# Overview Promenade is tool for deploying self-hosted Kubernetes clusters using [bootkube](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/bootkube). ## Quickstart using Vagrant Make sure you have [Vagrant](https://vagrantup.com) and [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) installed. Then install the `vagrant-hostmanager` plugin. ```bash vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager ``` Build the genesis and join images and save them to disk for quick loading into the Vagrant VMs. ```bash make save ``` Start the VMs and save a snapshot for quicker iteration: ```bash vagrant up vagrant snapshot save clean ``` Spin up a cluster: ```bash ./test-install.sh ``` Watch nodes spin up: ```bash watch kubectl --insecure-skip-tls-verify --kubeconfig <(sed 's/kubernetes:443/' < assets/kubeconfig) get nodes ``` To test changes, you can safely reset single or multiple nodes: ```bash vagrant snapshot resotre n2 clean --no-provision vagrant snapshot restore clean --no-provision ``` ## Detailed Deployment The basic outline for deploying a cluster is: 1. Overwrite the placeholder assets in the `assets` directory. 2. Make sure the `Makefile` lists the images and versions you expect to be required. 3. Build the images with `make build` 4. Setup each host with the following: - DNS resolution pointing `kubernetes` to the appropriate IPs for the Kubernetes API - A running docker daemon, configured to use the DNS resolution specified above (see `vagrant-assets/docker-daemon.json`) 5. Transfer the appropriate images to each host. You may find it useful to run `make save`, transfer the image and then use `docker load -i ...` to restore it rather than to rely on a registry. 6. On the genesis (seed) server, start the cluster: `docker run --rm -v /:/target -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e NODE_HOSTNAME=genesis-node.fqdn quay.io/attcomdev/promenade-genesis:dev` 7. On each additional node: `docker run --rm -v /:/target -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.osck -e NODE_HOSTNAME=join-node.fqdn quay.io/attcomdev/promenade-join:dev`