# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import logging import os import requests from urllib.parse import urlparse from airflow.models import BaseOperator from airflow.utils.decorators import apply_defaults from airflow.plugins_manager import AirflowPlugin from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException import armada.common.client as client import armada.common.session as session from get_k8s_pod_port_ip import get_pod_port_ip from service_endpoint import ucp_service_endpoint from service_token import shipyard_service_token from xcom_puller import XcomPuller from xcom_pusher import XcomPusher class ArmadaOperator(BaseOperator): """ Supports interaction with Armada :param action: Task to perform :param main_dag_name: Parent Dag :param shipyard_conf: Location of shipyard.conf :param sub_dag_name: Child Dag The Armada operator assumes that prior steps have set xcoms for the action and the deployment configuration """ @apply_defaults def __init__(self, action=None, main_dag_name=None, shipyard_conf=None, svc_token=None, sub_dag_name=None, xcom_push=True, *args, **kwargs): super(ArmadaOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.action = action self.main_dag_name = main_dag_name self.shipyard_conf = shipyard_conf self.svc_token = svc_token self.sub_dag_name = sub_dag_name self.xcom_push_flag = xcom_push def execute(self, context): # Initialize Variables armada_client = None design_ref = None # Define task_instance task_instance = context['task_instance'] # Set up and retrieve values from xcom self.xcom_puller = XcomPuller(self.main_dag_name, task_instance) self.action_info = self.xcom_puller.get_action_info() # Logs uuid of action performed by the Operator logging.info("Armada Operator for action %s", self.action_info['id']) # Retrieve Deckhand Design Reference design_ref = self.get_deckhand_design_ref(context) if design_ref: logging.info("Design YAMLs will be retrieved from %s", design_ref) else: raise AirflowException("Unable to Retrieve Design Reference!") # Validate Site Design if self.action == 'validate_site_design': # Initialize variable armada_svc_endpoint = None site_design_validity = 'invalid' # Retrieve Endpoint Information svc_type = 'armada' armada_svc_endpoint = ucp_service_endpoint(self, svc_type=svc_type) site_design_validity = self.armada_validate_site_design( armada_svc_endpoint, design_ref) if site_design_validity == 'valid': logging.info("Site Design has been successfully validated") else: raise AirflowException("Site Design Validation Failed!") return site_design_validity # Set up target manifest (only if not doing validate) self.dc = self.xcom_puller.get_deployment_configuration() self.target_manifest = self.dc['armada.manifest'] # Create Armada Client # Retrieve Endpoint Information svc_type = 'armada' armada_svc_endpoint = ucp_service_endpoint(self, svc_type=svc_type) logging.info("Armada endpoint is %s", armada_svc_endpoint) # Set up Armada Client armada_client = self.armada_session_client(armada_svc_endpoint) # Retrieve Tiller Information and assign to context 'query' context['query'] = self.get_tiller_info(context) # Armada API Call # Armada Status if self.action == 'armada_status': self.get_armada_status(context, armada_client) # Armada Apply elif self.action == 'armada_apply': self.armada_apply(context, armada_client, design_ref, self.target_manifest) # Armada Get Releases elif self.action == 'armada_get_releases': self.armada_get_releases(context, armada_client) else: logging.info('No Action to Perform') @shipyard_service_token def armada_session_client(self, armada_svc_endpoint): # Initialize Variables armada_url = None a_session = None a_client = None # Parse Armada Service Endpoint armada_url = urlparse(armada_svc_endpoint) # Build a ArmadaSession with credentials and target host # information. logging.info("Build Armada Session") a_session = session.ArmadaSession(host=armada_url.hostname, port=armada_url.port, scheme='http', token=self.svc_token, marker=None) # Raise Exception if we are not able to get armada session if a_session: logging.info("Successfully Set Up Armada Session") else: raise AirflowException("Failed to set up Armada Session!") # Use session to build a ArmadaClient to make one or more # API calls. The ArmadaSession will care for TCP connection # pooling and header management logging.info("Create Armada Client") a_client = client.ArmadaClient(a_session) # Raise Exception if we are not able to build armada client if a_client: logging.info("Successfully Set Up Armada client") else: raise AirflowException("Failed to set up Armada client!") # Return Armada client for XCOM Usage return a_client @get_pod_port_ip('tiller', namespace='kube-system') def get_tiller_info(self, context, *args, **kwargs): # Initialize Variable query = {} # Get IP and port information of Pods from context k8s_pods_ip_port = context['pods_ip_port'] # Assign value to the 'query' dictionary so that we can pass # it via the Armada Client query['tiller_host'] = k8s_pods_ip_port['tiller'].get('ip') query['tiller_port'] = k8s_pods_ip_port['tiller'].get('port') return query def get_armada_status(self, context, armada_client): # Check State of Tiller armada_status = armada_client.get_status(context['query']) # Tiller State will return boolean value, i.e. True/False # Raise Exception if Tiller is in a bad state if armada_status['tiller']['state']: logging.info("Tiller is in running state") logging.info("Tiller version is %s", armada_status['tiller']['version']) else: raise AirflowException("Please check Tiller!") def armada_apply(self, context, armada_client, design_ref, target_manifest): '''Run Armada Apply ''' # Initialize Variables armada_manifest = None armada_ref = design_ref armada_post_apply = {} override_values = [] chart_set = [] upgrade_airflow_worker = False # enhance the context's query entity with target_manifest query = context.get('query', {}) query['target_manifest'] = target_manifest # Execute Armada Apply to install the helm charts in sequence logging.info("Armada Apply") armada_post_apply = armada_client.post_apply(manifest=armada_manifest, manifest_ref=armada_ref, values=override_values, set=chart_set, query=query) # Search for Shipyard deployment in the list of chart upgrades # NOTE: It is possible for the chart name to take on different # values, e.g. 'aic-ucp-shipyard', 'ucp-shipyard'. Hence we # will search for the word 'shipyard', which should exist as # part of the name of the Shipyard Helm Chart. for i in armada_post_apply['message']['upgrade']: if 'shipyard' in i: upgrade_airflow_worker = True break # Create xcom key 'upgrade_airflow_worker' # Value of key will depend on whether an upgrade has been # performed on the Shipyard/Airflow Chart self.xcom_pusher = XcomPusher(context['task_instance']) if upgrade_airflow_worker: self.xcom_pusher.xcom_push(key='upgrade_airflow_worker', value='true') else: self.xcom_pusher.xcom_push(key='upgrade_airflow_worker', value='false') # We will expect Armada to return the releases that it is # deploying. Note that if we try and deploy the same release # twice, we will end up with empty response as nothing has # changed. if (armada_post_apply['message']['install'] or armada_post_apply['message']['upgrade']): logging.info("Armada Apply Successfully Executed") logging.info(armada_post_apply) else: logging.warning("No new changes/updates were detected") logging.info(armada_post_apply) def armada_get_releases(self, context, armada_client): # Initialize Variables armada_releases = {} deckhand_svc_endpoint = None # Retrieve Armada Releases after deployment logging.info("Retrieving Armada Releases after deployment..") armada_releases = armada_client.get_releases(context['query']) if armada_releases: logging.info("Retrieved current Armada Releases") logging.info(armada_releases) else: raise AirflowException("Failed to retrieve Armada Releases") def get_deckhand_design_ref(self, context): # Retrieve DeckHand Endpoint Information svc_type = 'deckhand' deckhand_svc_endpoint = ucp_service_endpoint(self, svc_type=svc_type) logging.info("Deckhand endpoint is %s", deckhand_svc_endpoint) # Retrieve revision_id from xcom committed_revision_id = self.xcom_puller.get_design_version() # Form Design Reference Path that we will use to retrieve # the Design YAMLs deckhand_path = "deckhand+" + deckhand_svc_endpoint deckhand_design_ref = os.path.join(deckhand_path, "revisions", str(committed_revision_id), "rendered-documents") return deckhand_design_ref @shipyard_service_token def armada_validate_site_design(self, armada_svc_endpoint, design_ref): # Form Validation Endpoint validation_endpoint = os.path.join(armada_svc_endpoint, 'validatedesign') logging.info("Validation Endpoint is %s", validation_endpoint) # Define Headers and Payload headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': self.svc_token } payload = { 'rel': "design", 'href': design_ref, 'type': "application/x-yaml" } # Requests Armada to validate site design logging.info("Waiting for Armada to validate site design...") try: design_validate_response = requests.post(validation_endpoint, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload)) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: raise AirflowException(e) # Convert response to string validate_site_design = design_validate_response.text # Print response logging.info("Retrieving Armada validate site design response...") try: validate_site_design_dict = json.loads(validate_site_design) logging.info(validate_site_design_dict) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: raise AirflowException(e) # Check if site design is valid if validate_site_design_dict.get('status') == 'Success': return 'valid' else: return 'invalid' class ArmadaOperatorPlugin(AirflowPlugin): name = 'armada_operator_plugin' operators = [ArmadaOperator]