# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import falcon import logging import os import requests from oslo_config import cfg from shipyard_airflow import policy from shipyard_airflow.control.base import BaseResource from shipyard_airflow.control.helpers.action_helper import ActionsHelper from shipyard_airflow.errors import ApiError CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ActionsStepsLogsResource(BaseResource): """ The actions steps logs resource retrieves the logs for a particular step of an action. By default, it will retrieve the logs from the last attempt. Note that a workflow step can retry multiple times with the names of the logs as 1.log, 2.log, 3.log, etc. """ @policy.ApiEnforcer(policy.GET_ACTION_STEP_LOGS) def on_get(self, req, resp, **kwargs): """ Returns the logs of an action step :returns: logs of an action step """ # We will set the kwarg to 'try_number' as 'try' is a # reserved keyword try_number = req.get_param_as_int('try', required=False) # Parse kwargs action_id = ActionsHelper.parse_action_id(**kwargs) step_id = ActionsHelper.parse_step_id(**kwargs) # Retrieve logs for the action step resp.text = self.get_action_step_logs(action_id, step_id, try_number) resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 def get_action_step_logs(self, action_id, step_id, try_number=None): """ Retrieve Airflow Logs """ # Set up actions helper self.actions_helper = ActionsHelper(action_id=action_id) # Retrieve step step = self.actions_helper.get_step(step_id, try_number) # Retrieve Dag ID dag_id = step['dag_id'] # Generate Log Endpoint log_endpoint = self.generate_log_endpoint(step, dag_id, step_id, try_number) LOG.debug("Log endpoint url is: %s", log_endpoint) return self.retrieve_logs(log_endpoint) def generate_log_endpoint(self, step, dag_id, step_id, try_number): """ Retrieve Log Endpoint """ # Construct worker pod URL scheme = CONF.airflow.worker_endpoint_scheme worker_pod_fqdn = step['hostname'] worker_pod_port = CONF.airflow.worker_port worker_pod_url = "{}://{}:{}".format(scheme, worker_pod_fqdn, str(worker_pod_port)) # Define log_file if try_number: log_file = str(try_number) + '.log' else: log_file = str(step['try_number']) + '.log' # Define dag_execution_date dag_execution_date = ( self.actions_helper.get_formatted_dag_execution_date(step)) # Form logs query endpoint log_endpoint = os.path.join(worker_pod_url, 'log', dag_id, step_id, dag_execution_date, log_file) return log_endpoint @staticmethod def retrieve_logs(log_endpoint): """ Retrieve Logs """ LOG.debug("Retrieving Airflow logs...") try: response = requests.get( log_endpoint, timeout=( CONF.requests_config.airflow_log_connect_timeout, CONF.requests_config.airflow_log_read_timeout)) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: LOG.exception(e) raise ApiError( title='Log retrieval error', description='Exception happened during Airflow API request', status=falcon.HTTP_500) if response.status_code >= 400: LOG.info('Airflow endpoint returned error status code %s, ' 'content %s. Response code will be bubbled up', response.status_code, response.text) raise ApiError( title='Log retrieval error', description='Airflow endpoint returned error status code', status=getattr( falcon, 'HTTP_%d' % response.status_code, falcon.HTTP_500)) return response.text