# Promenade Configuration Promenade is configured using a set Kubernetes-like YAML documents. Many of these documents can be automatically derived from a few core configuration documents or generated automatically (e.g. certificates). All of these documents can be specified in detail allowing for fine-grained control over cluster deployment. Generally, these documents have the following form: ```yaml --- apiVersion: promenade/v1 kind: Kind metadata: compliant: metadata spec: detailed: data ``` `apiVersion` identifies the document as Promenade configuration. Currently only `promenade/v1` is supported. `kind` describe the detailed type of document. Valid kinds are: - `Certificate` - An x509 certificate. - `CertificateAuthority` - An x509 certificate authority certificate. - `CertificateAuthorityKey` - The private key for a certificate authority. - `CertificateKey` - The private key for a certificate. - `Cluster` - Cluster configuration containing node host names, IPs & roles. - `Etcd` - Specific configuration for an etcd cluster. - `Masters` - Host names and IPs of master nodes. - `Network` - Configuration details for Kubernetes networking components. - `Node` - Specific configuration for a single host. - `PrivateKey` - A private key, e.g. the `controller-manager`'s token signing key. - `PublicKey` - A public key, e.g. the key for verifying service account tokens. - `Versions` - Specifies versions of packages and images to be deployed. `metadata` are used to select specific documents of a given `kind`. For example, the various services must each select their specific `Certificate`s. `metadata` are also used by Drydock to select the configuration files that are needed for a particular node. `spec` contains specific data for each kind of configuration document. ## Generating Configuration from Minimal Input To construct a complete set of cluster configuration, the minimal input are `Cluster`, `Network` and `Versions` documents. To see complete examples of these, please see the [example](example/vagrant-input-config.yaml). The `Cluster` configuration must contain an entry for each host for which configuration should be generated. Each host must contain an `ip`, and optionally `roles` and `additional_labels`. Valid `roles` are currently `genesis` and `master`. `additional_labels` are Kubernetes labels which will be added to the node. Here's an example `Cluster` document: ```yaml apiVersion: promenade/v1 kind: Cluster metadata: name: example target: none spec: nodes: n0: ip: roles: - master - genesis additional_labels: - beta.kubernetes.io/arch=amd64 ``` The `Network` document must contain: - `cluster_domain` - The domain for the cluster, e.g. `cluster.local`. - `cluster_dns` - The IP of the cluster DNS,e .g. ``. - `kube_service_ip` - The IP of the `kubernetes` service, e.g. ``. - `pod_ip_cidr` - The CIDR from which pod IPs will be assigned, e.g. ``. - `service_ip_cidr` - The CIDR from which service IPs will be assigned, e.g. ``. - `etcd_service_ip` - The IP address of the `etcd` service, e.g. ``. - `dns_servers` - A list of upstream DNS server IPs. Optionally, proxy settings can be specified here as well. These should all generally be set together: `http_proxy`, `https_proxy`, `no_proxy`. Here's an example `Network` document: ```yaml apiVersion: promenade/v1 kind: Network metadata: cluster: example name: example target: all spec: cluster_domain: cluster.local cluster_dns: kube_service_ip: pod_ip_cidr: service_ip_cidr: etcd_service_ip: dns_servers: - - http_proxy: http://proxy.example.com:8080 https_proxy: http://proxy.example.com:8080 no_proxy:,,kubernetes ``` The `Versions` document must define the Promenade image to be used and the Docker package version. Currently, only the versions specified for these two items are respected. Here's an example `Versions` document: ```yaml apiVersion: promenade/v1 kind: Versions metadata: cluster: example name: example target: all spec: images: promenade: quay.io/attcomdev/promenade:latest packages: docker: docker.io=1.12.6-0ubuntu1~16.04.1 ``` Given these documents (see the [example](example/vagrant-input-config.yaml)), Promenade can derive the remaining configuration and generate certificates and keys using the following command: ```bash mkdir -p configs docker run --rm -t \ -v $(pwd):/target \ quay.io/attcomdev/promenade:latest \ promenade -v generate \ -c /target/example/vagrant-input-config.yaml \ -o /target/configs ``` This will generate the following files in the `configs` directory: - `up.sh` - A script which will bring up a node to create or join a cluster. - `admin-bundle.yaml` - A collection of generated certificates, private keys and core configuration. - `complete-bundle.yaml` - A set of generated documents suitable for upload into Drydock for future delivery to nodes to be provisioned to join the cluster. Additionally, a YAML file for each host described in the `Cluster` document will be placed here. These files each contain every document needed for that particular node to create or join the cluster.