# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from promenade import exceptions from promenade import logging from promenade.utils.validation_message import ValidationMessage import jsonschema import os import pkg_resources import yaml __all__ = ['check_schema', 'check_schemas'] LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def check_design(config): kinds = ['Docker', 'Genesis', 'HostSystem', 'Kubelet', 'KubernetesNetwork'] validation_msg = ValidationMessage() for kind in kinds: count = 0 schema = None name = None for doc in config.documents: schema = doc.get('schema', None) if not schema: msg = '"schema" is a required document key.' exc = exceptions.ValidationException(msg) validation_msg.add_error_message(str(exc), name=exc.title) return validation_msg name = schema.split('/')[1] if name == kind: count += 1 if count != 1: msg = ('There are {0} {1} documents. However, there should be one.' ).format(count, kind) exc = exceptions.ValidationException(msg) validation_msg.add_error_message( str(exc), name=exc.title, schema=schema, doc_name=kind) return validation_msg def check_schemas(documents, schemas=None): if not schemas: schemas = load_schemas_from_docs(documents) for document in documents: check_schema(document, schemas=schemas) def check_schema(document, schemas=None): if not isinstance(document, dict): msg = 'Non-dictionary document passed to schema validation.' LOG.error(msg) return schema_name = document.get('schema', '') LOG.debug('Validating schema for schema=%s metadata.name=%s', schema_name, document.get('metadata', {}).get('name', '')) schema_set = SCHEMAS if schemas is None else schemas if schema_name in schema_set: try: jsonschema.validate(document.get('data'), schema_set[schema_name]) except jsonschema.ValidationError as e: raise exceptions.ValidationException(str(e)) else: LOG.warning('Skipping validation for unknown schema: %s', schema_name) SCHEMAS = {} def load_schemas_from_docs(doc_set): ''' Fills the cache of known schemas from the document set ''' SCHEMA_SCHEMA = "deckhand/DataSchema/v1" schema_set = dict() for document in doc_set: if document.get('schema', '') == SCHEMA_SCHEMA: name = document['metadata']['name'] LOG.debug("Found schema for %s." % name) if name in schema_set: raise RuntimeError('Duplicate schema specified for: %s' % name) schema_set[name] = document['data'] return schema_set def _load_schemas(): ''' Fills the cache of known schemas ''' schema_dir = _get_schema_dir() for schema_file in os.listdir(schema_dir): with open(os.path.join(schema_dir, schema_file)) as f: for schema in yaml.safe_load_all(f): name = schema['metadata']['name'] if name in SCHEMAS: raise RuntimeError( 'Duplicate schema specified for: %s' % name) SCHEMAS[name] = schema['data'] def _get_schema_dir(): return pkg_resources.resource_filename('promenade', 'schemas') # Fill the cache _load_schemas()