from . import config, logging import json import os import subprocess import tempfile import yaml __all__ = ['PKI'] LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PKI: def __init__(self, cluster_name, *, ca_config=None): self.certificate_authorities = {} self.cluster_name = cluster_name self._ca_config_string = None if ca_config: self._ca_config_string = json.dumps(ca_config) @property def ca_config(self): if not self._ca_config_string: self._ca_config_string = json.dumps({ 'signing': { 'default': { 'expiry': '8760h', 'usages': ['signing', 'key encipherment', 'server auth', 'client auth'], }, }, }) return self._ca_config_string def generate_ca(self, *, ca_name, cert_target, key_target): result = self._cfssl(['gencert', '-initca', 'csr.json'], files={ 'csr.json': self.csr( name=ca_name, groups=['Kubernetes']), }) LOG.debug('ca_cert=%r', result['cert']) self.certificate_authorities[ca_name] = result return (self._wrap('CertificateAuthority', result['cert'], name=ca_name, target=cert_target), self._wrap('CertificateAuthorityKey', result['key'], name=ca_name, target=key_target)) def generate_keypair(self, *, alias=None, name, target): priv_result = self._openssl(['genrsa', '-out', 'priv.pem']) pub_result = self._openssl(['rsa', '-in', 'priv.pem', '-pubout', '-out', 'pub.pem'], files={ 'priv.pem': priv_result['priv.pem'], }) if not alias: alias = name return (self._wrap('PublicKey', pub_result['pub.pem'], alias=alias, name=name, target=target), self._wrap('PrivateKey', priv_result['priv.pem'], alias=alias, name=name, target=target)) def generate_certificate(self, *, alias=None, config_name=None, ca_name, groups=[], hosts=[], name, target): result = self._cfssl( ['gencert', '-ca', 'ca.pem', '-ca-key', 'ca-key.pem', '-config', 'ca-config.json', 'csr.json'], files={ 'ca-config.json': self.ca_config, 'ca.pem': self.certificate_authorities[ca_name]['cert'], 'ca-key.pem': self.certificate_authorities[ca_name]['key'], 'csr.json': self.csr(name=name, groups=groups, hosts=hosts), }) if not alias: alias = name if not config_name: config_name = name return (self._wrap('Certificate', result['cert'], alias=alias, name=config_name, target=target), self._wrap('CertificateKey', result['key'], alias=alias, name=config_name, target=target)) def csr(self, *, name, groups=[], hosts=[], key={'algo': 'rsa', 'size': 2048}): return json.dumps({ 'CN': name, 'key': key, 'hosts': hosts, 'names': [{'O': g} for g in groups], }) def _cfssl(self, command, *, files=None): if not files: files = {} with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: for filename, data in files.items(): with open(os.path.join(tmp, filename), 'w') as f: f.write(data) return json.loads(subprocess.check_output( ['cfssl'] + command, cwd=tmp)) def _openssl(self, command, *, files=None): if not files: files = {} with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: for filename, data in files.items(): with open(os.path.join(tmp, filename), 'w') as f: f.write(data) subprocess.check_call(['openssl'] + command, cwd=tmp) result = {} for filename in os.listdir(tmp): if filename not in files: with open(os.path.join(tmp, filename)) as f: result[filename] = return result def _wrap(self, kind, data, **metadata): return config.Document({ 'apiVersion': 'promenade/v1', 'kind': kind, 'metadata': { 'cluster': self.cluster_name, **metadata, }, 'spec': { 'data': block_literal(data), }, }) class block_literal(str): pass def block_literal_representer(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_scalar(u',2002:str', data, style='|') yaml.add_representer(block_literal, block_literal_representer)