# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Airflow database access - see db.py for instances to use """ import sqlalchemy from oslo_config import cfg from shipyard_airflow.db.common_db import DbAccess from shipyard_airflow.db.errors import AirflowStateError CONF = cfg.CONF class AirflowDbAccess(DbAccess): """ Airflow database access WARNING: This is a large set of assumptions based on the way airflow arranges its database and are subject to change with airflow future releases - i.e. we're leveraging undocumented/non-exposed interfaces for airflow to work around lack of API and feature functionality. """ SELECT_ALL_DAG_RUNS = sqlalchemy.sql.text(''' SELECT "id", "dag_id", "execution_date", "state", "run_id", "external_trigger", "conf", "end_date", "start_date" FROM dag_run ''') SELECT_DAG_RUNS_BY_ID = sqlalchemy.sql.text(''' SELECT "id", "dag_id", "execution_date", "state", "run_id", "external_trigger", "conf", "end_date", "start_date" FROM dag_run WHERE dag_id = :dag_id AND execution_date = :execution_date ''') # The like parameter must have '%' appropriately applied to the args # used to merge into this query. SELECT_DAG_RUNS_LIKE_ID = sqlalchemy.sql.text(''' SELECT "id", "dag_id", "execution_date", "state", "run_id", "external_trigger", "conf", "end_date", "start_date" FROM dag_run WHERE dag_id LIKE :dag_id AND execution_date = :execution_date ''') SELECT_ALL_TASKS = sqlalchemy.sql.text(''' SELECT "task_id", "dag_id", "execution_date", "start_date", "end_date", "duration", "state", "try_number", "hostname", "unixname", "job_id", "pool", "queue", "priority_weight", "operator", "queued_dttm", "pid", "max_tries" FROM task_instance ORDER BY priority_weight desc, start_date ''') # The like parameter must have '%' appropriately applied to the args # used to merge into this query. SELECT_TASKS_BY_ID = sqlalchemy.sql.text(''' SELECT "task_id", "dag_id", "execution_date", "start_date", "end_date", "duration", "state", "try_number", "hostname", "unixname", "job_id", "pool", "queue", "priority_weight", "operator", "queued_dttm", "pid", "max_tries" FROM task_instance WHERE dag_id LIKE :dag_id AND execution_date = :execution_date ORDER BY priority_weight desc, start_date ''') UPDATE_DAG_RUN_STATUS = sqlalchemy.sql.text(''' UPDATE dag_run SET state = :state WHERE dag_id = :dag_id AND execution_date = :execution_date ''') def __init__(self): DbAccess.__init__(self) def get_connection_string(self): """ Returns the connection string for this db connection """ return CONF.base.postgresql_airflow_db def get_all_dag_runs(self): """ Retrieves all dag runs. """ return self.get_as_dict_array(AirflowDbAccess.SELECT_ALL_DAG_RUNS) def get_dag_runs_by_id(self, dag_id, execution_date): """ Retrieves dag runs by dag id and execution date """ return self.get_as_dict_array( AirflowDbAccess.SELECT_DAG_RUNS_BY_ID, dag_id=dag_id, execution_date=execution_date) def get_dag_runs_like_id(self, dag_id, execution_date): """ Retrieves dag runs, for parent and child dags by the parent dag id and execution date """ return self.get_as_dict_array( AirflowDbAccess.SELECT_DAG_RUNS_LIKE_ID, dag_id=dag_id + '%', execution_date=execution_date) def get_all_tasks(self): """ Retrieves all tasks. """ return self.get_as_dict_array(AirflowDbAccess.SELECT_ALL_TASKS) def get_tasks_by_id(self, dag_id, execution_date): """ Retrieves tasks by dag id and execution date """ return self.get_as_dict_array( AirflowDbAccess.SELECT_TASKS_BY_ID, dag_id=dag_id + '%', execution_date=execution_date) def stop_dag_run(self, dag_id, execution_date): """ Triggers an update to set a dag_run to failed state causing dag_run to be stopped running -> failed """ self._control_dag_run( dag_id=dag_id, execution_date=execution_date, expected_state='running', desired_state='failed') def pause_dag_run(self, dag_id, execution_date): """ Triggers an update to set a dag_run to paused state causing dag_run to be paused running -> paused """ self._control_dag_run( dag_id=dag_id, execution_date=execution_date, expected_state='running', desired_state='paused') def unpause_dag_run(self, dag_id, execution_date): """ Triggers an update to set a dag_run to running state causing dag_run to be unpaused paused -> running """ self._control_dag_run( dag_id=dag_id, execution_date=execution_date, expected_state='paused', desired_state='running') def check_dag_run_state(self, dag_id, execution_date, expected_state): """ Examines a dag_run for state. Throws exception if it's not right """ dag_run_list = self.get_dag_runs_by_id( dag_id=dag_id, execution_date=execution_date) if dag_run_list: dag_run = dag_run_list[0] if dag_run['state'] != expected_state: raise AirflowStateError( message='dag_run state must be running, but is {}'.format( dag_run['state'])) else: # not found raise AirflowStateError(message='dag_run does not exist') def _control_dag_run(self, dag_id, execution_date, expected_state, desired_state): """ checks a dag_run's state for expected state, and sets it to the desired state """ self.check_dag_run_state( dag_id=dag_id, execution_date=execution_date, expected_state=expected_state) self._set_dag_run_state( state=desired_state, dag_id=dag_id, execution_date=execution_date) def _set_dag_run_state(self, state, dag_id, execution_date): """ Sets a dag run to the specified state. WARNING: this assumes that airflow works by reading state from the dag_run table dynamically, is not caching results, and doesn't start to use the states we're using in a new way. """ self.perform_insert( AirflowDbAccess.UPDATE_DAG_RUN_STATUS, state=state, dag_id=dag_id, execution_date=execution_date)