# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from airflow.operators import ConcurrencyCheckOperator from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator from airflow.operators.subdag_operator import SubDagOperator from armada_deploy_site import deploy_site_armada import dag_names as dn from deckhand_get_design import get_design_deckhand from destroy_node import destroy_server from drydock_deploy_site import deploy_site_drydock from failure_handlers import step_failure_handler from dag_deployment_configuration import get_deployment_configuration from preflight_checks import all_preflight_checks from validate_site_design import validate_site_design class CommonStepFactory(object): """Common step factory A factory to generate steps that are reused among multiple dags """ def __init__(self, parent_dag_name, dag, default_args): """Creates a factory Uses the specified parent_dag_name """ self.parent_dag_name = parent_dag_name self.dag = dag self.default_args = default_args def get_action_xcom(self, task_id=dn.ACTION_XCOM): """Generate the action_xcom step Step responsible for getting the action information passed by the invocation of the dag, which includes any options. """ def xcom_push(**kwargs): """xcom_push function Defines a push function to store the content of 'action' that is defined via 'dag_run' in XCOM so that it can be used by the Operators """ kwargs['ti'].xcom_push(key='action', value=kwargs['dag_run'].conf['action']) return PythonOperator(task_id=task_id, dag=self.dag, python_callable=xcom_push) def get_concurrency_check(self, task_id=dn.DAG_CONCURRENCY_CHECK_DAG_NAME): """Generate the concurrency check step Concurrency check prevents simultaneous execution of dags that should not execute together. """ return ConcurrencyCheckOperator( task_id=task_id, on_failure_callback=step_failure_handler, dag=self.dag) def get_preflight(self, task_id=dn.ALL_PREFLIGHT_CHECKS_DAG_NAME): """Generate the preflight step Preflight checks preconditions for running a DAG """ return SubDagOperator( subdag=all_preflight_checks( self.parent_dag_name, task_id, args=self.default_args), task_id=task_id, on_failure_callback=step_failure_handler, dag=self.dag) def get_get_design_version(self, task_id=dn.DECKHAND_GET_DESIGN_VERSION): """Generate the get design version step Retrieves the version of the design to use from deckhand """ return SubDagOperator( subdag=get_design_deckhand( self.parent_dag_name, task_id, args=self.default_args), task_id=task_id, on_failure_callback=step_failure_handler, dag=self.dag) def get_validate_site_design(self, task_id=dn.VALIDATE_SITE_DESIGN_DAG_NAME): """Generate the validate site design step Validation of the site design checks that the design to be used for a deployment passes checks before using it. """ return SubDagOperator( subdag=validate_site_design( self.parent_dag_name, task_id, args=self.default_args), task_id=task_id, on_failure_callback=step_failure_handler, dag=self.dag) def get_deployment_configuration(self, task_id=dn.GET_DEPLOY_CONF_DAG_NAME): """Generate the step to retrieve the deployment configuration This step provides the timings and strategies that will be used in subsequent steps """ return SubDagOperator( subdag=get_deployment_configuration( self.parent_dag_name, task_id, args=self.default_args), task_id=task_id, on_failure_callback=step_failure_handler, dag=self.dag) def get_drydock_build(self, task_id=dn.DRYDOCK_BUILD_DAG_NAME): """Generate the drydock build step Drydock build does the hardware provisioning. """ return SubDagOperator( subdag=deploy_site_drydock( self.parent_dag_name, task_id, args=self.default_args), task_id=task_id, on_failure_callback=step_failure_handler, dag=self.dag) def get_armada_build(self, task_id=dn.ARMADA_BUILD_DAG_NAME): """Generate the armada build step Armada build does the deployment of helm charts """ return SubDagOperator( subdag=deploy_site_armada( self.parent_dag_name, task_id, args=self.default_args), task_id=task_id, on_failure_callback=step_failure_handler, dag=self.dag) def get_destroy_server(self, task_id=dn.DESTROY_SERVER_DAG_NAME): """Generate a destroy server step Destroy server tears down kubernetes and hardware """ return SubDagOperator( subdag=destroy_server( self.parent_dag_name, task_id, args=self.default_args), task_id=task_id, on_failure_callback=step_failure_handler, dag=self.dag)