#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -xu TEMP_MANIFEST=/tmp/etcd.yaml sync_file () { if ! cmp "$1" "$2"; then cp -f "$1" "$2" fi } sync_certificates () { mkdir -p /etcd-etc/tls sync_file /etc/etcd/tls/certs/client-ca.pem /etcd-etc/tls/client-ca.pem sync_file /etc/etcd/tls/certs/peer-ca.pem /etcd-etc/tls/peer-ca.pem sync_file "/etc/etcd/tls/certs/${ETCD_NAME}-etcd-client.pem" /etcd-etc/tls/etcd-client.pem sync_file "/etc/etcd/tls/certs/${ETCD_NAME}-etcd-peer.pem" /etcd-etc/tls/etcd-peer.pem sync_file "/etc/etcd/tls/keys/${ETCD_NAME}-etcd-client-key.pem" /etcd-etc/tls/etcd-client-key.pem sync_file "/etc/etcd/tls/keys/${ETCD_NAME}-etcd-peer-key.pem" /etcd-etc/tls/etcd-peer-key.pem } create_manifest () { WIP=/tmp/wip-manifest.yaml cp -f /anchor-etcd/{{ .Values.service.name }}.yaml $WIP sed -i -e 's#_ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_STATE_#'$2'#g' $WIP sed -i -e 's#_ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_#'$1'#g' $WIP sync_file "$WIP" "$3" } sync_configuration () { sync_certificates ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER=$(grep -v $PEER_ENDPOINT "$1" \ | awk -F ', ' '{ print $3 "=" $4 }' \ | tr '\n' ',' \ | sed "s;\$;$ETCD_NAME=https://\$\(POD_IP\):{{ .Values.network.service_peer.target_port }};") ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_STATE=existing create_manifest "$ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER" "$ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_STATE" "$TEMP_MANIFEST" sync_file "${TEMP_MANIFEST}" "${MANIFEST_PATH}" chmod go-rwx "${MANIFEST_PATH}" } cleanup_host () { rm -f $MANIFEST_PATH rm -rf /etcd-etc/tls/ rm -rf /etcd-data/* firstrun=true } firstrun=true saddness_duration=0 while true; do date # TODO(mark-burnett) Need to monitor a file(s) when shutting down/starting # up so I don't try to take two actions on the node at once. {{- if .Values.bootstrapping.enabled }} if [ -e /bootstrapping/{{ .Values.bootstrapping.filename }} ]; then # If the first node is starting, wait for it to become healthy end=$(($(date +%s) + {{ .Values.bootstrapping.timeout }})) while etcdctl member list | grep $POD_IP; do if ETCDCTL_ENDPOINTS=$CLIENT_ENDPOINT etcdctl endpoint health; then echo Member appears healthy, removing bootstrap file. rm /bootstrapping/{{ .Values.bootstrapping.filename }} break else now=$(date +%s) if [ $now -gt $end ]; then echo Member did not start successfully before bootstrap timeout. Deleting and trying again. rm -f $MANIFEST_PATH sleep {{ .Values.anchor.period }} break fi sleep {{ .Values.anchor.period }} fi done fi if [ -e /bootstrapping/{{ .Values.bootstrapping.filename }} ]; then # Bootstrap the first node sync_certificates ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER=${ETCD_NAME}=https://\$\(POD_IP\):{{ .Values.network.service_peer.target_port }} ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_STATE=new create_manifest "$ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER" "$ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_STATE" "$MANIFEST_PATH" sleep {{ .Values.anchor.period }} continue fi {{- end }} sleep {{ .Values.anchor.period }} if [ -e /tmp/stopped ]; then echo Stopping break fi if [ -e /tmp/stopping ]; then echo Waiting to stop.. continue fi etcdctl member list > /tmp/members if ! grep $PEER_ENDPOINT /tmp/members; then # If this member is not in the cluster, try to add it. if grep -v '\bstarted\b' /tmp/members; then echo Cluster does not appear fully online, waiting. continue fi # Add this member to the cluster if ! etcdctl member add $HOSTNAME --peer-urls $PEER_ENDPOINT; then echo Failed to add $HOSTNAME to member list. Waiting. continue fi echo Successfully added $HOSTNAME to cluster members. # Refresh member list so we start with the right configuration. if ! etcdctl member list > /tmp/members; then echo Could not get a member list, trying again. continue fi elif grep $PEER_ENDPOINT /tmp/members | grep '\bunstarted\b'; then # This member is in the cluster but not started if [ $saddness_duration -ge {{ .Values.anchor.saddness_threshold }} ] then # We have surpassed the sadness duration, remove the member and try re-adding memberid=$(grep $PEER_ENDPOINT /tmp/members | awk -F ',' '{print $1}') echo "Removing $memberid from etcd cluster to recreate." if etcdctl member remove "$memberid"; then cleanup_host else echo "ERROR: Attempted recreate member and failed!!!" fi continue else saddness_duration=$(($saddness_duration+1)) fi fi if $firstrun; then sync_configuration /tmp/members firstrun=false fi if ! ETCDCTL_ENDPOINTS=$CLIENT_ENDPOINT etcdctl endpoint health; then # If not health, sleeps before checking again and then updating configs. echo Member is not healthy, sleeping before checking again. sleep {{ .Values.anchor.health_wait_period }} if ! ETCDCTL_ENDPOINTS=$CLIENT_ENDPOINT etcdctl endpoint health; then # If still not healthy updates the configs. echo Member is not healthy, syncing configurations. sync_configuration /tmp/members continue else saddness_duration=0 fi else saddness_duration=0 fi done