from . import exceptions, logging, validation from . import design_ref as dr import docker import jinja2 import jsonpath_ng import os import yaml from deckhand.engine import layering from deckhand import errors as dh_errors __all__ = ['Configuration'] LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Configuration: def __init__(self, *, documents, debug=False, substitute=True, allow_missing_substitutions=True, extract_hyperkube=True, leave_kubectl=False, validate=True):"Parsing document schemas.")"Building config from %d documents." % len(documents)) if substitute:"Rendering documents via Deckhand engine.") try: deckhand_eng = layering.DocumentLayering( documents, fail_on_missing_sub_src=not allow_missing_substitutions) documents = [dict(d) for d in deckhand_eng.render()] except dh_errors.DeckhandException as e: LOG.exception( 'An unknown Deckhand exception occurred while trying' ' to render documents.') raise exceptions.DeckhandException(str(e))"Deckhand engine returned %d documents." % len(documents)) self.debug = debug self.documents = documents self.extract_hyperkube = extract_hyperkube self.leave_kubectl = leave_kubectl if validate: validation.validate_all(self) @classmethod def from_streams(cls, *, streams, **kwargs): documents = [] for stream in streams: stream_name = getattr(stream, 'name') if stream_name is not None:'Loading documents from %s', stream_name) stream_documents = list(yaml.safe_load_all(stream)) if stream_name is not None:'Successfully loaded %d documents from %s', len(stream_documents), stream_name) documents.extend(stream_documents) return cls(documents=documents, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_design_ref(cls, design_ref, ctx=None, **kwargs): documents, use_dh_engine = dr.get_documents(design_ref, ctx) return cls( documents=documents, substitute=use_dh_engine, validate=use_dh_engine, **kwargs) def __getitem__(self, path): return self.get_path( path, jinja2.StrictUndefined('No match found for path %s' % path)) def get_first(self, *paths, default=None): result = self._get_first(*paths) if result: return result else: if default is not None: return default else: return jinja2.StrictUndefined( 'Nothing found matching paths: %s' % ','.join(paths)) def get(self, *, kind=None, name=None, schema=None, default=None): result = _get(self.documents, kind=kind, schema=schema, name=name) if result: return result['data'] else: if default is not None: return default else: return jinja2.StrictUndefined( 'No document found matching kind=%s schema=%s name=%s' % (kind, schema, name)) def iterate(self, *, kind=None, schema=None, labels=None, name=None): if kind is not None: if schema is not None: raise AssertionError( 'Logic error: specified both kind and schema') schema = 'promenade/%s/v1' % kind for document in self.documents: if _matches_filter( document, schema=schema, labels=labels, name=name): yield document def find(self, *args, **kwargs): for doc in self.iterate(*args, **kwargs): return doc # try to use docker socket from ENV # supported the same way like for docker client def get_container_info(self): LOG.debug( 'Getting access to Docker via socket and getting mount points') client = docker.from_env() try: except Exception: raise Exception('Docker is not responding, check ENV vars') tmp_dir = os.getenv('PROMENADE_TMP') if tmp_dir is None: raise Exception('ERROR: undefined PROMENADE_TMP') tmp_dir_local = os.getenv('PROMENADE_TMP_LOCAL') if tmp_dir_local is None: raise Exception('ERROR: undefined PROMENADE_TMP_LOCAL') if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir_local): raise Exception('ERROR: {} not found'.format(tmp_dir_local)) return { 'client': client, 'dir': tmp_dir, 'dir_local': tmp_dir_local, } def extract_genesis_config(self): LOG.debug('Extracting genesis config.') documents = [] for document in self.documents: if document['schema'] != 'promenade/KubernetesNode/v1': documents.append(document) else: LOG.debug('Excluding schema=%s', document['schema'], _mg(document, 'name')) return Configuration( debug=self.debug, documents=documents, extract_hyperkube=self.extract_hyperkube, leave_kubectl=self.leave_kubectl, substitute=False, validate=False) def extract_node_config(self, name): LOG.debug('Extracting node config for %s.', name) documents = [] for document in self.documents: schema = document['schema'] if schema == 'promenade/Genesis/v1': LOG.debug('Excluding schema=%s', schema, _mg(document, 'name')) continue elif schema == 'promenade/KubernetesNode/v1' and _mg( document, 'name') != name: LOG.debug('Excluding schema=%s', schema, _mg(document, 'name')) continue else: documents.append(document) return Configuration( debug=self.debug, documents=documents, extract_hyperkube=self.extract_hyperkube, leave_kubectl=self.leave_kubectl, substitute=False, validate=False) @property def kubelet_name(self): for document in self.iterate(kind='Genesis'): return 'genesis' for document in self.iterate(kind='KubernetesNode'): return document['data']['hostname'] return jinja2.StrictUndefined( 'No Genesis or KubernetesNode found while getting kubelet name') def _get_first(self, *paths): for path in paths: value = self.get_path(path) if value: return value @property def enable_units(self): """ Get systemd unit names where enable is ``true``.""" return self.get_units_by_action('enable') @property def start_units(self): """ Get systemd unit names where start is ``true``.""" return self.get_units_by_action('start') @property def stop_units(self): """ Get systemd unit names where stop is ``true``.""" return self.get_units_by_action('stop') @property def disable_units(self): """ Get systemd unit names where disable is ``true``.""" return self.get_units_by_action('disable') def get_units_by_action(self, action): """ Select systemd unit names by ``action`` Get all units that are ``true`` for ``action``. """ return [ k for k, v in self.systemd_units.items() if v.get(action, False) ] @property def systemd_units(self): """ Return a dictionary of systemd units to be managed during join. The dictionary key is the systemd unit name, each will have a four boolean keys: ``enable``, ``disable``, ``start``, ``stop`` on the actions to be taken at the end of genesis/node join. The steps are ordered: enable, start, stop, disable. """ all_units = {} for document in self.iterate(kind='HostSystem'): all_units.update(document['data'].get('systemd_units', {})) return all_units @property def join_ips(self): maybe_ips = self.get_path('KubernetesNode:join_ips') if maybe_ips is not None: return maybe_ips else: maybe_ip = self._get_first('KubernetesNode:join_ip', 'Genesis:ip') if maybe_ip: return [maybe_ip] else: return jinja2.StrictUndefined('Could not find join IPs') def get_path(self, path, default=None): kind, jsonpath = path.split(':') document = _get(self.documents, kind=kind) if document: data = _extract(document['data'], jsonpath) if data: return data return default def append(self, item): validation.check_schema(item) self.documents.append(item) def bootstrap_apiserver_prefix(self): return self.get_path('Genesis:apiserver.command_prefix', ['kube-apiserver']) def _matches_filter(document, *, schema, labels, name): matches = True if schema is not None and not document.get('schema', '').startswith(schema): matches = False if labels is not None: document_labels = _mg(document, 'labels', []) for key, value in labels.items(): if key not in document_labels: matches = False else: if document_labels[key] != value: matches = False if name is not None: if _mg(document, 'name') != name: matches = False return matches def _get(documents, kind=None, schema=None, name=None): if kind is not None: if schema is not None: msg = "Only kind or schema may be specified, not both" raise exceptions.ValidationException(msg) schema = 'promenade/%s/v1' % kind for document in documents: if (schema == document.get('schema') and (name is None or name == _mg(document, 'name'))): return document def _extract(document, jsonpath): p = jsonpath_ng.parse(jsonpath) matches = p.find(document) if matches: return matches[0].value def _mg(document, field, default=None): return document.get('metadata', {}).get(field, default)