key:
exists = True
if not exists:
self.hosts.append(Host(key, **value))
def get_host_by_name(self, name: str):
"""Gets a host on the rack by name
:param name: Name of the host
:return: the matching Host object or None if not found
:rtype: Host or None
for host in self.hosts:
if host.name == name:
return host
return None
def get_host_by_type(self, host_type: str):
"""Gets host(s) on rack by role
:param host_type: Role of the host(s) to be retrieved
:return: list of hosts
:rtype: list
matching_hosts = []
for host in self.hosts:
if host.type == host_type:
return matching_hosts
class VLANNetworkData(object):
"""Model for single entry of VLAN Network Data"""
def __init__(self, name: str, **kwargs):
"""Stores single entry of VLAN Network Data
:param name: Name of the data entry (typically matches the role)
ex. calico, oam, oob, pxe, etc...
:param kwargs: see below, any data not defined here will be stored
in the `self.data` variable
:Keyword Arguments:
* *role* (``str``) - Role of the data entry, defaults to name
* *vlan* (``str``, ``int``) - virtual LAN ID number as str or int
* *subnet* (``list``) - list of subnet IP addresses as strings
* *routes* (``list``) - list of routes IP addresses as strings
* *gateway* - gateway address
* *dhcp_start* - DHCP range start
* *dhcp_end* - DHCP range end
* *static_start* - static IP range start
* *static_end* - static IP range end
* *reserved_start* - reserved IP range start
* *reserved_end* - reserved IP range end
self.name = name
self.role = kwargs.get('role', self.name)
if self.role == 'oob':
self.vlan = None
self.vlan = kwargs.get('vlan', None)
self.subnet = []
subnet = kwargs.get('subnet', [])
if type(subnet) is list:
for _subnet in subnet:
self.routes = []
routes = kwargs.get('routes', [])
if type(routes) is list:
for route in routes:
self.gateway = _parse_ip(kwargs.get('gateway', None))
self.dhcp_start = kwargs.get('dhcp_start', None)
self.dhcp_end = kwargs.get('dhcp_end', None)
self.static_start = kwargs.get('static_start', None)
self.static_end = kwargs.get('static_end', None)
self.reserved_start = kwargs.get('reserved_start', None)
self.reserved_end = kwargs.get('reserved_end', None)
self.data = kwargs
def dict_from_class(self):
"""Creates a writeable dict structure from the object"""
vlan_dict = {self.role: {}}
if self.vlan:
vlan_dict[self.role]['vlan'] = self.vlan
if self.subnet:
vlan_dict[self.role]['subnet'] = self.subnet
if self.routes:
vlan_dict[self.role]['routes'] = self.routes
vlan_dict[self.role]['routes'] = []
if self.gateway:
vlan_dict[self.role]['gateway'] = self.gateway
if self.dhcp_start and self.dhcp_end:
vlan_dict[self.role]['dhcp_start'] = self.dhcp_start
vlan_dict[self.role]['dhcp_end'] = self.dhcp_end
if self.static_start and self.static_end:
vlan_dict[self.role]['static_start'] = self.static_start
vlan_dict[self.role]['static_end'] = self.static_end
if self.reserved_start and self.reserved_end:
vlan_dict[self.role]['reserved_start'] = self.reserved_start
vlan_dict[self.role]['reserved_end'] = self.reserved_end
return vlan_dict
def merge_additional_data(self, config_dict: dict):
if 'role' in config_dict:
self.role = config_dict['role']
if 'vlan' in config_dict:
self.vlan = config_dict['vlan']
if 'subnet' in config_dict:
self.subnet = []
for _subnet in config_dict['subnet']:
if 'routes' in config_dict:
self.routes = []
for _route in config_dict['routes']:
if 'gateway' in config_dict:
self.gateway = config_dict['gateway']
if 'dhcp_start' in config_dict:
self.dhcp_start = config_dict['dhcp_start']
if 'dhcp_end' in config_dict:
self.dhcp_end = config_dict['dhcp_end']
if 'static_start' in config_dict:
self.static_start = config_dict['static_start']
if 'static_end' in config_dict:
self.static_end = config_dict['static_end']
if 'reserved_start' in config_dict:
self.reserved_start = config_dict['reserved_start']
if 'reserved_end' in config_dict:
self.reserved_end = config_dict['reserved_end']
class Network(object):
"""Model for network configurations"""
def __init__(self, vlan_network_data: list, **kwargs):
"""Stores data for Airship network configurations
:param vlan_network_data: a list of VLANNetworkData objects
:param kwargs: see below, any data not defined here will be stored
in the `self.data` variable
:Keyword Arguments:
* *bgp* (``dict``) - bgp data as a dictionary
self.vlan_network_data = vlan_network_data
self.bgp = kwargs.get('bgp', {})
self.data = kwargs
def dict_from_class(self):
"""Creates a writeable dict structure from the object"""
network_dict = {'vlan_network_data': {}}
if self.bgp:
network_dict['bgp'] = self.bgp
for vlan in self.vlan_network_data:
return network_dict
def merge_additional_data(self, config_dict: dict):
if 'bgp' in config_dict:
if 'vlan_network_data' in config_dict:
for key, value in config_dict['vlan_network_data'].items():
exists = False
for entry in self.vlan_network_data:
if entry.name == key:
exists = True
if not exists:
VLANNetworkData(key, **value))
def get_vlan_data_by_name(self, name: str):
"""Returns VLANNetworkData object with matching name
:param name: name of the VLANNetworkData object
:return: the matching object or None if not found
:rtype: VLANNetworkData or None
for entry in self.vlan_network_data:
if entry.name == name:
return entry
return None
def get_vlan_data_by_role(self, role: str):
"""Returns VLANNetworkData object with matching role
:param role: role of the VLANNetworkData object
:return: the matching object or None if not found
:rtype: VLANNetworkData or None
for entry in self.vlan_network_data:
if entry.role == role:
return entry
return None
class SiteInfo(object):
"""Model for general site information"""
def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
"""Stores general site information such as location data and site name
:param name: Name of the site
:param kwargs: see below, any data not defined here will be stored
in the `self.data` variable
:Keyword Arguments:
* *physical_location_id* (``str, int``) - physical id location as
string or int
* *state* (``str``) - state in which site resides
* *country* (``str``) - country in which site resides
* *corridor* (``str``) - site corridor
* *sitetype* (``str``) - type of the site
* *dns* (``ServerList``) - list of DNS servers for site
* *ntp* (``ServerList``) - list of NTP servers for site
* *domain* (``str``) - domain of the site, ex. example.com
* *ldap* (``dict``) - dictionary of ldap configurations as shown
* common_name (``str``)
* domain (``str``)
* subdomain (``str``)
* url (``str``)
self.name = name
self.region_name = kwargs.get('region_name', DATA_DEFAULT)
self.physical_location_id = kwargs.get(
'physical_location_id', DATA_DEFAULT)
self.state = kwargs.get('state', DATA_DEFAULT)
self.country = kwargs.get('country', DATA_DEFAULT)
self.corridor = kwargs.get('corridor', DATA_DEFAULT)
self.sitetype = kwargs.get('sitetype', DATA_DEFAULT)
self.dns = kwargs.get('dns', [])
if type(self.dns) is not ServerList:
self.dns = ServerList(self.dns)
self.ntp = kwargs.get('ntp', [])
if type(self.ntp) is not ServerList:
self.ntp = ServerList(self.ntp)
self.domain = kwargs.get('domain', DATA_DEFAULT)
self.ldap = kwargs.get('ldap', {})
self.data = kwargs
def dict_from_class(self):
"""Creates a writeable dict structure from the object"""
return {
'corridor': self.corridor,
'country': self.country,
'dns': {
'servers': str(self.dns)
'domain': self.domain,
'ldap': self.ldap,
'name': self.name,
'ntp': {
'servers': str(self.ntp)
'physical_location_id': self.physical_location_id,
'sitetype': self.sitetype,
'state': self.state,
def merge_additional_data(self, config_dict: dict):
if 'name' in config_dict:
self.name = config_dict['name']
if 'physical_location_id' in config_dict:
self.physical_location_id = config_dict['physical_location_id']
if 'state' in config_dict:
self.state = config_dict['state']
if 'country' in config_dict:
self.country = config_dict['country']
if 'corridor' in config_dict:
self.corridor = config_dict['corridor']
if 'sitetype' in config_dict:
self.sitetype = config_dict['sitetype']
if 'dns' in config_dict:
self.dns = ServerList(config_dict['dns']['servers'])
if 'ntp' in config_dict:
self.ntp = ServerList(config_dict['ntp']['servers'])
if 'domain' in config_dict:
self.domain = config_dict['domain']
if 'ldap' in config_dict:
class SiteDocumentData(object):
"""High level model for site data"""
def __init__(
site_info: SiteInfo,
network: Network,
baremetal: list,
storage: dict = None):
"""Stores all data for a site
:param site_info: general site data such as location and name
:type site_info: SiteInfo
:param network: networking data including a list of VLAN networks and
other related data
:type network: Network
:param baremetal: a list of rack data as Rack type objects, containing
Host objects within them
:type baremetal: list
:param storage: any additional configurations for site storage
:type storage: dict
self.site_info = site_info
self.storage = storage
self.network = network
self.baremetal = baremetal
def dict_from_class(self):
"""Creates a writeable dict structure from the object"""
document = {
'baremetal': {},
'network': self.network.dict_from_class(),
'region_name': self.site_info.region_name,
'site_info': self.site_info.dict_from_class(),
'storage': self.storage
for rack in self.baremetal:
return document
def merge_additional_data(self, config_dict: dict):
if 'site_info' in config_dict:
if 'storage' in config_dict:
if not self.storage:
self.storage = config_dict['storage']
if 'network' in config_dict:
if 'baremetal' in config_dict:
for key, value in config_dict['baremetal']:
exists = False
for rack in self.baremetal:
if key == rack.name:
exists = True
if not exists:
self.baremetal.append(Rack(key, **value))
def get_baremetal_rack_by_name(self, name: str):
"""Return baremetal rack with matching name
:param name: name of the baremetal rack
:return: the Rack object or None if not found
:rtype: Rack or None
for rack in self.baremetal:
if rack.name == name:
return rack
return None
def get_baremetal_host_by_type(self, *args):
"""Return baremetal host(s) with matching type
:param args: type(s) of the baremetal host
:return: Host object(s) matching the specified host_type
:rtype: list
host_list = []
for rack in self.baremetal:
rack_hosts = []
for arg in args:
return host_list
def _validate_key_in_intermediary_dict(key: str, dictionary: dict):
if key not in dictionary:
raise InvalidIntermediary(
'%s is not defined in the given intermediary file.' % key)
def site_document_data_factory(intermediary_dict: dict) -> SiteDocumentData:
"""Uses intermediary file data to create a SiteDocumentData object
:param intermediary_dict: A loaded intermediary file dictionary
:return: all intermediary dictionary data returned as an object
# Validate baremetal in intermediary
_validate_key_in_intermediary_dict('baremetal', intermediary_dict)
# Pull out baremetal data into Rack and Host objects
rack_list = []
for rack, hosts in intermediary_dict['baremetal'].items():
host_list = []
for host_name, host_data in hosts.items():
host_ip_list = IPList(**host_data['ip'])
host_kwargs = {
'rack_name': rack,
'host_profile': host_data['host_profile'],
'type': host_data['type'],
'ip': host_ip_list
new_host = Host(host_name, **host_kwargs)
new_rack = Rack(rack, host_list)
# Validate network in intermediary
_validate_key_in_intermediary_dict('network', intermediary_dict)
# Validate vlan_network_data in intermediary
'vlan_network_data', intermediary_dict['network'])
# Validate bgp in intermediary
_validate_key_in_intermediary_dict('bgp', intermediary_dict['network'])
# Pull out network data into Network object
vlan_data_list = []
for network_type, network_data in \
vlan_data_list.append(VLANNetworkData(network_type, **network_data))
network = Network(vlan_data_list, bgp=intermediary_dict['network']['bgp'])
# Validate site_info in intermediary
_validate_key_in_intermediary_dict('site_info', intermediary_dict)
# Validate dns in intermediary
_validate_key_in_intermediary_dict('dns', intermediary_dict['site_info'])
# Validate ntp in intermediary
_validate_key_in_intermediary_dict('ntp', intermediary_dict['site_info'])
# Validate region_name in intermediary
_validate_key_in_intermediary_dict('region_name', intermediary_dict)
# Pull out site_info into a SiteInfo object
dns_server_list = ServerList(
ntp_server_list = ServerList(
site_info_dict = deepcopy(intermediary_dict['site_info'])
site_info_dict['dns'] = dns_server_list
site_info_dict['ntp'] = ntp_server_list
site_info_dict['region_name'] = intermediary_dict['region_name']
site_info = SiteInfo(**site_info_dict)
# Validate storage in intermediary
_validate_key_in_intermediary_dict('storage', intermediary_dict)
# Create and return SiteDocumentData object
site_document_data = SiteDocumentData(
return site_document_data