# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from airflow.operators import ConcurrencyCheckOperator from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator from airflow.operators.python_operator import BranchPythonOperator from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator from airflow.operators.subdag_operator import SubDagOperator from armada_deploy_site import deploy_site_armada import dag_names as dn from deckhand_get_design import get_design_deckhand from destroy_node import destroy_server from drydock_deploy_site import deploy_site_drydock from failure_handlers import step_failure_handler from dag_deployment_configuration import get_deployment_configuration from preflight_checks import all_preflight_checks from validate_site_design import validate_site_design class CommonStepFactory(object): """Common step factory A factory to generate steps that are reused among multiple dags """ def __init__(self, parent_dag_name, dag, default_args): """Creates a factory Uses the specified parent_dag_name """ self.parent_dag_name = parent_dag_name self.dag = dag self.default_args = default_args def get_action_xcom(self, task_id=dn.ACTION_XCOM): """Generate the action_xcom step Step responsible for getting the action information passed by the invocation of the dag, which includes any options. """ def xcom_push(**kwargs): """xcom_push function Defines a push function to store the content of 'action' that is defined via 'dag_run' in XCOM so that it can be used by the Operators """ kwargs['ti'].xcom_push(key='action', value=kwargs['dag_run'].conf['action']) return PythonOperator(task_id=task_id, dag=self.dag, python_callable=xcom_push) def get_concurrency_check(self, task_id=dn.DAG_CONCURRENCY_CHECK_DAG_NAME): """Generate the concurrency check step Concurrency check prevents simultaneous execution of dags that should not execute together. """ return ConcurrencyCheckOperator( task_id=task_id, on_failure_callback=step_failure_handler, dag=self.dag) def get_preflight(self, task_id=dn.ALL_PREFLIGHT_CHECKS_DAG_NAME): """Generate the preflight step Preflight checks preconditions for running a DAG """ return SubDagOperator( subdag=all_preflight_checks( self.parent_dag_name, task_id, args=self.default_args), task_id=task_id, on_failure_callback=step_failure_handler, dag=self.dag) def get_get_design_version(self, task_id=dn.DECKHAND_GET_DESIGN_VERSION): """Generate the get design version step Retrieves the version of the design to use from deckhand """ return SubDagOperator( subdag=get_design_deckhand( self.parent_dag_name, task_id, args=self.default_args), task_id=task_id, on_failure_callback=step_failure_handler, dag=self.dag) def get_validate_site_design(self, task_id=dn.VALIDATE_SITE_DESIGN_DAG_NAME): """Generate the validate site design step Validation of the site design checks that the design to be used for a deployment passes checks before using it. """ return SubDagOperator( subdag=validate_site_design( self.parent_dag_name, task_id, args=self.default_args), task_id=task_id, on_failure_callback=step_failure_handler, dag=self.dag) def get_deployment_configuration(self, task_id=dn.GET_DEPLOY_CONF_DAG_NAME): """Generate the step to retrieve the deployment configuration This step provides the timings and strategies that will be used in subsequent steps """ return SubDagOperator( subdag=get_deployment_configuration( self.parent_dag_name, task_id, args=self.default_args), task_id=task_id, on_failure_callback=step_failure_handler, dag=self.dag) def get_drydock_build(self, task_id=dn.DRYDOCK_BUILD_DAG_NAME): """Generate the drydock build step Drydock build does the hardware provisioning. """ return SubDagOperator( subdag=deploy_site_drydock( self.parent_dag_name, task_id, args=self.default_args), task_id=task_id, on_failure_callback=step_failure_handler, dag=self.dag) def get_armada_build(self, task_id=dn.ARMADA_BUILD_DAG_NAME): """Generate the armada build step Armada build does the deployment of helm charts """ return SubDagOperator( subdag=deploy_site_armada( self.parent_dag_name, task_id, args=self.default_args), task_id=task_id, on_failure_callback=step_failure_handler, dag=self.dag) def get_destroy_server(self, task_id=dn.DESTROY_SERVER_DAG_NAME): """Generate a destroy server step Destroy server tears down kubernetes and hardware """ return SubDagOperator( subdag=destroy_server( self.parent_dag_name, task_id, args=self.default_args), task_id=task_id, on_failure_callback=step_failure_handler, dag=self.dag) def get_decide_airflow_upgrade(self, task_id=dn.DECIDE_AIRFLOW_UPGRADE): """Generate the decide_airflow_upgrade step Step responsible for deciding whether to branch to the path to upgrade airflow worker """ def upgrade_airflow_check(**kwargs): """upgrade_airflow_check function Defines a function to decide whether to upgrade airflow worker. The decision will be based on the xcom value that is retrieved from the 'armada_apply' task """ # DAG ID will be parent + subdag name dag_id = self.parent_dag_name + '.' + dn.ARMADA_BUILD_DAG_NAME # Check if Shipyard/Airflow were upgraded by the workflow upgrade_airflow = kwargs['ti'].xcom_pull( key='upgrade_airflow_worker', task_ids='armada_apply', dag_id=dag_id) # Go to the branch to upgrade Airflow worker if the Shipyard # chart were upgraded/modified if upgrade_airflow == "true": return "upgrade_airflow" else: return "skip_upgrade_airflow" return BranchPythonOperator(task_id=task_id, python_callable=upgrade_airflow_check, trigger_rule="all_done", dag=self.dag) def get_upgrade_airflow(self, task_id=dn.UPGRADE_AIRFLOW): """Generate the upgrade_airflow step Step responsible for upgrading airflow worker. Step will execute the upgrade script in the background and direct output to null so that 'nohup.out' will not be created. Note that this is done intentionally so that the upgrade of airflow worker will only start after the completion of the 'update_site' workflow. This will ensure availability of airflow worker during update/upgrade and prevent any disruption to the workflow. Note that dag_id and execution date are required for proper execution of the script. """ return BashOperator(task_id=task_id, bash_command=( "nohup " "/usr/local/airflow/upgrade_airflow_worker.sh " "{{ ti.dag_id }} {{ ti.execution_date }} " ">/dev/null 2>&1 &"), dag=self.dag) def get_skip_upgrade_airflow(self, task_id=dn.SKIP_UPGRADE_AIRFLOW): """Generate the skip_upgrade_airflow step Step will print a message stating that we do not need to upgrade the airflow worker """ return BashOperator(task_id=task_id, bash_command=( "echo 'Airflow Worker Upgrade Not Required'"), dag=self.dag)