# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Base class for document validators""" import abc import logging from .errors import ( DeckhandClientRequiredError, DocumentLookupError, DocumentNotFoundError ) from .document_validation_utils import DocumentValidationUtils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DocumentValidator(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Document validator base class :param deckhand_client: An instance of a Deckhand client that can be used to interact with Deckhand during the validation :param revision: The numeric Deckhand revision of document under test :param doc_name: The name of the document under test """ def __init__(self, deckhand_client, revision, doc_name): if deckhand_client is None: raise DeckhandClientRequiredError() self.deckhand_client = deckhand_client self.docutils = DocumentValidationUtils(self.deckhand_client) self.doc_name = doc_name # self.error_status is False if no validations fail. It becomes # True for any validatoion failure (including missing docs that are # not error level, because it interrupts the flow from proceeding with # further validation.) self.error_status = False self.revision = revision self._triggered_validations = [] self.val_msg_list = [] @property @abc.abstractmethod def schema(self): """The schema name of the document being validated by this validator""" pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def missing_severity(self): """The severity level if this document is missing Error, Warning, or Info """ pass @property def triggered_validations(self): return self._triggered_validations def add_triggered_validation(self, validator_class, doc_name): """The validation to add to the list of triggered validations :param validator_class: The class of the validator to use :param doc_name: the document name to validate """ self._triggered_validations.append((validator_class, doc_name)) def val_msg(self, message, name, error=True, level='Error', documents=None, diagnostic=None): """Generate a ValidationMessage :param error: True or False :param level: "Error", "Warning", "Info" :param message: The explanation of the valiadaiton message :param name: The short name of the messge, e.g.: DocumentMissing :param documents: list of {"schema": , "name": } defaults to the current document under test :param diagnostic: Possible solutions or troubleshooting. Defaults to a generic message about being generated by Shipyard In accordance with: https://github.com/openstack/airship-in-a-bottle/blob/master/doc/source/api-conventions.rst#validationmessage-message-type """ if documents is None: documents = [{"schema": self.schema, "name": self.doc_name}] if diagnostic is None: diagnostic = "Message generated by Shipyard." return { "error": error, "level": level, "message": message, "name": name, "documents": documents, "diagnostic": diagnostic, "kind": "ValidationMessage" } @abc.abstractmethod def do_validate(self): """Run Validations""" pass def validate(self): """Triggers the validations for this validator Triggers the specific checks after any common checks """ if self.missing_severity not in ["Error", "Warning", "Info"]: LOG.warn("Document Validator for {}, {} does not have a valid " "value set for missing_severity (got {}). " "Assuming Error".format( self.schema, self.doc_name, self.missing_severity )) self.missing_severity = "Error" try: LOG.debug("Lookup document %s: %s from revision %s", self.schema, self.doc_name, self.revision) self.doc_dict = self.docutils.get_unique_doc(self.revision, self.doc_name, self.schema) # only proceed to validating the document if it is present. LOG.debug("Generic document validation complete. Proceeding to " "specific validation") self.do_validate() except DocumentLookupError as dle: self.val_msg_list.append(self.val_msg( name=dle.__class__.__name__, error=True, level="Error", message="Document Lookup failed for {}".format(self.schema), diagnostic=str(dle))) except DocumentNotFoundError as dnfe: name = dnfe.__class__.__name__ if self.missing_severity == "Error": diagnostic = ( "The configuration documents must include a document with " "schema: {} and name: {}".format( self.schema, self.doc_name ) ) message = "Missing required document {}".format(self.schema) error = True self.error_status = True elif self.missing_severity == "Warning": diagnostic = ( "It is recommended, but not required that the " "configuration documents include a document with " "schema: {} and name: {}".format( self.schema, self.doc_name ) ) message = "Missing recommended document {}".format(self.schema) error = False self.error_status = True elif self.missing_severity == "Info": diagnostic = ( "Optional document with schema: {} and name: {} was not" "found among the configuration documents.".format( self.schema, self.doc_name ) ) message = "Optional document {} not found".format(self.schema) error = False self.error_status = True self.val_msg_list.append(self.val_msg( name=name, error=error, level=self.missing_severity, message=message, diagnostic=diagnostic ))