# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging from airflow.models import BaseOperator from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults from airflow.plugins_manager import AirflowPlugin from airflow.hooks.postgres_hook import PostgresHook from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException # constants related to the dag_run table. DAG_RUN_SELECT_RUNNING_SQL = ("select dag_id, execution_date " "from dag_run " "where state='running'") # connection name for airflow's own sql db AIRFLOW_DB = 'airflows_own_db' # each set in this list of sets indicates DAGs that shouldn't execute together CONFLICTING_DAG_SETS = [set(['deploy_site', 'update_site', 'redeploy_server'])] def find_conflicting_dag_set(dag_name, conflicting_dag_sets=None): """ Using dag_name, finds all other dag names that are in any set of conflicting dags from input conflicting_dag_sets """ if conflicting_dag_sets is None: conflicting_dag_sets = CONFLICTING_DAG_SETS full_set = set() for single_set in conflicting_dag_sets: if dag_name in single_set: full_set = full_set | single_set full_set.discard(dag_name) logging.info('Potential conflicts: %s', ', '.join(full_set)) return full_set class ConcurrencyCheckOperator(BaseOperator): """ Provides a way to indicate which DAGs should not be executing simultaneously. """ @apply_defaults def __init__(self, conflicting_dag_set=None, *args, **kwargs): super(ConcurrencyCheckOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.conflicting_dag_set = conflicting_dag_set def execute(self, context): """ Run the check to see if this DAG has an concurrency issues with other DAGs. Stop the workflow if there is. """ if self.conflicting_dag_set is None: self.check_dag_id = self.dag.dag_id logging.debug('dag_id is %s', self.check_dag_id) if '.' in self.dag.dag_id: self.check_dag_id = self.dag.dag_id.split('.', 1)[0] logging.debug('dag_id modified to %s', self.check_dag_id) logging.info('from dag %s, assuming %s for concurrency check', self.dag.dag_id, self.check_dag_id) self.conflicting_dag_set = find_conflicting_dag_set( self.check_dag_id) logging.info('Checking for running of dags: %s', ', '.join(self.conflicting_dag_set)) conflicting_dag = self.find_conflicting_dag(self.check_dag_id) if conflicting_dag is None: logging.info('No conflicts found. Continuing Execution') else: self.abort_conflict( dag_name=self.check_dag_id, conflict=conflicting_dag) def get_executing_dags(self): """ Encapsulation of getting database records of running dags. Returns a list of records of dag_id and execution_date """ logging.info('Executing: %s', DAG_RUN_SELECT_RUNNING_SQL) airflow_pg_hook = PostgresHook(postgres_conn_id=AIRFLOW_DB) return airflow_pg_hook.get_records(DAG_RUN_SELECT_RUNNING_SQL) def find_conflicting_dag(self, dag_id_to_check): """ Checks for a DAGs that is conflicting and exits based on the first one found. Also will return the dag_id_to_check as conflicting if more than 1 instance is running """ self_dag_count = 0 for dag_id, execution_date in self.get_executing_dags(): logging.info('Checking %s @ %s vs. current %s', dag_id, execution_date, dag_id_to_check) if dag_id == dag_id_to_check: self_dag_count += 1 logging.info( "Found an instance of the dag_id being checked. Tally: %s", self_dag_count) if dag_id in self.conflicting_dag_set: logging.info("Conflict found: %s @ %s", dag_id, execution_date) return dag_id if self_dag_count > 1: return dag_id_to_check return None def abort_conflict(self, dag_name, conflict): """ Log and raise an exception that there is a conflicting workflow. """ conflict_string = '{} conflicts with running {}. Aborting run'.format( dag_name, conflict) logging.error(conflict_string) raise AirflowException(conflict_string) class ConcurrencyCheckPlugin(AirflowPlugin): """ Register this plugin for this operator. """ name = 'concurrency_check_operator_plugin' operators = [ConcurrencyCheckOperator]