# Overview Promenade is tool for deploying self-hosted, highly resilient Kubernetes clusters. ## Quickstart using Vagrant Make sure you have [Vagrant](https://vagrantup.com) and [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) installed. Start the VMs: ```bash vagrant up ``` Start the genesis node: ```bash vagrant ssh n0 -c 'sudo /vagrant/genesis.sh /vagrant/example/vagrant-config.yaml' ``` Join the master nodes: ```bash vagrant ssh n1 -c 'sudo /vagrant/join.sh /vagrant/example/vagrant-config.yaml' vagrant ssh n2 -c 'sudo /vagrant/join.sh /vagrant/example/vagrant-config.yaml' ``` Join the worker node: ```bash vagrant ssh n3 -c 'sudo /vagrant/join.sh /vagrant/example/vagrant-config.yaml' ``` ## Building the image ```bash docker build -t quay.io/attcomdev/promenade:experimental . ``` ## Using Promenade Behind a Proxy Modify the `genesis.sh` and `proxy.sh` scripts, passing in the URL and ports of the proxy server relative to the cluster hosts: ```bash DOCKER_HTTP_PROXY="http://proxy.server.com:8080" DOCKER_HTTPS_PROXY="https://proxy.server.com:8080" DOCKER_NO_PROXY="localhost," ```